Holy moly. The Horde bias is blatant

WPvP =/= Organized PvP

There was no WPvP in WoD.

All that can be said is that a certain quality and type of players went Horde. However, racials did not skew the balance and reduce it to a 10:1 ratio. Alliance turning off WM did.

Here are multiple sources that even show that Alliance is the more represented faction across US and EU realms.

https: //www. statista. com/statistics/276321/distribution-of-world-of-warcraft-characters-by-faction/

https: //realmpop. com/us.html

https: //realmpop. com/eu.html

So again, Alliance did the damage to themselves and got rewarded for it.

Well, common sense can prove that. No way that one piece of gear allowed for 15 Horde guilds to down M G’huun before the first Alliance guild downed it.

But, believe what you want to believe I guess. You can’t prove your point without a doubt either so I guess we’re at an impasse.


Actually they’re doing it so horde get the advantage instead of Alliance for the second time in a row

We won’t be attacking until after contributions are over, which shouldn’t happen until after reset Tuesday, so we should be getting the 400 ilvl gear. What is this post about?

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Sure, let’s go with that. All aboard the Horde bias train! Choo! Choo!

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If realmpop is accurate, using just 120’'s WoW has 500k subs.

Ashran was Wpvp.

Yes actually racials did that, hence top end Pvpers being horde dominant for Legion did.

Also when Belf racial got nerfed, suddenly dungeons and raids had stuff that made it strong.

No, ashran was not WPvP.

You had to queue for it.

WPvP is any form of PvP that happens out in the open world.

No, all that can be speculated is that racials shifted a certain quality of player to the Horde faction and I just sent the stats over so your stance is invalid.

Also, it’s not just realm pop that is listed as the source, I sent over 3 links. 2 of them came from realm pop because there are 2 different links, one for US and one for EU and then the one from statista has the stats of US and EU populations consolidated on one page so there is one link from that.


I did tons of World PvP outside of garrisons, that means it did have World PvP.

Racials did move people to another faction. Top end raiders said this.

Top end raiderxs race changing to goblin to make a fight trivial was just speculation in your eyes though. But your guild name tells me all I need to know about you but sadly there’s no ignore function on these forums to ignore every time you quote me and every post you make that’s inheritantly and proven to be incorrect.

If racials were not the reasons why playhers went a specific race than Blizzard would have never nerfed them kthxbye

Once can be accidental.
Twice can be coincidental.
The third time is DEFINITELY enemy action.

(old military saying)


And I did no PvP outside of garrisons, that means it did not have World PvP.

See? Anecdotal evidence can be used both ways.

Again, you reference quality of players by saying “Top End Raiders”, which has nothing to do with quantity.

Perhaps some reading comprehension is in order?

Oh, we’re moving onto toon attacks now to invalidate the opposition?

Ok, I can play this game.

But your lack of a guild and posting on a lvl 12 character tells me all I need to know about you but sadly, there’s no ignore functions on these forums to ignore everytime you quote me and every post you make that’s inherently proven to be incorrect

To put it plainly, learn to read and analyze data, simpleton.



Except it doesn’t take away my experience and the fact that there was world Pvp since you claimed there was no world PVp and I proved you wrong.

Top end raiders in the start were Alliance. Then it just kept becoming more and more horde, to the point we see today where there’s almost no top end ALliance guilds due to horde racials being better for a long time and causing everyone to now be horde.

Reported kthxybe

If I had to speculate, I’m assuming the other poster is referring to the time period most relevant to the first race for new instance boss kills and the ‘famed slayer’ title group of guilds. That is really the only substantive effect I can see for the way the timing will fall. Horde guilds that already tend to get the earlier kills will continue to get them while those on the bubble will have a better shot with each raid member having an extra slot of higher ilvl gear, thus pushing even more Alliance guilds out of the first 100 guilds range.

Personally, I don’t think it will be that statistically significant, but that’s most likely what this person was referring to.

Except it doesn’t take away from MY experience and the fact that there was NO World PvP since you claimed that there was World PvP and I proved you wrong.

Again, I can spin anecdotal evidence all day. It gets us nowhere.

Again, this is referencing quality and not quantity. What portion of this pair of words do you not understand? Perhaps all of it.

Likewise, kthxbye


I get what he’s referring to.

My point was that it’s not statistically significant. If one or 2 Horde guilds got the first kills before the first Alliance guild then I could see the relevance. I even posted a link that listed the leaderboards for first M G’huun kills but he did not bother to read it (or was incapable of doing so).

Then everything else he listed was based on anecdotal evidence to support his bias.


From my experience, quality tends to beget quantity when it comes to games. When there is a quality advantage, that tends to cascade as people want to be part of the better situated group. Over time, that snowball continues to roll downhill and you get to where we are today – where you see things like Horde having 50 groups in M+ group finder and Alliance having 15 groups.

Similar things have been see in many other games: factions in Ultima Online, realms in DAoC, teams in Pokemon Go, etc etc etc.

Right, except I linked stats that depicted the contrary.


Why is my faction so whiny? I understand being upset about all the horses we got but this? This is dumb.

Oh no! I’m whining about whining. It will never end :frowning_face:


Those aren’t my characters except Panic. Reported for harassment.


Those are not your characters that all liked your posts, and have the same exact pet team, and collected pets as you? Honestly not sure what to say to that besides you’ve proved my point in it’s entirety. Faction bias is a thing, and Horde are favored by Blizzard for quite some time with no fix.

I am amazed at the selective memories of the Alliance, and the basic lack of understanding on how Warfronts work.


They all have differing amounts of achievement points and I have hundreds of pets. Did you cross reference every single one of them? Probably not, as you didn’t even read the links I sent you and then you reported me with all of your alts.

Honestly, not sure what to say besides that you’ve proven my point.

Faction bias is just something you’re clinging on to and it’s purely anecdotal.

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