You are a partsoldier of the powerfulmighty Horde, a united group of disparate races seeking to carve their own path within Azerothdiverse band of races from across Azeroth who fight for freedom and honor.
You left the comforts of Silvermoon City to find power and greatness within Azeroth, like many blood elves before your people, the blood elves, have persevered through tragedy and betrayal. You toil to ensure Azeroth never endures such suffering again.
“As one of the undead Forsaken, you have been reanimated by dark magic. Though shunned by the living, you tirelessly strive to protect them.”
Though the orcs came to Azeroth as conquerors, your kind has shed the blood thrives for adventure, and you seek to prove your strength and honorirsty ways of old and now stand in defense of your new home.
Renouncing the savagery of the other tribes, you and your fellow Darkspear trolls protect Azeroth with cunning ferocity.
K, so thats the broadcast text for the original horde races. Questions:
- Are the forsaken still allowed to keep cannibalize as a racial? can blizz twist it into something something recycling is good?
- What happened to death to the scourge, and death to the living? Beware the living?
- Can Lor’themar be excused from their honeymoon by thalisrra for like 2 secs to tell his 9yo niece that he left in charge that his people are just a little bit meaner than that?
- Wont touch orcs and tauren, thats definetely baine and thrall. (can we leave them to rot in the maw?)
- trolls. there’s a reason they’re called headhunters. or have they moved on to just shrink garlic heads from here on out?
From the sounds of it they are also ‘removing’ the burning of Teldrassil, or otherwise going to re-narrate the events that happened there. Suddenly my interest in Shadowlands has plummeted… (sad)

I feel you. This is a pretty big turn off you could say. Well let’s hope the raids and dungeons are good, because I think I no longer give a damn about the lore.
As someone who plays WoW primarily as a role-player, the lore is literally my favourite aspect of the game. This is… just. Words fail me. They really do right now.

What the hell happened to our Horde!?!
The irony. This fast they’re uniting Horde and Alliance players … against Blizzard and their historical revisionism.
Yeah there’s two groups I really feel bad for right now. Nelf’s & RPers.
Why are we pretending Darkspear aren’t more tame than the other tribes? They renounced cannabalism after joining The Horde.
And when the other troll tribes called for The Darkspear to join them in reclaiming the troll world Vol’jin told them to stuff it.
Undead leadership has drastically changed from killer warmongering sylvanas to pacifist calia and jainas brother who i cant remember so of course there is no more death to the scourge and the living.
Baine has always been a whiney pacifist alliance lover
Lor’themar Theron and his people aren’t the super toxic snubby elves they were before they have grown better than before.
Thrall is back so the original honorable orcs are back.
Rohkan is a shadowhunter as vol’jin but being new as a leader he will be very slow to act outside of anything of his own tribe so give him some time to develop in his position.
Gallywix is missing in action and Gazlowe who has a lot better story development and personality is leading the goblins who actually cares about his people and their projects / tech so the goblins will turn out to be a lot better in personality and performance.
Plus The Horde and alliance are buddies now until some evil group tricks both of them into another faction war again so wait a expansion or two we will go back to killing each other soon enough.
Am I reading this right? It sounds like an attempt to retcon the lore to make the Horde seem more civilized and less brutal.
It’s almost like Horde genocide by historical bleaching.
Other than the trolls one, I agree these are all pretty awful.
The Forsaken have never cared about the living. Like, who is writing this? I legitimately need to know who wrote the idea Forsaken tirelessly defend the living.
Calia isn’t leading the Forsaken, Lillian Voss is.
All this because Blizzard can’t be bothered to get rid of the outdated faction system.
This actually sounds like Horde propaganda. Not even joking, this entire thing reads off as a propaganda ad for The Horde.
“They fight for FREEDOM! and HONOR!”
if they are really retconning this stuff then I’m going to lose interest.
I love how even the devs wish BfA just never happened and was a mistake lol.
if you go through the end game events Lillian Voss sends a invitation to Jaina’s brother and calia who accept and talk about taking over the Forsaken as Lillian Voss doesn’t want it. Its setting up those two to become the leaders of the Forsaken.
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They really should just do away with it. The game isn’t popular enough to sustain this concept of faction vs faction anyway.