Horde's coolest themes, best credit and appeals will go to the Alliance

Anduin: Oh no! Sylvanas is using the Blight!
Genn: Damn that cunning Banshee!
Anduin: Don’t beat yourself up, Genn. No one could have predicted this.
Genn: Curse that woman’s tactical genius! I’d never have seen this coming, that she’d use the same blight she’s used in every major offensive the Forsaken have undertaken since it’s creation was perfected, including the conquest of my own kingdom!
Anduin: Truly there was no way to know she had this powerful weapon in her arsenal. To think they were producing it here, in the heart of their stronghold.
Genn: If only we’d had any evidence she would use such a weapon…

The Undercity was evacuated before the assault even began. The Horde’s retreat was planned from the start. The entire battle was Sylvanas attempting to remove as many Alliance leaders as possible in one fel swoop. She baited the trap, and they walked right into it blindly.

Let’s be real. He surrendered.

Temporarily. They gave it up, and have both back. Can’t say the same for Teldrassil and Darnassus.


Are we reading the same threads? It comes up basically every time players discuss the problems of their favorite factions. Here are a few examples that I pulled up on a quick search, but there are tons and tons more.


The void elves and gnomes totally routed the Forsaken forces. We see it ingame. Even when you win it is never enough for you.



Also you’re wrong. Nelf druids are killing civvies in the sewers when the Horde player first arrives.

He was fighting. He was captured.
He was locked in Stormwind’s dungeon.

They do not have their capital back at all.
But not only do nelves have a new capital, Tyrande confirms they’re regrowing and retaking Teldrassil/Darnassus.

Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.



The ruins of Capital city are not Undercity. It’s still locked away. And then new nelf hub was created out of nothing.

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We already knew he went out there to die. If you’re not fighting to win, you’re surrendering. Whether that’s to the enemy or death, it’s still surrendering.

I may be wrong, but wasn’t the whole point of the quest where you unlock Dark Ranger customizations about the Forsaken taking back the Undercity, to the point they even get help from Maldraxxus to clear out the Blight?

Come on, dude.

My quote was merely pointing out that both sides have perception issues with regards to how people feel when it comes to playing a specific side

The few times I ever said the alliance should punch back was when it involved retaking gilneas. Otherwise, it doesn’t change the fact the alliance is often portrayed as incompetent and weak when fighting the horde, and our wins are only clarified in tweets and rarely ingame.

The horde also has its own issues with how they’re ultimately handled though too. Least of which the game beating horde players over the head and telling them how much they suck for playing the evil horde faction and Saurfang himself saying that the horde was never good to begin with


No just Tirisfal. The Forsaken never settled the City. Undercity is most likley still full of green goo.

That’s weak.
He’s an orc.
He tried to go out in battle.

The alliance killed civilians and also forced the entire horde army to evacuate a horde racial homeland and capital.

The alliance utterly defeated the horde army and captured a horde racial leader.

You say these aren’t victories.
You’re a liar.


Also missed the bit about undercity.

Amirdrassil has trade chat, hearthstone, etc.
Capital city has none of that.


Sure—I hope you don’t feel that I’ve misrepresented you. But based on the bit that I highlighted above, would it be fair to say that you’re one of the players who would like to see the Alliance portrayed as being effective against the Horde (whether it’s done by the method I suggested or some other one)?

it’s a hole Blizzard dug for themselves by making the Alliance so much more powerful than the Horde on paper- then they realized that that means that Horde can only continue to exist if the Alliance is portrayed as incompetent.


If you do the undead heritage, the upper portion, at least, is inhabitable (and inhabited).

That is what happens when you get too much magical power involved in fights. That is why Tolkien barley ever used magic at all. So the heroes actually struggle hard against the enemy and some times you even think it is hopeless. Not in Warcraft. The Alliance is so OP by now they just walz in with minimal casualties and own the scene every time.

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Not at all friend. I’m one those players who’s against the faction conflict. I rather see GOOD stories for both sides. I just want both sides to smash some c’thuluesque cultists, ramapaging bug people, or whatever the current threat is and feel like they accomplished something

Than we can have both sides team up in the final patch to take the fight to that expansions Big Bad

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The way to the elevator is locked still. You can’t enter the actual city. And the ruins are just that. An abandoned place wihtout any real buildings.

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But the upper portion, at least, is cleared out. We don’t know if the effects of Sylvanas’s CUNNING TRAP are still effecting Undercity, unless someone has some data on that that I’ve missed.

It was kind of nice to chill out on the ramparts and look spooky, though.

The marvel of Lordaeron’s Capital City being a wall around an empty plot of land smaller than a single neighborhood in Stormwind should remind you that Blizzard really hates having to put in the effort to create something as complex and narratively diverse as a settlement with more than three buildings and seven inhabitants.

Don’t even approach me with excuses on “resources” and “scale.”

It’s 2024, not 2004. Computers can handle it, Blizzard just would rather spend the time on another raid in a monstrously oversized series of corridors inside buildings big enough to contain every city in the game.


Yes, it appears we are reading the same threads. As Karestae responded to you, almost all of those quotes you provided are from posters complaining about how the Alliance was portrayed for BfA, not what they want the Alliance to be now after Dragonflight.

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