Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

It makes finding groups easier if you leech off of the success of the more successful faction instead of trying to make your own.

imagine the devs complaining the alliance races are boring because they’re all like humans. and then, for our big AR, for a faction in trouble with low pop and unpopular races, you give them another human. do you happen to have any insight in why they made that choice, right then?


They actually decided on Kul’tirans long before the Alliance started having population trouble.

Besides which the reason there’s a problem is just because the Horde has a better community for completing endgame content. The sort of people who could be swayed to join a faction because of a new racial aesthetic aren’t the people who are leaving.

i personally dont care what color the eyes are. the big issue is, asking for our input when they had no intention of accepting the answers, well, its just more of the same. you say, I_’m just worried about races not getting development because of saturation._ they arent anyway if you’re alliance.

did you know if you wanted ARs in legion, as an alliance, you had to do the entire rep grind horde did AND another month or more, depending on how close to their release you were doing the grind, if you were alliance. can you imagine if they did that to horde?

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well there’s quite a few blood elves who were high elf fans and only made blood elves so they could play as a high elf. many were not happy about it though and you can see why:

they dont fit aesthetically on the horde. many horde players dont want them there and tease people playing male blood elves by claiming there are no male blood elves, claim the females are barbie dolls etc. had they been given to alliance instead, none of that would’ve happened. and horde could’ve gotten ogres and just made the female ogres beautiful. better results, better fit, and not 12 years of harrassment.

No, they’re just a different aesthetic to orcs. Which is good, variety is good.

You’re making it sound like people are just walking up to blood elves in Orgrimmar and making jokes about them, get a grip mate.

Sorry, but that is stupid.

Seriously, get a grip.


i came up with a way to implement ogres. i know it’s not lore accurate but if it can be tweaked a bit and the missing parts retconned, it just might work.

first, implement a stat called carrying capacity. this is an stat enchant, and a stat found on gear, including bags. it works similarly to strength but doesnt increase any str except your ability to carry loot. then if the character is a caster, they need more carrying capacity because they are weak and therefore have low carrying capacity (not because they are missing str)

then, create 2 male and 2 female ogre types: the melee and the caster. first a bit of history–

the female ogre has hitherto been hidden away from the eyes of azerothians because they are very beautiful. how they get that way is part of ogre tradition.

ogre males are actually quite attractive till their rite of passage. they relinquish the parts of their dna that make them symmetrically appealing to look at, that is then ritually imparted to their chosen mate in a sacred silver mug of ale. the end result is they are often deprived of some of their intelligence as well. but not always, this is why some male ogres are melee and rather dumb and some are intelligent and casters.

and this also explains why the adult female ogres are extremely beautiful whereas their male counterparts are misshapen and grotesque. and why some females are beautiful and dumb, meleers or beautiful and diabolically smart, casters.

anyway, something happens… maybe the females decide they dont want to be hidden any more and stage a feminist style protest or the males decide the safety of azeroth over rules their need to hide their women folk from admiring onlookers.

I mean this in the nicest possible way. But that is just such a horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible, horrifically bad concept.


oh several times people have reacted positively to the idea on other threads . not recently though. i thought it seemed very blizzard like, especially the sacred silver mug of ale. lol

had this entire scene in my head of 2 dumb ogres, male and female, sharing a special moment, and how they could have a really dumb conversation that’s actually adorable and funny.

p.s. i mean why havent we seen any female ogres hmm? they hid them! too pretty! ogre tradition!

This is another harmful side effect of Blizzard’s new intended audience: people who are playing this game to collect mounts, cute battle pets, and generally just farm dailies. This demographic often don’t have any faction loyalty. They don’t care which faction they’re on, as long as the race they play doesnt have “transmog that clips their ponytails”. They don’t care about the story. They care about getting their virtual stuff.

well as alliance, caring about the story would be a real problem. for example, our leaders, along with their spies, marched our armies passed several horde outposts featuring gigantic blight machines cranking away, to go to war against a horde leader who had already demonstrated her willingness to blight her own people at the wrathgate, in order to kill some alliance. and they didnt bring a single thing to protect themselves from blight. even little kids would be wondering why they were so dumb.

compare that to this

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Minor nitpick, that was not her orders to do. There was a rebellion in the Undercity, and the rebels blighted those at the wrathgate. Sylvanas was involved in the retaking of the Undercity, and killing those that orchestrated the blighting.

Your overall point though is true, the Alliance faction leaders marched into the house of the faction leader known for cunning and deception. Rather than killing her outright, they let her sit there and talk as her trap was sprung.

and blight. i’m sure the si:7 spies knew about the blight tanks, and the fact she was raising fallen alliance humans in undeath as soldiers at least since mop.

I feel like they certainly knew the Blight would be employed, but the faux-shock/outrage at the use of it on her own troops was an attempt at “moral greyness”.

it’s rather embarrassing, frankly. i have 2 options, stay in the faction that’s written as if you need to either be dense or very young to appreciate it or join the faction that is not aesthetically or morally, palatable. for example, undercity… i dunno how you do it. its a disturbing city. nearly as bad as the ogre city in everquest.

Because Ally raiding is dead outside care bear friend raids. Racials are decently balanced now but that wasnt the case for a lot of years.

I recently swapped my team from ally to horde. 12 year ally player. Went horde cause of how bad recruiting is on ally.

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That’s a bummer. It’s becoming a common occurrence as well.

The eclectic feel of the Horde is why I like it. Throwing together the barbarians, peaceful hunter-gathers, Tim Burton zombies, and height of magic civilization was a brilliant move. You can go to any other video game world and get the ugly people versus the pretty people. Breaking that cliche was a stroke of brilliance.

I’m sorry…but what?

The essences have nothing to do with Warmode. Both the essences that people are talking about, Conflict and Strife and Blood of the Enemy are earned through queued instanced PvP, not wPvP. See https://www.wowhead.com/quest=56499/storming-the-battlefields

You notice that really important word in there? TOP players, like people pushing 2400+ or Mythic raiding. Not your average everyday jumps into a LFR or maybe PuGs a normal player.
You are not forced to do anything, you believe that there is an advantage so you choose to unlock it.

How? You know how numbers work correct? 25% >> 10%
It disproportionately benefits the Alliance.

So again it’s instanced PvP which, you know is balanced with equal numbers. It’s also insta queue for Alliance AND you get 50% more honor than Horde whilst doing it.
So you only need 33k honor instead of 50k to get rank 3.

How is this unbias and unfair for the Alliance. You get ALL of the benefits.

Also, maybe…just be patient and wait for the month to get rank 3s that do out sim it. There is no need to rush and grind out rank 3 PvP essence just so you can get that boost faster unless it’s something you want to do.

It’s your choice that you want that essence, it’s your choice that you want it now instead of waiting.
At the end of the day it’s you and only you who makes that decision. You are not forced to do anything.
You don’t log on and are unable to do anything unless you first unlock Rank 3 Blood of the Enemy.

Don’t be silly about it.

Yeah, the Shadowmoon Clan is happy to serve. :kissing_smiling_eyes: