Proposal for Integrating Enhanced Dialogue and Lore Features into World of Warcraft

Hi Blizzard Team,

I’ve been exploring the [Dialogue UI] addon for World of Warcraft, and I believe its concept has significant potential for enhancing the game’s questing and lore experience. I’d like to propose that Blizzard consider building a similar system directly into the game.

Proposed Features:

  1. Custom Quest Hub Interface: Develop an in-game feature that mirrors the [Dialogue UI] addon’s ability to customize how quest dialogues and lore text are presented. This could include options to display lore text prominently on the screen or within a dedicated quest hub, giving players a more immersive experience.
  2. Enhanced Audio Options: Introduce an audio feature that reads quest text aloud. While the current addon uses generic bot audio, Blizzard could elevate this by incorporating voiceovers from iconic characters such as Xal’atath, Thrall, and Varian Wrynn. Additionally, having prominent voice actors like Christie Golden could provide a more engaging and personal touch.


  • Increased Engagement: Players would have a more interactive and immersive experience while exploring quests and lore.
  • Enhanced Storytelling: High-quality voiceovers and dynamic text displays could deepen the connection players feel with the game’s narrative.

I believe implementing a system like this would greatly enhance the World of Warcraft experience, making questing and lore hunting more enjoyable and immersive.