Horde Favoritism : Hair Styles

Yup spoiled entitled whiners that have no appreciation.

I mean of course an allied race wouldn’t get as much in a patch that wasn’t supposed to add anything to allied races in the first place. It’s a massive surprise we even got skin tones in the first place.
It’ll probably come in 9.1 or 9.2 or something, since they’ve said this is only the beginning for customization additions.

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one where velfs are called abominations and discount bargain bin elfs, because they arent as nice as belfs. :grin:

this much is true.

somebody hold me back. the urge is strong. :grin:

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And how many times a day do High Elf fans decide to write a thesis statement on why they hate Blood Elves and how because they choose to only go on WC2 lore they perceive Blood Elves as being on the wrong faction?

It’s like a broken record convo that happens at least every six hours.


Because it is trueth.

“I’m not one to be angry.”

LMAO I don’t think it’s normal to get angry at someone else’s minor hang ups about cosmetics but okay.

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No it’s not :confused: and that bothers you and others like you.


difference - one still thinks the other is desirable to the point of asking to make them playable, conversely, the other thinks velfs are scum, abominations, should be deleted, should be genocided (though this usually is applied to all elfs) and other such niceties. lol

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Yes, sadly I didnt learn anything new from horde players in this thread,
same underserved hatred as usual (from some of them, not all) :frowning:

I’m starting to think this too honestly.

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Did we learn anything new from you though? Someone who very clearly doesn’t understand Void Elves weren’t even supposed to be up for anything and yet got more meaningful customization than the core race they parallel.

“Same undeserved hatred from Horde as usual”


The irony of this one just sends me.


why? just cause a random player says they want velfs to have everything belfs have, doesnt mean all of us feel that way. like i’d be happy with black hair and white hair or pastels or both but i dont need red, brown and blonde hair. i’d be happy with hairstyles from kul’tirans and humans. i dont want to be a carbon copy of a belf. and i’ve always said that.

I would say you’re the outlier not the majority unfortunately. And thats not a bad thing I wish more people weren’t already on trying to completely steal Blood Elves

Too many High Elf fans talk like this for it to be just one here and there. Are we going to compare fan bases? I’d guess playable Blood Elves have more. So a loud smaller group likes High Elves, and within that group the majority seems to always come back to hating Blood Elves, hence why a lot of Blood Elf fans take issue.

Again I know where you stand Hyper, and what you’re describing is about all I’ll be okay with personally in terms of what I would not speak out against, it doesn’t bother me VE’s might get Kul Tiran styles an Alliance race for example, or pastel colors or a jet black.


This is also my stance, and as such I want core races to be really looked at what they obviously rushed before going back to try to please the High Elf fans with ideas that you have such as pastels or Kul Tiran hair.

if you honestly look at velf customizations, you will notice no actual work went into anything but purple eyes and changing the under garments. and the purple eyes are identical to their original whitish blue eyes, just tinted purple. so far, velfs havent had the undivided attention of the creative folks. they made skin tones for belfs and copy / pasted them into the velf folder. took them months just to give us velf underwear. copy/pasting files is super easy. the most time intensive thing they did was changing the underwear.

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Not talking about work, talking about what was done for Void Elves.

If one was a billionaire and handed out a million dollars, are you going to accost them because it was “hardly much work for them”? Thats still a lot like, Blood Elves got less and we got the same low effort but at least you made out with a big deal.

You’re talking about work that no matter how effort intense was still a big deal, and even a bigger deal because it came during core races and core races across the bored are lack luster now but HE fans already are onto more HE agenda requests.

all i’m saying is they didnt skimp on your customizations just because they took a few minutes copy / pasting belf skin colors into the velf folder. in fact, they pasted them bones and all but the code asks for slightly different facial bones for velfs. so i take it back that velf undies were the most intensive. it was likely making sure the code matched the faces. i think one of the faces is not available to belfs so its an unique velf face.

i think they just got carried away on some races, who needed the attention and that is what caused it. also, i think they are trying to attract more subs to start alliance chars. i mean humans have 27 different eyebrow options. haha. they have like 4 pages of customizations. :upside_down_face:

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But what you are saying is that despite receiving the better hand of the deal you deserve more because you feel the effort was minimal to give you the substantial amount that you got?

I just want Blizzard to refocus back on core races because across the board it’s like uhm.

And then to already be like “Well us HE fans didn’t get anything based on our logic it was low effort to give us the things we got” is just tone deaf to me.

I have to assume they did low effort on core races, especially in the context between Blood Elves and Void Elves because Blood Elves didn’t get the same care Night Elves did for box art tattoos etc, didn’t get a second visual theme like Void Elves did. What we did get is locked behind one gender to use, and what all other human skin toned races got.

I think all core races should get the level of attention a few got. And that’s just not the case atm, so I have to assume while not time intensive the effort they did give you they saw as a hand wave to both races which wasn’t cool because by doing that they dealt Blood Elves a bad hand, so now their on the list of core races that are lack luster.

Everything from worgen needing tails and better posture. To Forsaken needing better posture options. Tattoos for more core races etc. like it’s all adding up to the conclusion that core races are lackluster across the board. But leave it to HE fans to try to bring it back to them on Void Elves who are neither a core race and made out better than most of us already anyways.

i am not saying we didnt get a good deal. i love the eyes and skin colors. i am not saying you got a good deal. this is what i’m saying: 1) your less than stellar deal isnt because they took a few minutes to copy/paste belf bodies into the velf folder and 2) a lady can never have too many options. :innocent: