Horde retcon [spoiler]

Ironically, as a writer, one can make a chaotic stupid character interesting. It just takes the heroes realizing the villain is genuinely stupid. And everyone treats said villain as stupid. They’re never seen as a genuine threat. Because they’re not. They’re more comic side relief.

Until said villain pulls a wham episode and does something Truly diabolical. And everyone’s jaw drops.

Then everyone is scrambling to clean up the mess. And said villain is no longer Chaotic Stupid, they’ve entered the Monster category.

I personally don’t think they should have ever been part of the horde, but again, that’s just personal opinion, I don’t feel that they add anything to the horde narrative as a whole.

However, if this is post Sylvanas leaving, and the Forsaken realizing that their overwhelming trust in Sylvanas has been shattered, and she abandoned them like the tools she believed they were. I could see the new leadership trying to reforge the undead as a whole into something different.

I’m personally okay with them trying to take a step away from the Sadist, Murderhobo style undead that seems to have cropped up recently.

Those Undead significantly blurred the line between Scourge and Forsaken, and honestly didn’t belong in the horde in my personal opinion.

For them to really continue to be able to keep their place in the horde, they -need- to change.

I’m tired of the horde having to take the brunt of the blame from the stupid sadist psychopathic undead causing trouble, and I’m tired of said undead getting to hide behind the horde to avoid retaliation for the messed up stupid things they do.


This already sounds so much better than the combined cinematics, quest text, books, and scenarios we got lmao

okay maybe i read things wrong but, when was the burning of teldrassil retconned?

okay that quote has nothing to do with teldrassil at all.

Eh. If you say so? I still really don’t find that interesting.

It’s far more likely they bumbled their way into something, than actually managing to pull something off, It just makes a mess you have to clean up. It doesn’t make the character more interesting at all. Just finally managed to actually be a problem.

read the twitter posts inside the image. blanduin tells alliance that they need the fat guys cus the horde got zandalari…no mention of teldrassil, of the war, nothing. just go on your way and recruit KT.

Okay? that doesnt mean teldrassil didn’t happen at all. it just means “ohey the horde is recruiting the zandalari who have a huge fleet, the kul tirans have a huge fleet. help us recruit them!”

Looks like rather than putting edge into the Alliance they are making the Horde dull.


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Ion says a lot of things. He also lies a lot, too.


Yeah by glossing over the reasons why that war even started to begin with.

Step 1: Comply in the genocide of thousands of lives and the burning of a world tree
Step 2: Look away like nothing happened
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Only You Can Be a Defender of Azeroth!

and how, pray tell, do new players ever hear about this, if they are forced into bfa right from newbie island and not even the nelf starting flavor text makes any mention of it? what a twisted interpretation of “history is written by the victors” is that? lol

it not being shoved in players faces like star platinum oraing a wall doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

Yeah like i said.

Personally I doubt it though, but that’s just my opinion. Time will tell.

You should see my brain activity when insomnia kicks in. If I could hire a writer, he could use me as an idea farm for the next century. Seriously, I can come up with great and crazy ideas.

And I’ve been slowly working on a novel, while improving my writing skills. Just slow going. My brain doesn’t like to cooperate. Especially right now with all the messed up things going on.

We still eat people, but we do it for the greater good! You do realize that people are the leading cause of global warming? Also if we don’t eat those people they could grow up to be cannibalistic monsters!


Again, ignoring the precedent of how the intro quest text was VERY detailed and explained key lore events:

Though Lady Sylvanas and the Forsaken finally took vengeance upon their hated enemy, The Lich King, their dark crusade in Northrend proved costly. Betrayed by Grand Apothecary Putress at the Battle of Wrathgate, the Forsaken’s devious plague of death was unleashed upon both the Alliance and Horde to calamitous effect. Unbeknownst to Sylvanas, Putress and his demonic ally Varimathras had taken control of the Undercity. As a result, the Forsaken were wrongfully blamed for the traitors’ atrocities. Though the Undercity was eventually retaken, Sylvanas and her followers still bear the weight of Putress’ sins. Mistrusted by the other members of the Horde, the Forsaken must now prove their loyalty to the cause and redeem themselves from their supposed treachery.
To this end, Sylvanas has bolstered her defenses within the Tirisfal Glades and readied her undead forces for any contingency. As one of the forsaken, you must use your cunning and viciousness to slay any who would pose a threat to Sylvanas’s rule. Be they human, undead, or otherwise.

It’s ok though, keep going for the Defender of Blizzard title

hahahaha! plus we vulpera can attest that fertilizer is hard to come by!

They literally say death to the living when you click on npc’s