Horde Favoritism?

Alliance players: Complain about horse mounts in BfA.

Also Alliance players: Camp Fallen Charger spawn point 24/7 to get another horse mount, a week after BfA ends.

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The bee mount was a make-up for the horses. Should I link you the two infamous topics on reddit, which caused the developers to give the Alliance the bee mount, scares them to this day to give the Alliance new horses and brought out the horse-meme?

That was the forest that was destroyed, not the city.

Different Alliance and that Alliance was dead. It was moreso because the Alliance of Stormwind could not provide them protection from the Scourge. The Horde could. And those Orcs were no longer high on fel demon blood. And were now led by Thrall. Sylvanas, the former Ranger General of Quelā€™thalas was leading the Forsaken and they helped Blood Elves push back the Scourge. Sylvanas talked Lorā€™themar into joining the Horde. It was not anything to do with Garithos.

There was just a Blood Knight offhand and cross-faction mounts on the trading post. Most of our BFA mounts were also usable by the Alliance.

Lordaeron also was destroyed. Itā€™s already cleansed but because Sylvanas set off bombs there, we are not able to enter. Itā€™s an interesting thing because the damage happens in the cinematic, we are told about it in game, but canā€™t see it. They also bugged out the instances. And the flight point doesnā€™t work in the original instance. Hasnā€™t since BFA.

Gilneas twice. But itā€™s not destroyed more like it was occupied and blame the Druids of the Pack for seeking out help in the war of the scythe. And it was Graymane that asked Arugal to bring the worgen back from the emerald Dream. To fight not the Horde. But the scourge.

South shore and Ashenvale might as well been huts too.

We, the horde were fed a lie and told that we are nothing by Sylvanas to feed her master with souls from Teldrassil. Yet that tree was doomed from the start not being properly grown. It needed to be pruned. The innocent souls are on Sylvanas not the Horde since she admitted to acting alone. But, I get it. Just followed orders trope.

Now, you have the best world tree ever. Not even Druids of the flame and a fire dragon could bring it down.

Brennadam and Theramore are true tragedies. No denying that. Even I didnā€™t like playing that in BFA. I have no excuse except to say luckily I mained a void elf monk in BFA and later dragged Saang through it.

Arathi is second war ancient history. Back when we drank the bad demon cool aid. We are much more sophisticated than that now

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

What I was trying to say is that you claimed that only the Horde are the major victims here, even though the Alliance has lost dozens of zones and cities to the Horde by now, because almost everything in the game remains destroyed, no matter what a dev might have said during a Blizzcon. And in that regard, the Alliance has had to endure significantly more, all directly because of the Horde.
Thatā€™s why I find it absurd to constantly read threads in the forum where hardcore Horde players claim theyā€™re the neglected child here, even though not only do their cities and everything remain exclusive, and they havenā€™t even lost half as many zones, but also because the Alliance keeps getting screwed over when it comes to races.
And great, Gilneas now has Worgen NPCs, but itā€™s neutral and doesnā€™t have a hearthstone, portal or a flight master. And the new tree stands somewhere on the edge of the Dragon Isles, only has a few houses instead of a city like Darnassus, and is of course also accessible to the Horde, because how could it be otherwise.

The only point where I agree with complaining Horde players is the fact that the lore has been very Alliance-focused in recent years, but honestly, what sensible person wants to be the focus of such a ridiculous story like the one in WoW? Honestly, if I could trade, Iā€™d prefer to swap places and keep all the Alliance zones and continuously get popular races. :dracthyr_shrug:

The Alliance losses were to even up the map, correcting the massive imbalances introduced in vanilla.

To Alliance players, of course, this is treachery of the highest order, since theyā€™re not interested in a balanced game.

All of Azeroth is a miasma of wars and alliances. We have bled a lot on both sides.

I canā€™t help you with decisions like diaper gnomes. Horde exclusive cities, but ours are infinitely more trash than Boralus, SW, IF, and my frozen hole in the dirt garrison.

Sure, we got foxes and standing tall orcs. Tall trolls. The lore used to be all shock and awe. Rule of cool. Itā€™s much more, we have a common enemy letā€™s just land on the same town in DF and even say hi to the opposite faction officer in charge

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

Iā€™ve also reached a point where the factions just annoy me. Thereā€™s been nothing but player conflict because of them for 20 years now. They might as well remove the last barriers and give each faction access to everything. Iā€™m sure there will be a lot of noise in the forums at first, but for regular players, it will probably be a welcome relief to finally have the freedom to play what they want, with whom they want, and where they want. Idkā€¦ :dracthyr_shrug:

Average Horde recollective capacity.

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While I usually agree with your opinion, these ones are incorrect.

Only the south part of the map had no hearthstone location in the beginning, otherwise all the inns have one. And you get a specific Worgen-only Gilneas Hearthstone toy at Liamā€™s grave. I still have that one to do.

The problem is lack of story for Horde. Not who has lost more. Horde has more territories because Alliance use to have the most. Alliance still won most of the wars.

So that stuff isnā€™t the huge issue. Itā€™s lack of story quests and that Blizz ruined faction fantasy for the Horde with not only repeating MoP but then taking away even more of our leadership and leaving us with councils.

It shouldnā€™t be neutral. There is no reason for it to be.

They did say that Teldrassil will be rebuilt. The downside to that might be having to wait as long as we have for Silvermoon to be rebuilt.

Donā€™t need to be the focus. Would be just nice to have quests that tell smaller stories. Maybe they could actually attempt to finish Volā€™jinā€™s story. Itā€™s been four years.

No thanks. WoW would truly be dead to me then.

They got the bee mount well after the deluge of horses.

Besides, the bee mount was dumb imo. I play both factions (am usually horde tho) and I didnā€™t bother with the bee mount.