Horde retcon [spoiler]

Sounds more like they streamlined it, to be honest. Imagine being a new player, would you rather get bombarded with a dozen conversations about Silithus (which you don’t know anything about), Teldrassil (which you don’t know anything about), and Lordaeron (which you don’t know anything about) before you get sent somewhere that’s almost entirely unrelated to two of those three areas?

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What actions? The ones where they murdered everyone from ashenvale all the way up to teldrassil where they burned civilian men, women, and children alive?

These are the racial intros for new players/characters, yes?

Push for a line about “learning from past behaviors” ro something, because if you to refernce every change the races have gone thorugh, that intro cut scene would go on for five minutes.


I’m kind of alright forgetting BfA existed at all but that’s me. It really was a horrible mess of writing and just about everything else. Never been a fan of the writing of WoW in general but man. Fanfiction central.

If I’m taking part in a story, I generally like to know why events are taking place. “We’re off to get allies for the currently-ongoing world war, which was kicked off by the night elf holocaust” is kind of a big deal. Really lends some weight to affairs.

You can see how a story run by everybody agreeing and getting along is boring right? You like Baine when Syvanas pushing towards scourge 2.0 made him push back, kind of, and stay true to himself. Yet nobody has a time to shine if everybody is getting along.

You have a group of different races banded together. There needs to be conflict of ideas, and human morals not restraining fantasy races.

We can give a big ‘thank you’ to all the “I dont care about the Lore” people that are running around on the forums lately. :l

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And why does that have to mean the conflict is between the two factions that constantly find themselves having to band together to stop both sides from being wiped off the face of the world?

Why can’t these defining character moments, be against villians everyone can actually feel unified to be against? (Except for the crazies, whom just want to be evil, for whatever reason)

I didn’t say we all had to get along, I simply refuse to accept blatant chaotic stupid evil has to exist in the factions and force the two factions to fight is the only way any sort of storytelling can be done.

I audibly groaned and rolled my eyes when blizzard tried to market BFA as a “Return for Form” “Horde Vs Alliance” expansion, because it’s just not interesting anymore.

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…do they have even have writers anymore?

what is this hot garbage.


I not saying we need to keep having a Garroshs or Sylvanas pop up to start a conflict. But if you have Baine and Thrall as your 2 primary representatives you might as well just be playing humans.

There needs to be a distinction between the savage fantasy races and the humans. This is why people don’t like the Night Elves. Their racial identity is snuffed out by the Humans.


I think the factions are more popular than you might think. At Blizzcon when Ion brought it up the audience cheered much more in favor of keeping them then removing them.

Baine and Thrall are completely different from humans. :roll_eyes:

And the fact you can’t tell them apart from humans, means I’ve lost interest in your opinion on the subject. :woman_shrugging:

Reminder: Broadcast text changes don’t always make it into the game, and they can be changed at any time. Good example, during the Cataclysm beta there was broadcast text and even audio files that revealed Varian confronting Archbishop Benedictus about his role in the Twilight’s Hammer, while for the Horde, there was a confrontation between Lor’themar and Grand Magister Rommath.

Both the broadcast text and the audio can still be found in the game files, but neither have been used. Rommath is still a staunch follower of Lor’themar while Archibishop Benedictus, while exposed as a member of the Twilight’s Hammer, was confronted by Thrall beneath Wyrmrest Temple, not by Varian.

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The fact Blizzard stays away from Goblins and Gnomes in serious lore has really been their saving grace TBH. You don’t have to worry about Gazlowe or Boss Mida being the new leader of the Horde and then getting corrupted.




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They have writers and game developers. They’re just not very in touch with their customers.

If they’re going to keep it then it should be done right. It hasn’t been done right since MoP and it was a main selling point for BFA but even that wasn’t done right. People should really be more open to the idea of removing it, I believe it’ll be better in the long term instead of just rehashing the same old concepts every year. MMOs like Guild Wars 2, ESO and Final Fantasy did away with factions because they took a page from WoW in how damaging it can be to player experience, population balance and story, and those games are either on par with or exceed WoW’s popularity.

Well sure, but this is not broadcast text, this is the racial descriptions at character creation and this is an example of Blizzard already changing them for the worse. Blizzard needs to know how ridiculous these descriptions are for the Horde races. They’re terrible. Even the syntax is terrible.

If they don’t make it into the live game…then good! Great even! They shouldn’t.


beat nzoth and then find her in org where she tells the maghar leader she will be the voice on the council? its kinda hard to miss

sorry that was stiff ive been drinking but yes its in game after the wrap up quest the leaders are kinda bunched around the embassy hut.

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Shouldn’t there be no option for Night Elves since their capital was burned to the ground with few refugees, as opposed to the Forsaken who were able to evacuate everyone because they knew what was coming.