Wouldn't it be shocking

looks at the Horde redemption thread Hrmm…I see people calling for that, and you know it’s more common and expected.

I don’t think that’s a good thing either, that’s why I was hoping Tyrande would stay on that path, even without NW…but you know, the problem is, the game would be over if blizz did that, like I said before, this action is not for the integrity of the alliance but for keeping the horde as a playable faction.

its even harm and damage the alliance, show them as weaklings, so many people think the alliance is weak…and have no bite, because they allways give up on their grudges, and the horde is often shown as METALL, as Powerfull, as more dominant force.

This attitude as if nothing had happened on the part of the alliance can also be interpreted as weakness ala “please don’t hit me again, I am also nice to you”.