Horde Favoritism : Hair Styles

I’m still lost. How does you loving everything connect to what I am saying by claiming that you intentionally started this thread to cause drama, and have insulted Horde players continuously? Explain to me, please, how those two things connect so that I may understand your perspective.


This is what I’ve been saying too, and they keep complaining about the Horde players in the thread… but like? They’ve set the tone the entire time.


Core race

Allied race that should have got nothing in the first place


I don’t believe for one minute that this person is new to the forums, despite their post count, and I think they knew how this thread would evolve while still claiming innocence. It’s silly.


LMFAO! I love returning to threads like this and this being one of the first posts I read. :wink: :wink: :wink:


You was actually the most annoying person by even starting this thread and then you added fuel to the fire, I said that last night and I’ll say it again tonight you and people like you are the problem not us.


Lmaooooooo that made me laugh :joy:


I said this in one of my posts last night only I was more cold about it and said Void Elves shouldn’t get anything new in the allied race customization pass because they already got new stuff during the core race pass and they aren’t even a core race.

Furthermore they took it away from an existing race the Blood Elves which took away time from core race customizations and that in itself is beyond messed up.


new starter zone, horde gets a new tabard. (although restricted to the new character.)

Alliance? Gets a reprint of the Private’s Tabard.

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We have now belfs running with blue eye color :confused:
Belves were already defanged and regressed in the very expansion they were introduced, the little novelty they had about them was thrown out of the window so they could pretend to be goodie two shoes again.

And now this, another regression when players willingly reduce themselves to another Legolas wannabie with blue eyes and blond hair. It’s really sad.

I don’t think that any self respecting belf player would want to change to blue, after the events of Dalaran especially. But whatever, I guess.
It’s not like I play this race anymore.

Hey look!!

You two have returned. :grin:


I’m always here! Just needed to sleep to reset after the last two days of watching the op get roasted lol

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I was around too much myself. The forums are entertaining at work when it’s not as busy as today.

Lol right this is the best form of entertainment when you got nothin to do :joy:


Darn horde players! I shake my fist at you all!

(Avarie alt?)

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I always come back to threads I bookmark especially ones where the OP and people like the OP are super annoyances like a fly that must be squashed quickly.


We shall now call the OP Teldrassil. :rofl:

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:mosquito: :wave: Just doesn’t know when to give up

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Hey, that’s hitting below the belt. :frowning:


Either way, it has been much fun. Plenty of entertainment. :rofl: