Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

There are like so many things I could do with that. So many.

Do it you won’t no heart

I have always felt that the majority of horde players are pretty immature

They have this super entitled feeling, keyboard warriors, freak out if anything goes wrong, but talk like they are super laid back and all is good in the world.

I play alliance cause I have met so many down to earth nicer players that I had in my years from Classic - WoD


Oh Jesus my sides, they’ve torn themselves free and are orbiting Jupiter.





I wonder how often people like that only play one side.

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It sounds to me like what’s happened is he’s made a Horde alt, done something stupid in a lowbie dungeon, been told off for it, then said “this is enough to claim my bias is correct” then left Grade, the level 24 blood elf warrior, to rot.


Someone shouldn’t worry about their team winning the sportsthing, because it means nothing- yet people die in sports riots all the time. I’m going to call people that take it that seriously what they are- idiots.

And accusing Horde of ‘crying’ while you’re in the thousandth Alliance whine thread this year is pretty ignorant of the fact you yourself are crying in a thread dedicated to people like you crying.

Ultimately- Blizz is bribing Alliance with free raid gear, and the Alliance is still crying. When you’re that entitled, it’s no wonder players on the Alliance can’t stand each other and would rather leave the faction than stay.


doesnt help to get raid gear if, when yet another alliance guild member gives up and transfers to horde, you cant find a replacement. in other words, the departure rate is exceeding the replacement rate for raid ready players.

there was a point, at the beginning of legion, where this could’ve been avoided. for example, not making m+ bosses easier to beat with horde racials, specifically. this started a cascade of m+ alliance guilds, transferring to horde (very expensive, i might add, and thus will likely never be corrected).

younger guilds attempting to imitate their success, followed. it started a chain reaction with the few remaining competitive guilds leaving. by the end of legion, there were no alliance guilds in the top 50 raiding guilds and only 4 in the top 200.

then for our bfa ARs, a place where they could’ve perhaps rescued it somewhat, they gave us more humans, a race the devs even claim they find boring. sabotaging their own game.

we asked for wildhammers, we got dark irons, a race that is much more horde themed than alliance. many horde players were in agreement with this cause it meant they could play like they were horde while on the alliance. i admit though, the dark irons are cool looking. they just arent very alliance-like, if you will, whereas the wildhammers better fit the bill. sadly, dark irons, along with void elves, are probably the only reasons the alliance has anything left at all. (probably a bunch of horde alts in there too)

take rated pvp. 1800+, horde nearly 70%, alliance nearly 30%. that’s bad. game is circling the drain and you’re here pretending like alliance players can fix this calamity by just smiling and pretending it’s not happening.


oh and read this

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its exactly the same on both sides. i log in my horde, people are spamming blessed blade of the windseeker, camping wsg midfield, and the other stuff that happens on alliance in lfd.

only difference i saw was i made my first horde guild, found out i had breast cancer, had to leave the game for a masectomy and chemo, came back to find one of the members had taken over the guild, demoted every officer including me, robbed the guild bank, then summarily quit the game. so far, i havent had that experience on alliance, though i know its quite possible.

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How is this information relevant though?

its evidence that isnt some mental condition alliance players have, causing the problem. if the same people who are horde now have played allliance and have become horde over the years, its usually due to some benefit they think they will get. they start off on alliance, note that horde has better racials or m+ rating or rated pvp rating, and become horde. and this has always been true. changing the letter after your name from A to H, doesnt make you a different person.


Which isn’t at all related to my post. Why are you telling me your life story and then trying to make an argument that I wasn’t even making?

But I have played both factions over a course of 15 years and I’ve noticed that Alliance players tend to be more entitled and whiny. Literally every other thread for as long as I can remember has been some Alliance player having a fat sook about something. Now true, right now Alliance is down and the Horde is up. But it’s not nearly so dire as the Alliance claims it is. Alliance racials are stronger than Horde racials (even though the difference between the strongest racial and the weakest is less than 1%). There are 9 Alliance characters to every 11 Horde ones. Most of the top 20 arena players are Alliance.

But still Alliance players come here every day and come up with new reasons why everything’s horrible and the Horde has it easy and there’s nothing they can do to fix it.


An entire Alliance guild on Emerald Dream collapsed a few years ago because the GM was what I’d call 
attracted to young girls? And was asking for revealing photos of said young girls for access to raid spots.

This and more happens on Alliance - it’s not a faction thing. It’s a human being the computer thing.

its too late. racials wont fix it. free raiding gear wont fix it. the devs are all horde players and have been complaining that the alliance faction is boring because its all a bunch of human like races. they’ve been building up horde and criticizing alliance, right to their playerbase, in broad daylight. they’ve chased away so many customers.

its their game. they created it. they fashioned it. they make choices for it that even the regular players dont want or never asked for. they hired a guy for blizzcon that told alliance players to kill themselves
 not their characters, the actual people playing alliance characters.

i’m actually shocked that i’m still playing at all. cause it all seems a bit weird.


The only dev I know who plays horde is Ion Hazzikostas. A lot of them play Alliance, including Thrall’s boy Chris Metzen.

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Horde has multiple green ugly body builder humans, short green ugly humans, slim tall blue primitive humans, humanesque cows and moose, dead humans, and humanesque elves.

See? We can do that too.

chris metzen still plays?

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Yes. AFAIK he does.