Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

well this is the first i’ve heard of any devs playing alliance, other than one guy who quit a few years ago. in fact, i remember reading that guy leaving, left no devs who mained alliance and as a result, alliance is always worked on last and used to enhance the experience of the horde.

for example, wod content for alliance was worked on last and resulted in a bunch of alliance content not making it in game. same for cata. havent heard much in that regard as far as mop, legion or bfa goes.

every move away from making an equally engaging experience for both factions, results in fewer subs. if one faction gets shortchanged more often, fewer people will play it.

i do know as alliance, i had to work harder for alliance ARs. at this juncture i’m assuming that was because they had determined to just keep us busy doing rep grinds while the horde players were enjoying the rest of the content made for them, since their ARs only required non argus rep. maybe they thought we’d consider that alliance content? i mean they did make argus for alliance to grind out their AR reps.

Lol, you still have more descriptive negatives than I did. Your point didn’t quite hit the mark.

we have a race that descended from stone elementals.
a race that use to be robots. curse of flesh!
a race of purple elves that have a long and involved history.
actual humans, who have a really interesting history if you follow the stories of the ashbringer.
we have flippin’ werewolves!
blue elves who figured out how to not go crazy while tapping the void…sorta.
dwarves with their beards on fire.

whats not to like?

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As i said in my original post, no one is talking about lore, or where anyone came from. It’s about appearances. Alliance has different sized humans, and the horde has a multitude of different looking races. I’d also point out, I was agreeing with another person when I joined this thread.

What a crock. It’s not whining calling out the massive population imbalances.

It might seem to Horde players, because I guess it must be easy for them fighting 10 to 1. They are such good pvprs after all…
What a joke.

Not sure what raiding has to do with any of this.

oh and i forgot the blue aliens (draenei) who have hooves, tails and horns.

Right, Alliance doesn’t participate because of the numbers imbalance.

The fotm populist realm, Horde, will always have more numbers in PvP because of the community mindset.

The vast majority of people are weak minded and want easy wins, so they roll the easy mode PvP faction.

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It doesn’t seem like you read my first post, as i mentioned all of the alliance races.

what does it matter what color they are? purple, blue, green, fur, no fur. i think worgen are more visually interesting than tauren, though i like the tauren starting zone, its not anymore interesting than the worgen one, for entirely different reasons.

your shorties are green mechanics.
our shorties are pink mechanics.

your elves are pink and purple.
our elves are blue and purple.

our furry is a scary werewolf
your furry is a minotaur

our E.T.s are blue with tails and horns and hooves
your E.T.s are green with fangs

i dont see how they are different enough on any level to claim one is boring and the other not.


Human nature is the culprit. People want to play on the “winning” side. The more people go the more they win. It’s a self perpetuating issue. Warmode bonus clearly is not a good enough incentive.


personally, i think its not salvageable and they are gonna ruin the horde, also, trying to save the alliance, while telling us that things that coulda saved alliance back when we still stood a chance, woulda wrecked the horde. the irony it not delicious. it’s frustrating to watch, like a slow motion train wreck.

You didn’t provide more descriptive adjectives simply because you didn’t want to.

Dwarves are short fat bearded ugly humans.
Gnomes are tiny ugly humans
Kul Tirans are fat ugly marine humans
Draenei are blue demonic-cow aliens with tentacles
Worgen are talking werewolves. No need to specify the obvious physical differences between a werewolf and a human.

The point still stands - just because races share the “humanesque” body structure does not mean “they’re just humans lolz”.


There are more than enough Alliance characters and players to participate. They just don’t, for a variety of reasons.

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EMFH was exactly the same in cataclysm and mop. What makes you think it suddenly caused a switch in warlords? Think about it.

Blizzard has marketed horde as the “cool” faction since the games inception. They even got their own band fer god sake. Years of seeing FOR THE HORDE has had the impact it was intended to have. The devs should play alliance just to get a better perspective.


theoretically, that’s an illusion, created by the fact many horde have alliance alts, but they dont participate in wpvp as they arent there for alliance. they’re there to get various achieves and mounts/toys/etc that are usable by both factions but only attainable on alliance. might explain why there are so many reports of alliance just running right by someone getting ganked 10v1 and dont bother to help.

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That’s cool, you still used human, so doesn’t matter to me. I’ve been advocating for more diverse races for the alliance. If people want to take what I said as an insult, that’s not a problem to me. I would love some different kinds of races for the alliance. It’s why i play draenei almost exclusively on the alliance.

It happened because blizzard decided to take profit from allowing faction changing, which immediately caused an imbalance in population which is a POSITIVE (in a good way) feedback. This causes more people to switch to horde, etc.

The only way it’ll be fixed is to only allow faction change once per expansion for a character, make it free to switch to the under represented faction (Triple the cost to switch to the over represented faction) and start applying more negative feedback to the PvP side for which ever side is massively dominating.

If you don’t stabilize the system it’s just going to either stick to the horde side or flop over to the alliance.

In the end it was faction transfers that screwed everything for a few bucks profit.

My statement went over your head.

Anyways, the true and underlying real problem was Blizzard never catching the faction imbalance when it started to tip too far.

agreed though it would’ve been ideal had they not used social engineering tactics to control faction populations. at times it almost seems like they’re trying to make it political. i’m just trying to play a video game.

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like what? whats wrong with what we got? alliance’s next race, selected by the crimson horde: the westfall boar. you’ve killed them so much, karma has caught up to you (if you want), and now you can be a boar! racials: charge- so powerful it can knock down even max level characters. grunt- enemies inexplicably set up a campfire and begin cooking bacon strips, while you charge them repeatedly. lasts 2 minutes. cooldown 10 seconds.

:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: it’s boar-ing.