Horde retcon [spoiler]

You’re missing what I’m trying to say. It’s not that there can’t be consequences. It’s that, ultimately, there aren’t.

It’s not that they don’t have a background or motivations. It’s that they don’t have to face consequences that they care about. Baine wasn’t worried about what would happen to him as a result of freeing Derek. He was worried about what would happen to his people. Then, when all the scores were tallied up, the only person that died was Saurfang (whose entire reason for being was to die an honorable death at that point).

It’s the same problem that Anduin had up until BfA, except while they’re seemingly moving him forward they’re moving Baine and Thrall back.

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gosh can we get usha eyegouge as warchief? “this reminds me of my days in alterac! my long, looong days in alterac…”

I bet she has several cool stories about dwarf smashing.


And the same problem Sylvanas has, where she never suffers any consequences for her own actions either.

It’s not a “Good guy” thing, it’s a WoW writing in general thing.

So we agree they’re boring, got it. I’m glad we cleared that up.

That’s come up before when writing gets discussed. WoW is a prime example of how NOT to write.

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They aren’t boring, it’s simply a trope of WoW writing.

Glad to see you still don’t get it. Have fun with that I suppose.

With one fel swoop they have completely destroyed everything great about the horde. This is symptomatic of what is wrong with current wow… The horde was a race of hope and adventure, our future and role within Azeroth felt like our own to carve out. We as players got to choose what that legacy will be and how it unfolded (at least it always USED to feel that way), classic, tbc, wotlk, cata it always felt like we were making history, being a part of this grand adventure, now its just a narrative driven from the minds of blizzard. Where I think oh ok this is the story they are telling, I have to play through this arc and hopefully they will get back to something interesting later.

They don’t seem to care about what the players find interesting and want to see more of. Its just we have this content we need to push, world building be damned its all about this tier.


It’s been 15+ Years, the path’s already been carved out 4 times at this point. It’s now mostly about defending it against everyone who wants to take it away from us at this point. :roll_eyes:

Putting all this on Sylvanas takes away all the nuances and meaning of what happened, and it’s also insulting to the Horde because none of the leaders stopped it from happening. If anyone in the lore department cared about the quality of writing, then the Horde would’ve overthrown Sylvanas in 5 seconds.

At least with Garrosh, we saw Vol’jin clapping back and the Horde being torn apart. And even then, Garrosh still abide by SOME code of conduct (at least in the beginning). What we saw in BfA was everyone complying with Sylvanas until Baine realized that “too much” was when Derek got raised… instead of (1) genocide or (2) plaguing your own people.

Now we’re seeing the Horde identity being stripped away. They were struggling for survival, and fighting against a xenophobic Alliance. Then overnight, they’re becoming a faction that are proud defenders of Azeroth when there’s multiple instances of their faction committing atrocities to Azeroth.

The writing is a mess.


BfA is will be the scene from Dallas where Bobby walks out of the shower and it the previous season was just a dream .

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Zelling? Saurfang?

The fact that something’s a trope doesn’t automatically make it interesting. Regardless, since (I’m pretty sure) we agree that this is getting us nowhere fast, I think I’ll call it quits here.

Not really?

She’s literally the reason all of this happened, her and Gallywix, both of them should be shot, and left in a ditch to rot and never be heard from again.

The entirety of BFA was as a whole poorly done, because blizzard was desperately trying to shoe-horn in a stupid Alliance vs Horde thing again, because for some stupid reason they thought that’s what people wanted, even when narratively it made no sense.

The driving force behind all of this is Sylvanas and her stupid background off camera, out of the blue “Deal” she made with the Jailer.

So in the end, yes. this is 100% Sylvanas, and she will continue to shoulder the entirety of the blame for all of this, and in my personal opinion, she cannot die fast enough, and clear out the rot that’s sinking into the narrative with the over fixation on a stupid “Ranger General” whose never made a solid sound plan that worked in her entire life. :roll_eyes:

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you do know that this retcon is part of her redemption already unfolding right? that when you make a new night elf you dont even hear about teldrassil? boy are you in for a dissapointment.

You do you, even the “Generic” good guys of Azeroth are still more interesting than the Chaotic stupid villians in my book. :woman_shrugging:

Yes, now if we can see that written in game…

I don’t care if the other Horde races get the good guy treatment. But Blizzard trying to turn Forsaken into selfless heroes is the dumbest narrative choice made in any fantasy universe i’ve been apart of.

Just change the Forsaken’s Racial to “Soilent Seeker” and call it a day.


Ironically, as a writer, one can make a chaotic stupid character interesting. It just takes the heroes realizing the villain is genuinely stupid. And everyone treats said villain as stupid. They’re never seen as a genuine threat. Because they’re not. They’re more comic side relief.

Until said villain pulls a wham episode and does something Truly diabolical. And everyone’s jaw drops.

Then everyone is scrambling to clean up the mess. And said villain is no longer Chaotic Stupid, they’ve entered the Monster category.

I personally don’t think they should have ever been part of the horde, but again, that’s just personal opinion, I don’t feel that they add anything to the horde narrative as a whole.

However, if this is post Sylvanas leaving, and the Forsaken realizing that their overwhelming trust in Sylvanas has been shattered, and she abandoned them like the tools she believed they were. I could see the new leadership trying to reforge the undead as a whole into something different.

I’m personally okay with them trying to take a step away from the Sadist, Murderhobo style undead that seems to have cropped up recently.

Those Undead significantly blurred the line between Scourge and Forsaken, and honestly didn’t belong in the horde in my personal opinion.

For them to really continue to be able to keep their place in the horde, they -need- to change.

I’m tired of the horde having to take the brunt of the blame from the stupid sadist psychopathic undead causing trouble, and I’m tired of said undead getting to hide behind the horde to avoid retaliation for the messed up stupid things they do.