Horde Favoritism : Hair Styles

I’m not mad at it. I’d be down for light infused hair for Blood Elves, both via Void Elf styles and otherwise.

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Lightforged Bloodelves? Lol

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more like mana hair. ever see nightborne mana hair? something like that but reverse flow direction and have it tinted like a pale gold color instead of pale purple, like gentle sunbeams, sparkling. like when you see a sun ray with dust particles dancing in it


That sounds good :slight_smile:

yeah it does. sold myself on the idea awhile ago. haha. now if only i had the ear of the people who make those decisions. :innocent:

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You still talking about Light Bathed hair for Belfs Hyper?

I’m not against it. I just got here and didn’t read anything else. Lol

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Allied race


Hey that’s what I said.

You were the first person who posted on this thread lol you missed an entire war buddy lol

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Eh I was here once or twice.

I meant tonight. :smiley:

I knew this thread would be a war so I only returned when I was tagged by someone. Lol

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Lol let’s get them to hire you for customizations you got some good ideas :bulb: I would like to hear what else you got for whatever races lol

/cracks knuckles

haha. well then. come closer. /leans in and whispers… spider elves, the faldorei, dont tell avarie. she flips out. :grin:


Lol my lips are sealed :zipper_mouth_face:

Spider elves spider elves! Does whatever spider elves do!

Rise Spider Empire!

customization for nightborne


Lmao love it! ^^^^^ I always wondered what they would do with multiple leg races like centaurs and stuff but I’m sure they could make it work!

oopsie. hehe. wheres your redhead?

Pretty much what Hyper said. The Blood Elves are heavy magic users and now that they have their Sunwell back it would be cool to see it have more of an effect on them than just their eyes.

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well they could give nightborne the druid class and make faldorei their boomkin form. maybe. if they were in the mood to be extra nice to nightborne.

That’s a good idea to!