Warden Towers

You know, this gets brought up a lot here, doesn’t it? And no, I don’t agree with the tired response of “Odyn would have been angry.” Odyn’s a weird dude, and probably would have been helping punch the Legion once we got him free just for the fun of it any way. And yes, I do agree with the point of “Genn had no idea why Sylvanas was there.” That is definitely true, and at the beginning of Stormheim even I was angry at Genn for getting the Skyfire blown up in blind rage upon seeing the Forsaken.

But, you know, despite Genn’s actions, he doesn’t actually stop the player from getting the Aegis and bringing it to Dalaran. Regardless of if the player is Horde or Alliance. So Genn’s actions didn’t actually stop the Horde from helping (if they’re the canonical hero for the zone in our Schrödinger’s canon situation).

So that really just leaves us with the idea that Sylvanas was invested in fighting the Legion with her forces. But something about the Battle for Lordaeron gave me flashbacks to my Horde alts flying through the Broke Isles:

    Sylvanas Windrunner yells: Enough meddling! The towers, the towers!

What we saw of Sylvanas’ forces in Legion weren’t put to use fighting the Legion. Instead, Sylvanas sent them all to fight the Gilneans at the Warden Towers. So Genn’s actions didn’t even destroy all of the Forsaken’s forces that could have been used to fight the Legion.

But what we were shown of the Forsaken forces was Sylvanas ordering them to waste their time for revenge in the middle of the Legion invasion just the same as Genn.


I really would put zero stock in the warden towers. They are never once brought up in actual story, and only serve as a pvp excuse. Sylvanas and Genn were angry at each other, and you need to have some sort of alliance v horde at the pvp objectives, they fit the best. Could have easily been blood elves and night elves fighting over it cause elves, but Genn and Sylvanas’s forces were the right skin to put over the pvp objectives.


Sure, except that when people bring up the forces that Sylvanas could have use to fight the Legion, we never actually see her do that, so I can’t really put any stock into that idea, either.

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If you want to get technical, as warchief all the Horde are her forces. Forsaken have also been fighting the woofers for longest, so if they’re to be fought for whatever reason the towers were useful for, the forsaken are the ones to do it and vice versa. As for not using the Forsaken, if I was in her position, I wouldn’t be sending them into direct contact with the Legion when Genn is hounding you and could swing in at any moment to kill them all, and the Forsaken arn’t the most numerous and have a limited amount of very valuable valk’kyr to work with. Just imagein Genns reaction to hearing a forsaken group has one of Sylvanas’s val’kyr with them and are in a bad spot against a legion attack.


Sure, but then if the Warden Towers are canon, that would be even worse.

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Not really, Genn took away her chance to make a respawning army to match the Legion, so it’s better to have other facets of the Horde fight the Legion, or else Genn will just wait it out and two birds with one stone it. It’d be a massive risk every time she deployed them.

What I mean, though, is if the Warden Towers are canon, then she’s literally just grinding away at her remaining Forsaken against the Gilneans at the Warden Towers. She can’t even collect the dead Gilneans to make more Forsaken because they’re all Worgen.

Well the Warden towers are apparently important, for reasons I guess, and if she has other bits of the Horde fighting the legion so Genn doesn’t pincer them, the Forsaken are the only ones left to deal with the towers. Better to use them against something where you might win something oof worth “towers” over having them sap into a respawning demon army only to get ganked by worgen anyway.

Sure, if she thought the Warden Towers were important. But this is what she yelled every time you got near one with a world quest:

    Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: Greymane's forces hold this Warden tower. Break their ranks! Show no mercy!

I never did the quests, but apparently this is her finishing line:

    Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: Our forces prevail! Watch them panic and flee like the dogs they are! For the Horde!
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Yeah but really dude, they’re just Pvp objectives and her and Genn going at each other is what makes the most sense if there has to be pvp objectives. Any part of the Horde could be fighting any part of the Alliance over them and it would be equally dumb. I guarantee you between the two of us in this thread alone we have put in more thought to the why of the towers then blizzard did.


Hahaha, very true. Still, that’s all we ever actually see Sylvanas use the Forsaken for through Legion, so I don’t really like this idea that Genn’s attacking the Forsaken meant there were less forces that would have actually been used against the Legion, or that it somehow stopped the player for getting the Aegis for Dalaran.

I think the idea is that after getting the queen bee, Sylvanas could throw the forsaken at the Legion perpetually, as well as raising the dead like the Ebon Blade does to get their troop recruits, at a faster rate then the legion could actually respawn demons onto Azeroth and get some ground, not really the forces that she has at her disposal without said queen bee.

By stopping her getting Eyir, Genn stopped her having a “limitless” army to match the Legions. Also from memory, Sylvanas wants to do this all solo and its not until Genn really gets on her butt that she gets the pc involved, but Genn distracts the Alliance player by requesting them come work with him.

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Sure, but wasn’t that the idea behind the Valarjar, too, after we freed them? Seems rather redundant unnecessary just to go from one risen army to another.

Edit: Since not even redundant, since wouldn’t really change the number of soldiers over all.

Sept thats Odyns army, not ours, and not counting the valajar troops the warrior gets, which is independent of that whole mess, and defending himself against their attack, Odyn doesn’t use them, nor was that ever on the table I believe.

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Sure they were, they helped us out on the Broken Shore the second time when we invaded to get to the Tomb of Sargeras.

With one camp that sat as a flight point the entire time.

They also gave us world quests and were part of the intro scenario (which really should have been the climax of the story, not the intro).

That’s really nothing compared to an army of perpetual zombies. Also, I don’t think the valajar are a limitless army or anything. Once on the ground, and not in Odyns hall where he controls everything, i am pretty sure they go ded ded, and he was also dealing with Helya jackin his bois. (I know how that sounds)

I dunno. Didn’t the Warrior get Ymiron back into his service? That guy was like twice dead. And yeah, Helya’s guys converting the Valajar into Kvaldir was freaky, but we defeated her to free Odyn, so that wasn’t a problem any more by the time of the second go at the Broken Shore.

Clearly you just don’t understand Sylvanas’ intentions for those Warden Towers. Which is understandable. You need to have a high IQ to really “get” Sylvanas. A lot of her logic flies over the head of those with lesser minds. She’s a very deep and philosophical character. Far more complicated than your Anduins or Baines.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to hit up McDonalds for some Sylvanas Sauce.