Horde Favoritism : Hair Styles

oh be careful ham. :grin:

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Underserved hate? How long have you played? These dumb High elf beggars threads have been ridiculed and hated since they were first started in BC

Because they are annoying! People are sick and tired of hearing you guys whine and throw tantrums nonstop bothering Blizzard never getting off their backs. It was bad enough before Void elves were added but now that they are and the high elf crybabies finally got what they wanted in the form of a copy race to finally get those people to leave them alone! But no people like you are still complaining! Complaining they don’t have every last thing the Blood elves have every hair style every hair color every class. Undeserved hate?! These people have finally got what they have annoyed Blizzard for the past 16 years and this is how they say thank you?! By complaining it’s not enough?! I say you guys don’t deserve anything for that!!

This thread deserves all the hate it’s getting just like every other high elf beggar threads! I seriously cannot believe how ungrateful people can be.

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because you dont pay attention to the grateful ones and dont assume nuance is anywhere but your own position.

Lol I haven’t seen anyone saying thank you to Blizz and how appreciative they are all I see are threads like these crying for more opposite of being appreciative or threads angry about the whole Velf concept/race itself.

I haven’t seen any threads showing gratitude for all Blizzard has done for them lol

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this is hyperspace’s alt nightborne

thats cause everyone’s scrambling for customizations, while they’re willing to do customizations. i’ve even started threads asking for customizations for everybody, starting with belfs and then going down the list. here it is

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Difference is there is those races are Unique the OP isn’t asking for new customization unique to the void elves they want all the stuff the Blood elves have I am pointing out at the whole stupid high elf thing not people saying what exactly they want for other races.

The op and tons of others being unappreciative at what they have gotten the whole race as a whole customizations model everything I have seen no appreciation threads no gratification to Blizzard just angry cus they don’t have every last little thing the Blood elves have. I saw a thread asking to make Silvermoon shareable between the factions cus of Void elves and these new customizations
 are you kidding me

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oh lots of helfers are thrilled with the new skin tones and eyecolors that velfs got. but as i said, now is the time to ask, so people are asking, including velfs. but being called bargain basement belfs because we are what some call cheap knock offs of belfs, doesnt inspire alot confidence in the fact we still dont look like high elves - getting close though. i personally dont need blonde hair to feel like a good compromise is reached, as not all elves have traditionally had only blonde hair. some have white or black, and i’d be fine with that.

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Blizzard have gone so far above and beyond what they wanted to do, purely to pander to the screeching
 now is the time for the HElfers to play nice and stick a sock in it.

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we’re almost there . cant stop now. i gots my eye on some kul’tiran hairstyles that look nice on velfs - somebody actually did mock ups of it, looked amazing.

I completely agree that the Void Elves cut and paste skins really didn’t actually detract from anyone else getting their options. This being said, I believe other ARs should have had a similar inheritance where applicable, doing wonders for Nightborne for example.

I do also agree that Blood Elves got dealt a very bad hand on options as I myself am rocking the extent of what we got. Like literally no tattoos or Undead color options, which should be to the front of the line, by the first patch if not the new launch date.

All this being said, I see nothing wrong with a partial copy and paste of Blood Elf hair styles and colors to Void Elves as on a thematic level it makes as much sense as the skin tones.

Personally I wouldn’t want a full copy/paste as I would want the Void Elves and Blood Elves to retain some differences and have some room for unique options, though I wouldn’t want just a copy of Kul Tiran assets either, like I’d personally prefer Night Elf and Draenei assets myself for Alliance derivatives, so I think a mixture is in order, including a few Blood Elf options.

And none of this is to pander to any sort of anti fallacies or anything, but both Void Elf and Blood Elf players deserve better than just a straight copy and paste one way and I also feel like a couple Void Elf assets could be shared with Blood Elves at this juncture.

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For people who visit the forums often it can be frustrating to see 30+ new threads complaining about the same nonsense every single day. Why do you think they almost instantly get flagged?

Think of it like junk mail in your inbox and having to sift through 99% nonsense just to view the stuff you might actually want to look at.


I know Valleria has blonde hair so sure yeah I get that but they do not need every last customization Blood elves have why not give them different things so they aren’t complete copies?

Because that’s not what the helfers want they the Blood elves completely taken away from Horde and given to them. And that isn’t fair so they can’t have that.

They could give them more voidish like stuff that is Unique their race but these people don’t want that stuff cus Void elves were never something they wanted they want our elves which they can’t have so they just complain even more instead of being appreciative of what they have been given which is the closest Blizzard can do.

i agree. many helfers agree. people just notice the ones that bug them. apparently honey doesnt attract like vinegar, these days

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Because those appreciative ones don’t say or do anything to be noticed.

Just the people like the op get noticed so nobody sees anything good because they don’t say anything unlike the whiners like the op

Somehow, you’ll survive.

just have to read the threads. we have artists in our customization threads that add all kinds of interesting options that dont require any belf hairstyles nor belf haircolors.

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And yet void elves still have hair I want. I guess different races are different.

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Well I sure haven’t found anything about them thanking Blizz and being appreciative I have seen threads about artists showing different stuff that aren’t Blood elf copies and yes do that! Give them their own styles not more of our race! Those are good yes. That I like and is a good idea but not stealing even more stuff from Blood elves.

Let’s get them their own unique hair styles and customizations.

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Void elves also have void hair.

Unless blood elves get the same model, except as juicy light-infused hair, haven’t we just reversed the situation? Void elves would have something blood elves do not?

Equality now.

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So you’re saying a group of ten can’t be equally as toxic as a group of five?? You’re delusional and really need to stop lying to yourself. You may go now.