Horde Favoritism?

Do they not have hairstyles and such that Ren’dorei just straight up don’t have access to?
Call me crazy, but that sure sounds like a thing to me.

People are asking for those as well and all Belves really got for our pass was jewelry. Most of it was just skin swap. No runic tattoos, war paint any of that… Not really much for male Belves. Male Belves are still at the bottom of the list for customizations.

Then it’s not a matter of having something others don’t have, but others also not requesting that thing as well.
Because if it were merely having it then the aforementioned would be enough, and it’s pretty clearly not considering them asking for it at all was offered in response to the question.

Are they really? Do you have a list or anything to back that up, because I’m actually curious as, far as I’m aware, Zandalari, Vulpera, Kul Tiran, and the actual Worgen forms all have less. My information is about two years old at this point, though, hence my asking.

Yes. There have been some changes since the list but Male Belves already had the pass before the list was created and all we got since then were the three pastel hair colors that ever race is slowly getting.

Am I just reading it wrong?
Because it looks like Male BE sit at 29m while Zandalari, Kul Tiran, Vulpera, and actual Worgen form combined add up to about 11.4m, less than half all together.

No you aren’t reading it wrong. They have only more customizations than races who didn’t receive their pass yet at all because it was a core race pass. And Worgen forms also need a hell of a lot more.

Then it’s just lying to go around saying things like this:

Like it’s just straight up not true at all.

For core race pass yes they are. When one form of another race is the only thing that keeps them from being at the absolute bottom.

I do stay on facts, so please forgive me if I just don’t want to go in a merry-go-around on this topic and how Blizzard handles these races in an unprofessional way.

No, but what else do you need to see for this specific event? This was an international discussion point. The US-forums is just the most dramatic ones, but it’s not the main reason why those were released. They did it, because of the sheer number of feedback they got.

This is your own limiting belief here, wrapped around the idea that you are a High Elf, while we have three groups concerning their race. Yes, the majority of the former High Elves are Blood Elves now, but you’re not representing one anymore at the moment.

Because I’m no part of this. I post here but I also post in other topics. I have been reading those both groups for years now. The only difference between hooligans and you all is that thankfully no one gets physically hurt.

This is a misconception of yours. The reason I came here is because of an Asian message forum and how the wow US forum open up daily 2-3 High Elf topics back in 2018… or 19. These topics flooded the forums for years and it was interesting to read and gossip about the people here.

Yes. The topics died out after the customizations started to appear. You don’t know this, but someone even made a hilarious screenshot from one of the regulars here and how disaster stroke right before the hair color annunciations. With the time stamps. The original post was very dismissive and mocking towards the Void Elf-players/helfers and it rightfully shook the person to their core, when a few hours later the 9.1.5 hairstyles were announced. As you remember, it even got better for the Void Elf players, by adding additional hair colors to the mix.

The “helfers died out” is correct but you’re not mentioning the rightful time frame. Afterwards the topics started to disappear and the focus shifted to subraces, where the famous suggestion mock-up came into play from the Swiss twitter girl who plays a dwarf.

I think Blizzard realized themselves how much damage the Void Elves have done, which is why I believe we will see a merged race option after Midnight, where both sides exchanges their main features. This is the best option to the on-going children wars.

I think this depends on the reflection you have from others. You are all so insecure when it comes to the elf topics. I have seen fights people fighting each other about opinions while being on the “same side”. I don’t take anyone of you seriously. You would even bite your own hand if you could. Fenelon is truly one of the few here, who sees the big picture here and isn’t caught up in a narrative driven corner.

Will you stop playing a Blood Elf, when both races get Pandaren’ed? No. After the end you will realize that all the energy and hate put into the other group was for nothing.

Then say that and cut the extreme nonsense. Be specific, be honest, rather than alarmist.

What do you mean by this.

I want to know what massive means. Is it a few thousand people? Millions? What’s massive?

I don’t want my character considered a High Elf. They might be one by race but absolutely happy with being a Blood Elf.

You absolutely are and stirring the pot here.

I don’t know if this sort of thing is hilarious. Seems like an episode of mean girls.

Nah that would hurt.

Fenelon also supports keeping races unique.

Panda’s were always neutral. Elves pretty much schism’d from the start. These are not comparative. And it’s weird that you seek glee in something being ruined for someone else.

It’s not extreme nor alarmist. They are at the bottom of the list.

Because other than allied races that haven’t gotten their full pass yet, there is only the Worgen form and male Blood Elves.

You’ve admitted directly in no uncertain terms that they’re not straight up at the bottom of the list except according to specific criteria you necessarily exclude in that statement.
Failing to mention those criteria when you bring it up is a lie by omission, and a lie by omission is still a lie, is still being dishonest. The implications of the lie, too, are clear because if they were actually at the bottom of the list barring your unmentioned criteria they actually would have the least customizations.
You’re doing yourself and your position a disservice by continuing to speak thus.

And the actual Worgen race is far, far, far below Blood Elf.

It’s not a lie, even with the allied races there they are still at the bottom. The thing that makes it bad is that is post pass for Belves. No race should be in with races that haven’t gotten their pass yet after their pass. You needing them to be very last, to meet your criteria is not something I said. I didn’t say very last. I said at the bottom.

Right. Which I said they need much more.

There is no answer to this. It was enough for Blizzard to do something. But the number had to be “massive” in order to get this wish granted.

No. You are simply too caught up in your own little warfare.

I am absolutely with you here.

I’m confident that they will merge both together!

The only thing I do is actually rolling my eyes from time to time in RL, depending on the reply and poster I encounter.

I was invited to lunch later and still need a few things to do. Until next time.

No I imagine you know that telling people after the topics you’ve seen that you suggesting both get everything would not be well received.

If they do, it’ll be the worst thing for race fantasy for one race that has existed for 18 years and another that has been around for almost a decade now.


Alright, I’ma just post the relevant parts of our exchange here and leave it for other people to decide for themselves, because damn.

Which is completely irrelevant to the conversation.

Don’t try to whizz off the roof and tell me it’s raining, you fool.

I did not say they were dead last in customizations and I said they only have more than allied races that didn’t get their pass and Worgen forms. I said, they were at the bottom of the list.

You are arguing semantics. Do you need it to be close to the bottom to ease your aggrivation? Then there, it’s close to the bottom. Case dismissed.

These are not the same thing. You were thinking bottom meant last. It’s meaning that they are at the bottom with races that did not get their pass and one form of a race.

It is not me saying it’s dead last.


That has got to be a bad joke.

Camp Taurajo was just a few tents, not a city, and it was destroyed by marauders. As an Alliance player, you’re tasked with stopping and killing them.
Dazar’alor wasn’t destroyed, and the attack was just a plot device to bring his daughter to power.
Orgrimmar wasn’t destroyed either, and once again, the Alliance had to help the Horde save itself from itself.
Lordaeron wasn’t destroyed; it was merely plagued… by the Horde. Once it’s cleansed, it’ll be inhabitable again.
Silvermoon was first destroyed by the Orcs, with whom the Blood Elves ironically allied afterward, because murder and slaughter are so much better than a single human who dislikes Blood Elves for not helping them earlier in the fight against the orcs, right? And later by the Scourge, not the Alliance. Not to mention that the Alliance, through Velen, helped the Blood Elves cleanse the Sunwell. You’re welcome, by the way.

Do you seriously want to compare those things to Southshore, Gilneas, Theramore, Teldrassil, Ashenvale, Darkshore, Arathi, Stonetalon Mountains, Brennadam, Gilneas etc., almost all of which are still destroyed in the game and were directly brought to that state by the Horde?

And despite all the horror the Alliance had to endure from the Horde, they make three Alliance cities neutral, while everything on the Horde side remains exclusive. The Horde not only gets the Night Elf model twice but also the female Human model and Dwarves on top of that, while the Alliance only gets a single Horde model in return. The Alliance gets things like diaper Gnomes and overweight Humans, while the Horde gets mainstream Disney foxes and upgraded Trolls.

They make numerous Alliance mounts and transmogs available to the Horde, while barely anything comes back in return. But sure, the Horde is so hard done by, even though they constantly get everything handed to them. So they have to constantly cry and create dozens of rant threads.
Give me a break.


I will not tolerate this from people who got a Bee mount :honeybee: