Hit level 80 again...15 years later

So I just realized that I hit level 80 15 years ago and here I am again. Missed achievement opportunity here. Should have given out something like Dejavu for this.

Just thought is was a pondering moment on how long I have been in this game. Dang I raised kids to adults during the process too.


Same. My eldest was 2 when I started, she just turned 18 and graduated High School!

That would have been a good FOS. +1


time to go march on icc


What’s sad I have an alt that was level 80 during cataclysm. They are level 10 now.

Also I have an Alt who was level 120, they are 50. And the 110 iron Dwarf alt is 40. That change was why WOW stopped being my main MMO, I visit for new content, and to keep my character names, but the level number nerf and the lack of care for older content really hurts my desire to to play. I have never wanted to play Raid Simulator the Live Service game.

Haha I thought the same thing!

Wrath best expansion ever!

Indeed, achieving level 80 multiple times is a significant milestone that deserves recognition through a unique Feat of Strength achievement. Adding an exclusive transmog reward would also be a fantastic way to celebrate this long-term commitment. However, the silence from both Blizzard and the WoW Community Council is disheartening. Despite numerous contributions on various topics ranging from new class ideas to gameplay improvements, there seems to be minimal engagement from the developers unless the issues are related to bugs or sensitive real-world topics that lead to player bans. This lack of regular interaction with the community on general discussions is a missed opportunity to foster a collaborative atmosphere.

Here are some of the topics I’ve raised