Holy moly. The Horde bias is blatant

Achievement points are different because of an in-game option to only show ‘character’ gained achivements. I did cross-reference the pets between characters and all of the pets you have selected as ‘favorites’. Collections is the way to tell if another player is the same person.

Not sure what pets those other guys have but linking their profiles is against the CoC.

Enjoy your ban.

well at least i know i dont have to bother waiting to do my trashfronts for my alts for mog :man_shrugging:

Honestly, you’re both acting like children throwing tantrums.


Then so are you, in that light. Try to contradict yourself less please.

How is linking someones profile against the ToS? I mean it’s not like we all can’t just go up there and click on the thing? Unless you have it hidden maybe then I could see it if somehow they were able to get around having hidden it and link it?

It’s not, and it’s WoWs official armory page none the less which you can’t hide.

Is that one worgen who got all their alts to flag everyone back again?

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I really wish they’d start giving people vacations for flagging posts as a form of downvote. That has to be a hassle for the mods.


I already caught whoever was probably doing it to mine since they were liking their own posts but there’s probably more than one person doing it given their posts were flagged too.

Flagging is the new downvote - #85 by Bornakk Thankfully they’re looking into fixing it, and already do give people vacations for that.

Yeah, the flagging thing is stupid and down votes need to come back.

Its not so much the linking, but calling out specific people that would possibly be breaking the rules.

Disclaimer: I am not saying it was breaking the rules. But if it was, that is most likely the rule that would be paired with the infraction.

Personally I don’t even think naming and shaming should be punished. If you do something worthy of shame well that’s on you.

However I can see how that would be an absolute nightmare to properly moderate with policing false allegations and libel. So I can understand why they just don’t allow it.

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I completely agree on both counts.

Funny how all these bad timing issues seem to always benefit the Horde. This is…what, the third time? Horde got to run Arathi warfront to gear up alts before they put down a minimum ilevel, Horde got an extra week of farming rares, Horde get higher level gear…

One heck of a coincidence, that.


True. It’s just unreasonable to believe, as you mentioned. It’s deliberate increased effort to ascertain a bias.
Not to mention the lack of historical data that warfronts have in general.

I assume this is why we’ve beenseeing good threads disappear. I’ve noticed a few threads where constructive, open discussion has been going on and then all of a sudden it disappears.

I can only assume because people have taken a dislike to the initial post of the thread and flagged it.

Glad they are looking into it.
Not sure I’d vote for downvotes either though, it’s too easy to downvote a comment or thread just because you disagree with it, even if the posters are making their comments constructive and not inflammatory.

You realize turn ins do NOT affect the % of faction contribution at all and it is an illusion? Blizz copped to that a while ago.

Can you supply a link?
I was only aware that there was supposed to be passive and contributory timing on the contribution phase.