Horde are winning 99% of AV's and also getting 99% of the HKs

Where did you get your statistic? Do you have a source?

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Really made me think.

Here is my PvP stats for Saturday the 25th of July.
1st column is my rep level, started taking note at 7254 into revered.
2nd column is the result: win / loss
3rd is rep gained per match
4th is just some notes, I started noting the time at some point.
As for honour gained, I dont care just wanted to hit exalted.

Wins: 6
Losses: 16
37.5% win rate. Not great but not that bad.

I did have a good number of wins prior to recording this

*All wins include 100 rep from medal hand in

Rep: Win/Loss: Gained per BG:

8066 Win 812
8330 Loss 264
9184 Win 818
9406 Loss 222
9424 Loss 18 Not a new BG.
9609 Loss 184
9609 Loss 0 Not a new BG but close.
9832 Loss 223
10198 Loss 366 Not a new one but decent rep for a loss, turtle.
11028 Win 830
11267 Loss 239 1:48 pm
11773 Loss 506 2:10 pm, add 300 for 3 medal hand-ins for 9 losses
12586 Win 813 2:22 pm
13049 Loss 463 2:50 pm, turtle
13068 Loss 19 2:58 pm Not a new BG.
13812 Loss 744 3:37 pm, add 100 for the last 3 losses (break, resumed at 3:51pm)
14660 Win 848 4:06 pm
14847 Loss 187 4:21 pm
15148 Loss 301 4:44 pm
16017 Win 869 4:58 pm
16351 Loss 334 5:22 pm, add 100 for the last 3 losses
16634 Loss 283 5:50 pm, done for the night

Here are some FACTS to explain that ratio:

  1. Horde have the best PvP racials. Hands down, there is no room for debate here. This inst BC where humans had EMFH which got nerfed due to horde QQ, as did perception, the only good alliance racial and it was only good in Arena anyway.
  2. People who want to PvP roll horde because they have the best PvP racials. Therefor PvP isn’t the primary focus for your average alliance player. This is why faction imbalance is horde skewed on PvP servers and Alliance Skewed on PVE servers.

Add those 2 facts together and you have your answer to why horde win 62.5% of AV’s

Which is largely because horde suffer no consequences for launching an attack and getting wiped. If horde launch a full on assault on SH and 30 horde die, what consequences do they suffer? None.

If alliance launch an assault of 30 people at either IBGY or SFGY and simply get substantially delayed, not even wiped, they have lost SHGY and have no hard capped graveyards south of IWB choke and are now in a position from which it is extremely difficult to recover.

Exhibit A: Alliance Winning AV (On AV Weekends Only) - #130 by Graal-bloodsail-buccaneers

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You forgot to mention that happened at the beginning before you horde started to cry about it and Blizzard fixed it for you.
Since you are winning 99% of the time and alliance is crying but Blizzard doesnt give a rat a’d’ss about it.
And yes even if you are winning everytime still you keep half of your raid capping a choke point without us able to do Lt’s. Yes its war I get it but still you are doing it only to mock us. After all this is a game isnt it ? Or it should be. But no you have to be D.i.c.k.s.

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In this scenario do the other runners get to start 50 feet ahead of him on the track and he has to jump over hurdles while they just run on a flat track?

Because that’s what horde get for AV. lol

Or maybe its the IBGY and forward cave on the horde side and the fact that the horde starting point is closer to the midpoint and they get SF for free?


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Does anyone have any official data to corroborate this “99% win rate” that people are throwing around?

The first few days of AV in Classic was zerg v zerg. The Alliance started queue syncing because Horde started cutting off the zerg at Bal. Again, this is a map problem since the actual middle isn’t between Ally and Horde territory where it should be:

It didn’t matter which way Alliance went around Bal, they were cut off. Alliance changed their tactics again and started fighting at SHGY, SFGY and IBGY while sending stealthers to RH. They tried turtling at Bal. They tried rushing Galv. None of this was effective.

And so they started queue syncing. There were different approaches with pre-mades. Sometimes mages would suicide at Bal so the majority of the zerg could push through. Sometimes players with slower mounts would suicide into the Horde at Bal while the rest hid and then continue the zerg.

Even with pre-mades a win was far from guaranteed. Recalls needed to be coordinated. Mages needed to spam Hordes recall point at RH. If the team didn’t execute everything perfectly, it was a loss. Many pre-mades ended in a loss.

Queue syncing didn’t become a thing to roflstomp Horde. It wasn’t even particularly fun - queuing up 8 or 10 times before you got enough in - often sitting out. Queue syncing became a thing because winning without it was nearly impossible. We’d already seen that, and so had you.

It isn’t “suddenly” about the Horde cave. Never mind that the cave is only one advantage, albeit the biggest one. It was always about the map.

Blizzard didn’t “fix” anything. They changed it. There were pre-mades in Vanilla AV as I’m sure every single person on these forums is aware. They changed it for the same reason they changed honor camping the cave (and even called it griefing FFS) because somewhere in WoW a Blizzard employee lost 75% of his AV’s to pre-mades and was spawn camped.

GY camping in BG’s has been a thing since forever, and pre-mades happened in Vanilla. Yet these things were changed in Classic because Alliance were doing them and it disadvantaged Horde. Yet they fail to make changes to AV that would not give an advantage to Alliance but simply balance the map. This is nothing more than Horde bias. It’s not even debatable.

Instead of looking at the evidence and pushing for changes based on fact, many of you want to hold onto your Horde privilege and try to divert attention to the bad, lazy Alliance and how Alliance can actually win a few AV’s on weekends when they try.

You should also know that there are “certain” Alliance players that spam discord and get as many people in as possible before the game starts. Something that Horde could have done months ago instead of blubbering about Alliance pre-mades.


Horde has more adult players.

^This^ is exactly what I’m talking about. Instead of looking at things objectively Horde fight tooth and nail to hold on to their advantages and simply troll and deflect.

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There’s no map imbalance that’s causing you to lose that consistently. There never has been.

Anyone making this statement is trolling at this point.


The map is frustrating, but at least the bridge can be defended now. Won a few games Saturday night by holding the bridge. It meant grinding 400+ kills at the bridge for over an hour a few times, but eventually horde started AFKing and we won some matches.

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I can see how you’d not be convinced of an argument that was not made by me (the bolded one)

As far as populations are concerned, how on earth do you explain the sheer differences in faction ratios between pve servers and pvp servers? You believe it to just be “random gamers”?

Why is there a perpetual ignoring of the fact that wsg and AB have a much higher hph than AV, which absolutely contributes to the motivation of alliance in those bgs?

Well, I guess you win the argument, by virtue of the “that’s that” clause.

There is no argument. The map favors the horde. You can try to make whatever argument for alliance favor you want, but they’ll be wrong in about 99% of cases.

Again, the winrate issue, make whatever argument you want that’s an open discussion. Map advantage though? It’s horde through and through.

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Horde don’t suffer consequences for attacking because alliance never even try to go offense 90% of the time outside of AV weekend.

You must have horrid positioning of you don’t know how to spawn at which GY/cave.

Where you die matters.

Even then the trinket let’s you back to your base.

It let’s you spawn 10 in your base, 20 at GY, and attack horde from both sides, meaning they have a harder time keeping their healers safe.

But hay, logic doesn’t matter these days, only how you feel, and clearly alliance feel the map is unbalanced.

Sure they do, it just usually ends quickly when horde end up capping SHGY. What you’re seeing is the hour long clean up that follows that.