Honestly, if MoP had just been a war over resources between the Horde and the Alliance with the Pandaren as the innocent victims caught in between the two factions, it would have been a better expansion. However…I think that the die was cast once Blizzard had the Horde blow up Theramore.
Luckily for you, you’ll likely get what you want. The Alliance heroes will continue to be absurdly powerful and all agree with each other, and if they ever decide to do another faction war it’ll be because some member of the Horde randomly decided to commit some horrific war crime, then the Alliance can come around kick thier teeth in.
I specifically want there never to be another faction war, so that would not be me getting what I want. I want the faction divide dissolved and to be able to quest with my friends’ Horde characters on my main or my friends’ Alliance characters on my Horde alts.
Agreed. I’m also at the point where I feel faction should be a decision at character creation, regardless of race. If you’re a Night Elf who wants to chill with the Tauren or vice versa, go for it. A Forsaken reconnecting with their living kin? By all means. A human or orc mercenary working for the opposite faction? Go make that gold.
It’s hilarious as any race can be convinced to join the Scourge, the Twilight’s Hammer, the Burning Crusade, the Primalists, etc… but they draw the line at, “Oh HELL NAW! I am NOT joining the Horde/Alliance!”
The only way I see the factions going away is if the Horde is formally dissolved.
And after that, there’s only two possible outcomes. Either the Alliance is dissolved too because with no Horde to counterbalance it, its leadership sees it at unncessary. Each race becomes a faction unto itself and pursues its own interests.
Or, Horde races are folded into the Alliance, the cast of Alliance Superfriends grows to include Thrall, Baine, and some blood elves.
Both options have problems, but I think the first one might at least be interesting.
I don’t think the Horde will ever be dissolved, formally or informally. People care about the thematics, aesthetics, and cultures of the Horde. The Horde and Alliance can be cooperative without either needing to be done away with.
This would be pretty great to be honest.
That said, I don’t see the Horde or Alliance being dissolved. The member nations stand to gain a lot from both organizations so long as the right people are in charge, and right now both factions have the right people in charge.
Besides, they don’t exist only to fight one another. Every year there’s some new galactic threat popping up to end all life as they know it.
I don’t think any faction needs to be dissolved. Just evolve. I do think if the Alliance and Horde are not going to be enemies, they need some new identity. I don’t mean new names or drastically changing everything about them, but taking into account the new context of the world and making some logical changes. The two factions are now at peace. They aren’t going back to war anytime soon.etc so that matters.
I literally would honestly prefer to play a Horde where they just totally go back to being pure plain evil, with each and every Horde PC and NPC’s life goal to make Jeffrey Dahmer vomit in disgust, than THAT.
Only way for the horde to have a heroic story is for the alliance to look inept as all their plans slowly apart.
It’s a tiring and boring story telling trope that I think most alliance players here are sick of. Because it happens every time both sides fight.
Rather bathe in lava before dealing with that sort of nonsense again
As much as I love the idea of Duke Forkbeard, I don’t think that we are going to get another faction war any time soon.
However, we could more realistically hope for a battle against the threat of the week to be led by Horde characters for a change, and perhaps to have the expansion area be Horde themed.
I’m still mad blizzard screwed me out of being Duke Dreadmoore.
Every time I swim in lava in game I think “There’s something wrong with this planet if its magma is all the density of water.”
Well with the latest season of discovery, well discoveries. I wouldn’t mind if we turn Illari Duskfeather into our resident bad guy punching bag both Alliance/Horde can take out as well as any sympathizers to her cause.
She can be the Maiev standing up raid boss I always wanted.
I never intended outright war myself, just a return to Vanilla style rivalry where while there’s SOME mutual respect on both sides, it’s still mired in too much hostility for them to willing to join forces until there’s almost literally no other choice. Even in Vanilla we had the battle against the return on C’Thun for example.
I find the idea of actual peace between the two Factions so repulsive that I’d rather there be eternal war, even if that meant absolutely and forever destroying the ‘Good’ Horde and locking them into revoltingly insane, vile evil. At least that would be an end to the horrible schizo writing they’ve endured over and over and over.
“Go play Classic”? Exactly what I HAVE been doing; but as enjoyable as it is, it’s still old content that I’ve done before, nostalgia wanes. I want NEW narrative content that isn’t a steaming pile, but that all we’ve been served for three full expansions now. I think I’m only still here at all do to addiction issues.
EDIT: ugh, sorry about the rant, I know it’s hardly constructive, I guess I was just in a mood.
That’d make Lordaeron an Alliance victory which is clearly wrong. If anything, it was a Sylvanas victory, who at that point in time was Horde aligned.
And to think the Horde needed even more victories after such a devastating defeat of the Alliance in Kalimdor is laughable.
Lordaeron was a victory for the alliance. You are insane if you think otherwise. The Forsaken were routed and Sylvanas was forced to retreat to Orgrimmar and Saurfang was taken captive. Teldrassil was shock value to mark the Horde as evil and deserving of revenge. The most crushing blow was the attack on the trolls which was the end of the Horde war campaign and having our own leaders betray us for the humans.
I guess that I would say that we should have peace between the factions, but an uneasy peace disrupted not by the factions themselves but by splinter groups within each faction, e.g. the aforementioned Duke Forkbeard.
On a side tangent, I tried playing Classic, but its mechanical deficiencies relative to modern WoW overrode any preference for the story or content.
I would say that Lordaeron was a mechanical victory for the Alliance, but felt like an emotional defeat, if that makes sense. I suppose if you think about it there were some parallels to Teldrassil which was arguably a mechanical victory for the Horde, but felt like an emotional defeat. So well played, Blizz, you managed to disappoint all players…
The Alliance: Completely defeats the Horde in every way, including defeating the army so thoroughly that the entire army has to use an emergency portal to evacuate, capturing the orcish racial leader, and forcing the horde out of its vanilla racial zone and capital.
Elesa: it’s not enough.
Nelf players are so greedy.