Honor System should be released in Phase 1

Reading through all your comments, you’ve contributed nothing. You’ve yet to care or provide valuable input. If anything, you’re deconstructing the ongoing discussion on Classic. Classic will be more successful without you trolling around being glib.

You are not reading far enough. My contribution is here and I want classic to sucseed. That means stopping the toxic behavior and calling it out sometimes.

In this particular thread I was simply agreeing with someone that you stated this:

Which according to what we do know is not right.

That’s it. The discussion seemed, and succeeded, in getting people yelling at one another instead of looking at facts.

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As you can tell from my post history, I’m an avid PvPer. While PvE in Classic is also appealing to me, PvP will be my focus.

I’d hate for there to be an entire phase where there are absolutely no rewards for PvP.

My intention in posting my concerns is to hear from others what their ideal Classic PvP system would be.

One thing I learned, and agreed with, is that World PvP will be the focus in Phase 1. I LOVE this idea.

I would love it even more if some portion of the Honor System rewards were available during this time as well.

If Blizzard is actively deliberating which path would be best, I feel that player’s inputs could be valuable in their decision-making process.

You are wrong, the two piece field marshal isn’t BIS. The blue two piece is. Two blue piece set bonus is SP, while the FM is just stam. I believe its the shoulders and gloves or shoulders and another piece (its been a long time) but that is your BIS until naxx.

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Most of these people arguing for certain things are 100% just trolling.

They dont ever bring anything to the discussion - no facts. No quotes. No nothing except their own personal feelings and hurt that the devs arent listening to their minority voice because they’re posting about it again and again constantly.

The only people I see advocating for certain things, here and on the EU forums is just a very vocal minority that want their personal nostalgia regardless of the overall health of the game.


Man you are one toxic individual. Honor system day 1 isn’t how vanilla was. Therefore it shouldn’t be how vanilla will be.


You want Vanilla, you get PVP Benefits in Content Patch 2 (Patch 1.4.0).

Anything else would mess with raiding and not be an authentic Classic experience.


And I whole hardly agree with you. Listen, your passion is very commendable and we need more of that. My biggest fear right now is seeing the classic fans, those of us here now WAITING for a release date crowd, to not get split into factions. We will need to stick together once launch comes.

And everyone knows I want new players and current live players to join us. And while I am somewhat #nochanges (some will tell you I am not at all :P) Those #nochagers are our family. And you know. You know what its going to look like when this place gets flooded.

So, while I didn’t add to the discussion on the honor system, I will level first then worry about that myself, I do have your back. I just want our family to stop arguing so much :slight_smile: Which is NOT your fault for your discussion post. It’s just sadly what happens right now.

I appreciate you, Bricklethumb. I can tell you are at least as passionate as I am for Classic.

The Blue PvP set falls well under Molten Core gear for most classes. It tends to sacrifice damage for stamina which is not good for PvE Damage Dealing or Healing.

An example:

Hunter PvP Shoulders: +10 Agility, +20 Stamina, +12 Attack Power

Giantstalker’s Epaulets: +24 Agility, +5 Int, +9 Spirit, +14 Stamina, +7 SR, 1% Chance to Hit

Chance to hit being highly coveted, you can see Giantstalker’s is much, much better.

I think there are many benefits to releasing the Honor System with Classic launch and aside from the PvP 2-piece for a class, as was mentioned earlier, almost no drawbacks.

Also, if you believe the Classic raiding experience will be anything like it was 13 years ago, I’m afraid you’re painfully wrong.

Anecdotally, my raid guild spent perhaps an entire year on MC/Onyxia and then later ZG. Week after week, we never ventured to find the NUMEROUS trash skips and shortcuts that everyone uses now. MC will be full cleared perhaps within a month.

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But going into MC wearing that gear is a significant boost over Pre Raid BIS, which is the point.

I wouldn’t mind an Honor System without rewards just to be grinding out in world PvP till rewards are released later.

Hunter Pre-raid BiS (Truestrike Shoulders): 2% Hit, +24 Attack Power
Hunter PvP Shoulders: +10 Agility, +20 Stamina, +12 Attack Power

They’re comparable but pre-raid BiS is still better. Please understand that shoulders from dungeons are MUCH easier to get than grinding rank 10 in PvP. MC will be on farm well before anyone gets rank 10 from world PvP.

I don’t agree, it will mess with pre-raid BiS AND that is not when it was released.

Phased 2 honor system, phase 3 WSG and AV.

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No… that is not how it was in vanilla… Honor system came before BGs. Stop trying to change things…

None of the rewards were available from the honor system until BG’s.

The system that was there ACTUALLY added in 1.4…

Right before AV and WSG were added into the game.


They can add it with BG’s when they release and it wont be a stretch or a problem OR hardly even considered a “change” because it was added so close to the battlegrounds.

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They were two months apart. The introduction of the honor system and BGs.

But you made a good point that the honor system had little meaning until the BG patch.

But regardless if there is much meaning to it, I think it should be released with the pvp rewards not available until Phase 3 with the bgs.

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Is there nothing to be said on the ease of access comparison between pre-raid BiS and the PvP gear?

You can spam dungeons and get the gear you need quickly. PvP Ranks took weeks on weeks to get. It may ultimately affect what people are wearing in MC, but do you really think it’s going to matter?

People can wear random fire resist greens and full clear MC the first month.

I think you make good points. I find it amusing how many people act like vanilla is only servers that opened with 1.1 or something and not all the others that opened post BGs. Apparently those weren’t “authentic” vanilla experiences. Unfortunately, I think that the lack of BGs will make the end game noticeably less enjoyable. As a player who leveled on multiple servers both before and after pvp rankings. I think the most fun I had was being able to do BGs while leveling and turning in marks for some extra XP.

You are correct about the need to cap rank until BWL for GM/HWL gear, and quite honestly I’d be fine with even fewer rewards. I just enjoyed doing some WSG in each bracket as I leveled and personally found leveling on later release servers to be more enjoyable than earlier ones.

Exactly this. I fear people are getting far too carried away trying to fully simulate the Vanilla launch that they don’t realize that even the Devs responsible for Vanilla felt strongly about making certain changes to make the game more enjoyable.

The idea behind Classic is to recreate the community, the pace, the server camaraderie and forgoing some of the mistakes would only enhance that.

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I believe the devs have admitted that they basically overlooked the need for instanced PvP, hence adding it was correcting an oversight in devlopment. I’d have to go look for the exact quote, but there ya go.