Horde's coolest themes, best credit and appeals will go to the Alliance

Some of those posts are from as recently as two months ago. Clearly, there are some Alliance players who are still smarting about BfA and still want to see what they perceive as its injustices rectified in the game.

BTW, I do plan to respond to other points made upthread by you and other posters, when I get the time.


We only just got the Alliance resolution to BfA this patch which came out said two months ago. Of course it’s come up again.


Which is still faster then the Worgen resolution or literally anything for trolls.

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I definitely do not want there to be any Alliance warmongers. There was a time when I would’ve wanted that, but as I’ve said in another thread, I don’t want to see another faction war story as long as I live.

Seeing people who are offended one way or another by the faction war is exhausting, dealing with my own emotional investment in this games story that has been repeatedly betrayed over the years, is exhausting. The entire thing is exhausting.

I think there are ways for there to be tension and competition without direct war or hostilities. I think that if people want War in Warcraft, then Warmode should facilitate that for them with additional systems, but should not be canonized.

I’m old and tired, dude. I don’t want to get fired up over a video game story anymore.


I just ran into humie roleplayers playing lord of tirisfal and I couldn’t do anything about it because if you’re warmode in Tirisfal, you’re not in the same phase – and no guards kill Alliance in Capital City.

But what’s his face is saying that the Forsaken got their capital back.


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Undercity was the best Horde city before Silvermoon happened. And no one likes Orgrimmar.

I mean, they have got that place back. People rping doesn’t really change anything nor do you have to accept everyone’s personal rp. If I saw someone rping as “Lord of Tirisfal” I would write them off as crazy or ambitious and arrogant. Possibly all of those things. I don’t get why you have to “do anything about it” when it comes to this rp. Just ignore them. 99.9% of people won’t accept them as that and if they want to play in a bubble it’s whatever. You could also try to reach out to them to do a storyline if you can’t ignore it.


Not quite… for a long time the Forsaken were very much the Horde’s dark shadow. I remember deeds such as using a Tauren for experimental purposes while purposely lying with the claim they were treating her. For many Forsaken NPCs their dark emotions were the only ones that they would express.

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Oh, they have always been the darkest shade of grey in the Horde, for sure. And some of them have done undeniably evil acts. But as a group, they are still a shade of grey and not pure evil. Especially in the first few expansions, when they had the very understandable goal of revenge against Arthas.

It was heavily implied that they weren’t capable of true positive emotions, at least not for long. But there was a pretty wide range of attitudes among the NPCs at launch. Some had a sort of grim cheeriness about them, some seemed aware of what they had lost, and some were just kind of neutral, going about their new everyday lives.


No they literally have not.
You cannot enter Undercity without phasing to past time.

You cannot rest in Capital City.
You cannot hearth to Capital City.
You cannot use trade in Capital City.
Guards do not kill, nor have their eyes on Alliance players in Capital City.

I’d say it’s no different than being in Brill, but that would be a lie because you can hearth to Brill, use a flightmaster in Brill, and rest in Brill.

I bet Solarion feels real dumb liking your post now, lol.


Okay, now what about the rest of the post?

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When you lead with a lie I stop reading the rest, disprove the lie, and move on.

Why would you expect me to waste my time with someone who’s dishonest??

That’s okay. You just have a bad attention span. I won’t judge you for that. But you should go back and read it. It’s good advice for the issue you brought up.

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Currently, in lore, we know that no human is the Lord of Tirisfal.

Which means you can probably not get too fussed about someone RPing something not backed up by any sources.

Would it be nice if Under-Undercity was accessible? Yeah, probably, but the game isn’t always phased to reflect our latest information – which comes from the undead heritage quests and Exploring Kalimdor. Not some dude who apparently wants to be king of rotting pumpkins and large spiders.


Roleplay advice has nothing to do with the fact that blizzard has made it easier for the alliance to use the og forsaken racial land.

The alliance ruined it. There’s a scar through tirisfal arthas style.

Meanwhile, if we enter nelf lane, we have a debuff making it more than apparent that aren’t forgiven like the alliance is.

Still no word if the Horde have left Ashenvale, so there’s plausible reason still for the debuff even if the Horde did help at Amirdrassil.

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There is word, they’re still there.
But you’re missing my point.

The Horde did something monstrous to the Alliance.
The Alliance deadscarred the Forsaken in return.

No one cares about red dead cause bad.
Only nelves matter.

That was from before Shadowlands. On top of the time it took for the expansion to take place, there’s been a time skip, and now the whole of Dragonflight as well. We don’t know the current state of Kalimdor.

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Your Ashenvale headcanon is utterly superfluous.

Gonna go camp some nelves in dragonflight zones.

The rest of your post didn’t matter to me. I was just pointing out why the debuff might make sense, and you agreed, given you believe the Horde is still in Ashenvale.