Honor System should be released in Phase 1

Blizzard is most likely spending a good deal of time figuring out how to release PVP. Rather where it fits in one of the phases or if it needs it’s own phase.

The closest thing to “authentic” is to put in the Honor System, Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley in Phrase 2, with Arathi Basin in Phase 4.

I’m guessing most wouldn’t want it that way though in practice.

It’s just unnecessary. The gear is tuned to how difficult it is to obtain. AB rep rewards aren’t AQ40 level, nor are the blue PvP rewards BWL level… Blue PvP rewards are comparable to PRE-RAID BiS.

Weren’t the original PvP blue sets equippable at 58 and itemized much worse. Why couldn’t they just use those to start us off and swap to the better sets later with BWL?


It changes the game… #Nochanges

Enjoy the WPVP… and be excited for the bgs and pvp system when they come out at the appropriate times.

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No… the BGs were added in 1.5… that’s phase 3… not 2.

1.1-1.2=phase 1
1.3-1.4=phase 2
1.5-1.6=phase 3

Hailiaxx, we are getting sharding. I think your #nochanges ship has sailed. You posting it constantly just makes you look ridiculous.

PS: This is exactly the reason we were told “you think you do but you don’t.”

Just because there is sharding at the beginning doesn’t mean they will deliberately make changes to the release schedule lol.

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Again, this isn’t the case for many classes especially spell casters where their blue two-piece bonus is better than their tier pieces and their epic pvp sets for pve.

Exactly. I mentioned this in my OP.

I’m extremely excited! Just wish there were some progress to be made with it, is all. Phase 1 neglects PvP rewards entirely and it really doesn’t have to.

#nochanges pops up a lot. Tons of stuff changed DURING Vanilla. The idea that some of those changes shouldn’t be implemented right away in the second-coming of Vanilla is painfully wrong.

Tons of servers opened with PvP in place. Are those not authentic vanilla servers? I say they are and would prefer that to not having BGs for months. Your subjective opinion carries no more weight than anyone elses.

While you may like that… others may not… LIKE ME lol. I prefer it to be released as close to what it was in vanilla. It’s not meant to be a vote on whether you want this change or that…

So… ultimately… the default should be to stick to original road map.

This is misleading. The two-piece bonus is better than the final set bonus on T1 because the item slots mismatched. In theory, If you had every single piece, you could wear the 5 set of T1 AND the 2 set PvP.

As you can imagine, with each boss dropping ~2 items for a 40 man raid and most raids bringing MANY mages. This is not realistic. Tit for tat, T1 is much better than the blue PvP gear.

You talking about late in vanilla?

Yeah… then wait 6 months… open another server just for you… and play on it with the honor system at the start :joy:

problem solved. Authentic vanilla experience.

One thing you have to keep in mind is that with the honor system came the dishonorable kills.

I loved the experience in the original release where city and towns raids were quite common… The honor system killed it.

I want that experience again

This isn’t misleading. Tier sets are trash for dps casters. If we talk about PvE, then throwing in 2 blue pieces are way better than MC has to offer and BWL. In the case of mages, up until naxx. It takes tier 3 to replace to two piece set bonus from blues pvp. Naxx…

T1 mage set is garbage. T2 mage set is garage compared to what you can do with random epics from raiding and two piece blue pvp. T2 Warlocks are absolutely useless for PvE. Shadow priests have nothing tier wise.

Blue pieces pvp > epic pieces pvp for pve.

No PvP at launch like real vanilla. Phase 2 with world pvp and then launch wsg/av with phase 3. Where AB gets thrown in is ???

Late vanilla servers were better imo. You are already getting 1.12 talents, thus you already have a bastardized classic. Stop pretending your getting #nochanges.

Not pretending… you are only doing a terrible job at a strawman.

I don’t care what you think is better… I care to have the full vanilla experience as close as blizzard can make it… and of course it won’t be perfect.

There’s no strawman, just pointing out that your #nochanges logic is one of the stupidest things I’ve read recently. Carry on.

Got a statement confirming sharding?

It would make no sense to save BGs for Phase 3 with BWL. If a player raids at a decent level and PVPs there is basically no point in ranking at all, not for gear anyway. Personally I wouldn’t even bother except for fun.

I think a special “Call to War” patch between phase 2 and 3 makes sense to release the honor system and all three BGs. I was just pointing out how they actually released which is 1.4 - 1.7 with a gap patch at 1.6 (BWL).