Horde players have ruined the game. Alliance on life support

Her story is important but it is not the central story, the faction war is and is much larger than her story. Get a grip on reality.

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I just want to see more of the old gods. Blizz is much better at writing basic high fantasy. Political fantasy a la GoT is really not something I personally think theyā€™re good at.

There would have to be so much more betrayal, assassinations, vies for power, civilian uprise and protest, mutiny, governmental overthrows, etc. Instead we just got Sylvanas burning down a world tree and people being mad at her for it but not really doing a whole lot about it yet. She even gassed Lorderon and there hasnā€™t been any in game written dialog that forsaken NPCā€™s and civilians are upset their home was destroyed. As far as we know theyā€™re just following her.

The political elements of the story are severely lacking. Blizz should just have stuck to more old gods high fantasy. The expac is more than half over and there really hasnā€™t enough of the old gods. Possibly theyā€™re just using this expac as like that anime filler season that sets up for the next one for a slam dunk story wise.

Thats what the numbers say, then on proudmoore which is a top 10 alliance server if your in area horde are in your surrounded by a sea of orange, 10 horde to 1 alliance, 20 horde to 1 alliance?

I mean one faction flat out gets actual physical in game bonuses over the other. The game itself is actually extremely discriminate and bias towards Alliance.

Realistically it should be shown on the race screen when choosing a race and class.
10% increased rep gains
on-use: removes all stun effects
2% increased secondary stats
50% more honor and AP in bgs
5-20% increased rewards in warmode

Looks pretty good against Orc
on-use: Melee and ranged attack power increased for 15s
20% rudced stun duration
Pets deal 1% increased damage

Yes. It means you have an attraction to evil. Grats.

So youā€™re saying one faction has races that give actual bonuses to DPS in a raid environment? But you also want increased rep and rewards?

The Horde canā€™t have it all, sorry.

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2% increase to all secondary stats.
1% crit chance
Proc for 5% increased damage for 12s and no cast interruption
1% Versatility
1% haste or crit and 2% movespeed
5% max mana (Arcane) and 1% haste
Increased primary stats
2% increase to crit damage and healing
4% movespeed indoors (dungeons) and on-use for primary stats
Instant on-use damage cooldown
Double food buffs.

How are none of these damage increases?

I donā€™t recall ever asking for that.

Ok, but if Alliance racials and bonus goodies look so good to you, why donā€™t you play Alliance?


It will start to balance out. Lots of folks have already unlocked flying with their horde mains. Now itā€™s time to get the 415 gear ally side via the pvp quest.

I mean at this point itā€™s so painfully obvious how biased the development team is towards Horde. Weā€™re probably going to get those junkergnome things as an AR while horde get vulpera. I mean come on!!! Give the alliance something new and exciting for once :frowning:


Iā€™d personally love Ankoan. Alsoā€¦ Where are the female Ankoan? Is that a lore thing?

My friends play Horde, simple enough really.
My personal preference is Alliance, however I get my fun in the game from playing with friends as I donā€™t find a lot of the content rewarding anymore.

In past expansions I would have been fine doing some solo content on the Alliance side, but BfA? No, sorry.

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I feel that. I leveled this ally as an IRL friend plays it and I do like NEā€™s more but Iā€™ve played horde more since Alliance has a tendency to lost rando BGā€™s and I used to love doing them.

I think all of this is quite funny because I remember things like this vividly (on the receiving end, like you).

Itā€™s not THAT bad. I play alone almost exclusively and although Iā€™ve been ganked too many times to count and in every imaginable scenario, usually the Alliance players get bored waiting for me to rez and wander off to the next moving object.

I wouldnā€™t trade playing solo for anything. Plus thereā€™s ALWAYS the local defense channel and there hasnā€™t been one time when Iā€™ve used it that Horde hasnā€™t come running to defend the solo players and get their thrill kill on against Alliance. Alliance solo players can do this too yanno. Itā€™s not a Horde exclusive dev favored chat channel and it works!

Shamefully I started on Alliance and both player sides are equally vile towards one an other. As Horde though, I feel more justified in my loathing of the Alliance.

Each to their own really. I donā€™t find RNG loot systems and time-gated strong rewards fun.

When the game is designed so that all the queueable content is too easy, and doesnā€™t provide anywhere near the rewards for WQs Iā€™m simply just not going to have fun solo.

Do I just repeat the exact same WQs ad infinitum? Or do I continue to do queued dungeons when the rewards are 45 ilvls too low for me because I completed an embassy quest?

At that stage itā€™s simply not fun for me, so Iā€™d prefer instead to play on my Horde main with a guild where I can do group content with them that actually is rewarding and has value.

This is the first expansion where Iā€™ve really felt that. Every expansion up to now Iā€™ve been able to play as a casual solo player or with 1 other person happily because I had rewarding progression still, even WoD had that over BfA.

Expansion about faction war.

Weaker faction gets crushed by the stronger faction.

Weaker faction loses people as a result of getting crushed by stronger faction.



Horde win the faction war? Can we get that as in game canon?

End of faction war in 9.0 with combined factions.
What they havenā€™t told us yet is that you have the option of playing as one of the free races (old Horde) or as one of the lesser subservient slave races (old Alliance).

We are all on one side, but only because the Alliance no longer have a will of their own.

From 1-120 sure thereā€™s a slight Alliance lead.
Looking at only 120 though, Horde is almost 54% to Alliance 46%.

So which argument are you trying to make here by just posting a basic link without doing anything with it?

Nah pretty sure the evil edgelord faction should get deleted a lot of the higher end raiders wouldnā€™t mind playing alliance but itā€™s rsther not viable atm