Horde Favoritism : Hair Styles

That would be a blood elf…

and the one my char currently has. double buns, forget the actual name. oxhorns is the name of it :grin:

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Yeah, I toyed with that one on my old fem human hunter. I haven’t had enough time over the last couple of days to really get in and mess around with a lot of the new options, but I swear that was one of the old pandaren female hairstyles.

BTW, what are those flowers on your head?

Asking for a friend…

its from the summer festival thing. midsummer or the spring event. one of those. i think spring. they gave us quests to do to make them permanent. so next spring if you still want them you can do the quests. theres also red one, a white one and black also

But from your first post is a great example of being a whiney entitled alliance player.
The easiest solution is to stop giving void elves more ways to look like Horde Blood Elves.


The fact that Void Elves got any additional customization when most of the other allied races got nothing at all was a stretch.

But like I said, you give these crazy Void Elf players an inch and they will scream for a mile.

Learn your lesson Blizzard. You will not satisfy these guys until they basically have Blood Elves on the Alliance.

You cannot sate them.

After some rummaging on Wowhead, looks like it’s this:

Crown of Courage from the Lunar Festival


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can never have too many options. well, you could but then you’d be playing a different game with all the new fangled color pickers and a kajillion other options, to the point you cant move in major cities if you dont have high end comp and super isp

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But youre not a Blood Elf or a High Elf anymore. You guys all want to look like Alleria, but you weren’t introduced to the Void the way she was.

Void Elves should look like Void Elves, not Blood Elves with extra accessories.

i’d settle for white hair or black hair or both. or pastels or all the latter. i’m not set on blonde. was blonde my whole life and it ain’t what its cracked up to be. and kul’tiran/human hairstyles, would be cool too. just as long as i dont still look like a dime store/ discount blood elf. haha.

Basically, Alliance is asking for the whole race to be redone as high elves, unsatisfied what was given to have a copy race playable. They want the void removed completely from the void elves, and have a blood elf copy paste.

not every helf fan wants copy/paste belf so surely the alliance as a whole doesnt expect it. i think you’re exaggerating a bit

It’s always been this way. Blizzard will hopefully (but probably not) see the light one day.

I love you.

But that doesn’t fit the marginalized Alliance / Horde Bias narrative that they rely on to keep their arguments alive, so they don’t bring that part up.


I mean, in reality old races are superior except for some new broken facials on allied races.

The customizations are amazing on old races now.

So while you’d have a case with the HElves from TBC, they didn’t join the Blood Elves. Like, they’re the Alliance group who vouch for you during the quest. Their culture did not re-unify as per good ol’ Wrath

I’d recommend grabbing an Alliance character and playing through Hinterlands as you’re going to find out pretty quickly that the High Elves did not re-unify and there’s still groups out there who are with the Alliance, to the point Sylvannas considers attacking a random group of HElves in the Hinterlands more relevant and important than going after the Wildhammer. Actual quest. You help a draenei who’s there as well.

Other faction with no capital city owned by them and only them: Void Elves.

Void Elves’ nature as “Just a tiny sub-faction of elves loyal to one random magister we never heard about” unfortunately was the biggest positive towards High Elf stuff because, in a different world, I’d agree with you that High Elves are too few and niche!

The problem? Void Elves. If High Elves are too few and too niche, then Void Elves are even fewer and even more niche. But, alas, we have Void Elves. And as such, I apply the thinking that gave us Void Elves, and find it leaves a massive High Elf shaped gap

I hate Void Elves. I hate that original elf donut steel got added to the game as an allied race with no lore development to them and just slapped in as “look at this new race we’ll have around, yup!”. I hate that they basically stole a faction that could have been used to give us the Broken, a race who actually deserves to be an allied race and was the counterpart to the mag’har in TBC. I hate they are such a low-effort case of ‘just slap on modified DK skin textures and new hairstyles’ and yet are the most rolled race. I hate we got them when there are so many other things that actually fit in the storyline of the game and we saw previously that we could have had instead.

In my perfect world, Void Elves would be removed from the game. But I know I’m not going to get that, so I’ll settle for any other allied race overtaking them. I exalt in their identity being eroded, because it shows what a weak rock they were standing on to begin with

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ditto. i showed on here last night that there are velf players who support other races getting stuff. the op is not typical

my main is a velf

I agree with you here. After TBC, Broken have been underutilized and they were my favorite part of Draenei, making them less lawful good and showing flaws in their culture as any group of people should have.

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You people make me angry!!! You people won’t like me when I’m angry!!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth: