Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

Like 40% of all Blood Elves are TWO classes; one that only Belves can be and another one which started out only playable as a Belf. Somehow this always gets lost in these complaints that the Horde is only Blood Elves.

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I mean I am Alliance but this xpac so far is omega lul so I am periodically on Shadowbringers more.

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since the devs are all horde, the horde are selecting alliance ARs. they need to have dedicated alliance devs, too, otherwise, all they have to go on is numbers that may or may not reflect the reality of the situation.

if alliance is that bad of a faction cause its a bunch of boring races, well who’s fault is that? alliance players didnt create the game or the factions. the devs did that. they certainly dont listen to most of our requests and tend to just give us what they, as horde, wouldn’t mind playing as alts, but not likely as mains. the rationale is a question mark other than maybe its to avoid upsetting their horde friends or in the case of the kul’tirans, some politically expedient theme.

they are sabotaging their own game at this juncture. thats why i refer to it as soiling your own nest. imagine selling a game with factions and then spend the next ten years insulting half your customers for playing a faction you created, then ask them what allied races they want, ignore their requests and instead give them essentially the very thing you think makes the faction boring, in the first place. cant make this stuff up.

i will agree that at least alliance got void elves and they are indeed interesting looking. however, so far their lore or involvement in any of the void related content seems to be missing.

i get the feeling the devs are treating alliance as if they are a bunch of racists because at one point some humans in lordaeron (direct ancestors of the undead), treated orcs poorly. and later, one in particular, was mean to blood elves. those are all horde now. why’s it my gnomes fault. or my draenei. or my void elf. or my stormwind human. or my night elf. etc.

i dunno. it just isnt logical to treat half your game like it shouldnt be in your game. its rather abusive to not tell your customers up front, that if they join the faction with humans and dwarves etc, they’ll be called boring and treated like the devs dont like them in their game. its weird. if you didnt want humans and dwarves and night elves and gnomes in your game, why’d ya put them in your game??


read this

Excuse me, Horde only get a 10% passive advantage over Alliance requiring no work, risk, or effort.

Comprehension is hard for you apparently. Something that was made a couple of weeks ago that forces players into Warmode and other PvP content to compete in PvE demonstrates that Warmode giving passive advantages raiders consider mandatory advantages for progression was not accidental. It was purposeful. The quote from Ion in the pre-8.2 interview where he said “we expect top players to participate in all aspects of the game” when asked specifically about this point demonstrates that the intention of Warmode bonuses explicitly was about forcing PvE players into PvP.

And the fact that those Warmode bonuses unfairly disproportionately benefit the Horde make the faction imbalance worse. It literally doesn’t matter how many of the classes require PvP essences, the fact is that several do. My rank 3 Blood of the Enemy outcompetes and outsims the rank 2’s that I won’t be able to replace for a month or longer in some cases.

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Horde gets the base 10%… Alliance pretty much always have 15-25%. If all you care about is the bonus to AP then you should be pretty happy as an Alliance player.

You can rarely take advantage of it, especially if you don’t have a lot of time out of raids. Log over onto Alliance and just attempt your Mechagon dailies. It’s hysterical, half the time our flight point is camped. Nazjatar on most shards isn’t even attemptable without flight due to the roving warbands at each WQ. Last week I had to wait 30 minutes for a boss WQ to be available because every time 3-4 Alliance would show up to get it done 4 Horde Parties would roll over us. Rinse and repeat for 30 minutes. It’s obscene.

You can blame all the RP’ers.

But seriously, sharding is broken, a handful of Alliance vs like 30+ Horde in Mech made it nearly impossible to get the Mech quest done for implants. I eventually just dealt with the onslaught of “interesting” individuals who thought it would be a challenge to take on a lowly Druid with six other people involved.

Oh, Rustbolt is camped. Watched a Druid tank wipe out 8 guards easily and just bounce around like an idiot killing Alliance players.

Guard system is also a joke.


And this sentence is the exact reason it’s players fault. They just bash and complain against those trying to bring it up. Saying it’s not true, it’s false while linking some stupid website that is very bad at actually providing true numbers. The only ones who truly know the numbers are Blizzard, End of Story on that. Otherwise it’d be widely known the current sub count and it’d be brought up.

You sit here and stab at anyone attempting to bring up the population issue and then go off on Ad hominem attacks. Yeah, it is a Horde player problem, specifically your kind.


Well, the players outgrew their Disney phase.

Being the Righteous knight in shining armor gets boring very fast. And I applaud the Alliance players for staying loyal to their boring faction all this time.

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if alliance is that bad of a faction cause its a bunch of boring races, well who’s fault is that? alliance players didnt create the game or the factions. the devs did that. they certainly dont listen to most of our requests and tend to just give us what they, as horde, wouldn’t mind playing as alts, but not likely as mains. the rationale is a question mark other than maybe its to avoid upsetting their horde friends or in the case of the kul’tirans, some politically expedient theme.

cant believe we’re actually being blamed that the devs made a game with races they think are boring. and to solve the problem of low population on alliance, they turn around and give us yet another human .

its a head scratcher.


blizzard: your faction is boring. thats why we all play horde.

customer: wtflip.

It’s like a curse. The Alliance will win. but not through achieving goals and winning wars, it’s just the Horde will kill itself.

The horde gets all the attention in the story, while the alliance wins the war.

It’s a WIN-WIN! /s

also. the alliance has the hUmAn pOteNtIaL! (i don’t even know why the alliance has other racial leaders…)

well i dont mind alliance races though i’m a bigger elf fan than the others, i dont mind humans gnomes and dwarves. i’ve played all of them and also horde belves and trolls. would play nightborne but already did the rep grind for velfs and lightforged draenei . . wasnt in a big hurry to grind it out again.

The sad part is that Elves and Dwarves have so much more lore behind them compared to Humans, and yet… we are now exploring the sunken Night Elven empire… and we have Jaina explaining things to us. Where the hell is Tyrande, this is THE NIGHT ELVES lore. we don’t need more God Mode Jaina shoved down our throats.

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Tyrande is busy complaining about conformists and cutting herself.

That comment the goblin makes at the end of Mechagon…

I wonder if that’s a sign of things to come.

Also the gnome/goblin couple.

I forgot what he said, remind me?

Something about “I forgot how great it was working with you Alliance.” I’m paraphrasing.

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