Hello, I’m currently in a guild that I actually like. The only problem is they have too many healers, so I’m always having to play dps. Also, the ones interested in raiding do that with other groups, and we don’t raid as a guild. I suppose I could do the same, but isn’t that the point of joining a guild; to do things as a guild group? I have not done current content raiding, so I’m quite happy to join a guild that needs a healer, and is just starting out on the current content raiding. I’m not interested in joining a huge guild, with many raid teams and getting lost in the numbers. Something small and more casual would be nice. I’m willing to hop servers if I can find the right fit.
Crimson Brotherhood is recruiting healers for our core raid group headed into shadowlands. We’re also active in mythic plus. Check us out.
Good afternoon Fyresong,
Not sure if you’re open to Horde or late night raiding, but if you are we could be a great fit! <Dusk to Dawn> is a late night Horde guild on Mal’Ganis forming for the rest of BFA and into Shadowlands. Our goal is to clear most of Mythic every tier in Shadowlands, but focusing on bringing in the right personalities. We are keeping the roster small (the only people in the guild will be the raid team) so that people can actually bond and form friendships with their fellow raiders. I want people that care more about finding a home and group to raid with tier after tier instead of just having people that only care about chasing CE every tier and bounce between guilds to get it. We are a very laid back group and our top priority is having a good time while killing some bosses.
We already have a very tight-knit group. People are online in discord every night hanging out and chatting. We run M+ pretty much every night we aren’t raiding (even before/after raids some nights). We also have people doing arenas, mechagon hard modes, and dungeon/raid achievements. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, I’d love to chat more!
Raid Times:
Progression nights:
- Tuesday: 11pm - 1am CST (9pm - 11pm PST)
- Wednesday: 11pm - 1am CST (9pm - 11pm PST)
- Thursday: 11pm - 1am CST (9pm - 11pm PST)
Farm night (optional)
- Sunday: 11pm - 1am CST (9pm - 11pm PST)
12/12N, 12/12H, 2/12M (with pugs)
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or fill out our simple app and we’ll get in touch with you:
- Discord: Zamereon#4336
- Bnet: Zamereon#1622
- App: bit.ly/DuskToDawnApp
Hey Fyresong,
Reformation is an Alliance guild on Shadow Council that might be a right fit for you. We run a lot of content in a family friendly environment and take the time to make sure that players understand game mechanics while having fun with it. We have people that run mythic dungeons, do some light raiding and just generally have fun playing the game.
My BNet tag is in the form msg below. Look me up if you would like to chat and find out more about us. We have a small raid team that is learning as we go. Usually about 6-10 people on most evenings. Our long term goal is to get to 15-20 regular players with some more casuals in the mix. No plan to be a faceless crowd guild. Happy to chat if you would like to know more about us. And now for the generic message
Looking for the right guild to call home for the last bit of BfA, Shadowlands and beyond?
Based on Shadow Council/Blackwater Raiders joined servers, Reformation is a social guild that does normal raiding once a week and mythic/mythic+ content. Currently 12/12N, 1/12H Ny’alotha. Weekly events are run for Islands, Low Mythics (gearing and learning fights) and higher Mythic keys. Group achievement runs are listed as people are interested.
We are currently looking to continue to grow our family friendly guild. If you would like to know more, look me up. My BNet tag is Samvimes #11432.
Reformation is listed on GuildsofWoW and WoWprogress.
Hey there Fyresong, we may be what you are looking for. Our heroic team that we are working on forming is in need of healers. Check us out and let me know if you have any questions!
Disorientated of Stormrage is an Alliance guild that is recruiting for Mythic and Heroic raids in Shadowlands.
Who we are:
Disorientated is a newer guild comprised of a group of raiders who have been raiding together for a while, and of course, some newer members. We formed in mid-June and obtained our AOTC. Now we are 6/12 Mythic, and starting progression on Ra’den.
Our goals:
Our goals are simple. We strive to progress as far as possible while having fun. This is a game after all, and we want to be a place where you can unwind and forget the day. With that in mind, we do not like drama and strive to keep it out of the guild. On off nights we have a blast doing M+ and some PvP. During raids we joke around and have a good time during trash, but when it is time to pull the boss, it is business.
About the raid teams:
The Mythic raid team will be focused on achieving Cutting Edge each tier. We are also recruiting for a Norml/Heroic AOTC team as well. We are focusing on quality over quantity!!
Mythic Team:
The current raid days and times are Tuesday and Wednesday from 7pm – 10pm EST. Mondays are an optional raid night for now. We usually end up doing an alt run or AOTC sale this night. In Shadowlands, a third night will be added for progression, though the day is not set yet. This team is almost full, but we do want to have a few good people in the “bullpen” to rotate through or if someone doesn’t show.
Heroic Team:
As mentioned above, the Heroic team is currently being recruited for, but is not yet raiding. As the team builds up, we will start raiding just to get to know each other. As of now, this team needs everything. Raid days and times will be set as the team builds.
Contact Info:
We can be reached on B-net at Ryouice#11303 (me, GM) or Zhredder #1995 (Battleyoshi, Mythic Raid Leader). You can also hop in our Discord at h ttps://discord.gg/c8yvzvu.
Note: during the day we have limited access to Discord, so please be patient. Feel free to chat with anyone who may be on at the time until one of us gets on.
Hello Fyresong!
My guild, Twilight Vigil, is returning to WoW for the upcoming Shadowlands expansion, and we’re looking for players to help us rise again from the ashes.
In our prime we were a guild that focused on remaining small, beginning as a Strict-10 guild in Wrath of the Lich King and maintaining that small core group through Cataclysm. We aim to continue that, recapturing that feeling of being a small guild of close friends who like to kill big ugly bosses.
Since we are so small, we need everything.
I’d love to hear from you, so feel free to message me through BNet at LordAwesome#1793 or Discord at The Taco King#4302.
Become part of the Dojo Community.
Hey Fyre,
I heard you chatted with Sigadonski. Add me on btag and we’ll get you taken care of!
Fyresong, hey! You sound like the exact type of person we are recruiting for Grey Horse Army We are a brand new guild of experienced players who wanted to find a home just like you described. We plan to do AOTC raiding, but never at the expense of our guild members. We are focusing on building a fun and active community first. We do need healers, and are a small guild not looking to grow beyond AOTC, and have no plans for multiple raid teams. We also love mythic + runs, pvp and just playing around with alts
If you want to chat or just “try us out”, my bnet is Thistlebloom#1316
I can definitely put you to work as a healer in our raids! We are a small semi-casual adult guild on Area 52. Currently 5/12M, our raid days are Tues and Thurs from 10pm-1am EST (7-10pst). If you’d like more info, I’ve included a link to our post below and you can add me at Rawrabear#1450.
Hey Fyresong, add me on battle.net. Kitronos#11829. We may be a good home for you. I’m posting our guild post below.
"The Grey Horse Army is an AOTC focused guild looking for players to join as we move into Shadowlands. We’re a new guild looking for good people to raid on Tuesday & Thursdays, run Mythic+, PVP, level or level alts, and enjoy WoW with.
All skill levels and experience levels are welcome. We are an adult, laid back community that is more interested in the player than the class. That said we do want to hit AOTC each patch and see the game as a community. This means some nights will be smooth and all jokes, and others we’ll have to focus and get the job done.
The guildies are mostly adults with careers and children. Discord and chat are usually tame as there are often children in people’s backgrounds. We have a place for the more colorfully/salty people, which is where you will usually find me.
If you are interested add me my Battle Tag: Kitronos#11829 or discord: Kitronos#6369. Send me a message if you are interested."
Hello Fyre
We are currently recruiting a healer. We are a progression guild that likes to have fun. We have a solid core of AOTC raiders just looking to fill up and get used to raiding with eachother in prep for SL.
We raid Tues and thurs starting a 5 pm pst. going for about 2-3 hours depending how the night is going. Also do keys most days. We are chill and joke too much most times. Look forward to hearing from you
< Nerds With Attitude > We’re a New Guild With experiennced AOTC players looking to fill our raid team currently need Healers Fridays & saturdays 9-11:30 PM
Bnet Thugnificent#11223
Discord Thugnificent#2056