Honor System should be released in Phase 1

That is pretty ambitious and it means the player has maxed rank points for the week every week to skip several ranks.

Possible, but only unemployed tryhard PvP nerds would get it that fast.

See you in molten core, Lex.

It ain’t so bad. Find a world-pvp focused guild that raids casually for gear’s sake. Then you can show up and stomp all the guys who were lying around waiting for honor gear.

Especially if it’s World PvP only in phase 1, the honor system should 100% be introduced with release. The blue gear really only good for PvP and does not outperform MC/ZG gear for any class. It is on par with dungeon blue gear yet tends to have more stamina as opposed to a better DPS stat.

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You’re straight advocating no CRBG, not having it what so ever 100%… Seen you on the 1.5 AV team… Why are you so set on having the barest - most stripped version of PvP in game? What is the purpose of that? For your own nostalgia?

But you’re knocking on the ranking system and saying that people who will be doing the R14 grind and playing the game they see fit are just “unemployed pvp nerds”

You’re nothing but a troll homeskillet. Of the lowest order.

Might as well just remove PvP on the word of Kolben

Do you notice that they keep talking even though this very fact goes over their head?

In their original release plan it was listed with phase 2 and BWL.

So far, their only expansion has been to spread out the PvE content further from 4 to 6 phases. While not expressly stating PvP in their posted content plan that was given to us, was listed awhile ago. Ima try to find the placing of where i saw phase 2 BG’s/honor I think it was in the announcement but not 100%

The announcement I recall said they still didn’t know what to do with PVP yet. But I have slept since then :slight_smile:

Found it.


Ah, they said something after the thing I’m thinking about… Still havent found my bit. But i’ll toss that salt over my shoulder.

All the gear wound up on par with BWL and jsut a bit less powerful than AQ40 gear so the only LOGICAL place to drop this is going to be around BWL…

What about the schedule I suggested though?

I think it’s optimal to have the Honor System released with MC with ranks capped at Rank 11. When BWL comes out, the cap will be raised.

its the stopping and starting it thing that will probably see that not happen unfortunately.

They just want to gate it and turn it on in 1 go, that’s personally how I would do it.

Classic is supposed to be a game that just kinda runs itself in a standby mode (but time gated for content upon release so it doesnt just get smashed through) and the most effective way to run it would just be set patches that enable the feature in its 100% like an on-off switch

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And Blizzard is to make the decision completely autonomously without any input from the community? I’m simply opening a discussion and giving my take on it.

Why are you even on the forums if you’re just ridiculing discussion?

Uh… Yes… they can do just that.

Because I care about Classic. I am not ridiculing discussion.

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No it shouldn’t. End of story.

And that’d be a terrible decision. Besides, they’ve said time and time again they are monitoring discussions to evaluate the best direction to take Classic.

I am pretty sure the two piece bonus for mages are BIS until Naxx.

It is not a terrible decision. You and I are not stakeholders that they report to each week.

Input yet. Constant churning out the same thing over and over and over. Its just tiring.

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So very classy of you.

It’s My Classic forums too. And I will be staying.


Wasn’t directed at you.

How do you know I’m not a shareholder? Who is churning about the same thing? I’ve made valuable points as to why the Honor System fits in perfectly with a phase 1 launch… you’ve said NOTHING.

I dont care at this point.

WE ARE A COMMUNITY Start acting like it!!

We all want Classic to be successful!! We are not in flipping high school.

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I said stakeholder. Not shareholder. And you are not. You would not be engaging in troll baiting discussions you know will get a fight going like you have the last couple days.

I count no less that 3 posts where you purpose is just to argue and get people in arms.