High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Do you speak for the high elf discord or some other group of helfers?

I’m pretty confident that when the allied race customization pass happens that, at the very least, Void Elves will get the ear size options and a selection of traditional hair colors. They might not be the exact same colors as Blood Elves, but I’m sure a shade of blonde will be in there somewhere.

Hairstyles is another matter entirely. I have a feeling that Blizzard isn’t going to copy/paste any Blood Elf exclusive hairstyles to Void Elves. I suspect we’ll either get a few brand new hairstyles for male and female or we’ll get other Alliance race hairstyles ported to Void Elves. Another possibility is that Blizzard could give Void Elves the hairstyles Blood Elves have that are also used by Alliance races such as Humans and Draenei, but even that I think is unlikely just due to the rage over sharing the skin tones.

The super easy/lazy/low-cost/low-effort option is for Blizz to just copy/paste all the Blood Elf hairstyles and colors to Void Elves but I don’t think that has much of a chance of happening. The forum outrage would be off the charts.

If it were up to me I’d share Kul Tiran hair colors (since the textures are virtually the same), and several Human hairstyles with Void Elves. I’d also add a toggle for Void Elf tentacles that removes the tentacles from hairstyles with them, or adds tentacles to hairstyles without them (like the Night Elf vines for hair).

It would basically add 6 “new” non-tentacle hairstyles to both male and female, and 6 “new” tentacle hairstyles to males, and 4 “new” tentacle styles to females.

This would provide a variety of new options for those wanting to lean more into the void theme (black and white hair colors, tentacles on styles that don’t normally have them), and variety of options to fulfill the High Elf fantasy for those seeking it, putting that issue to rest outside of a few hangers on who will keep pining for Alliance High Elves as their own allied race no matter what.


No need. Look to Night Elves and Humans. Those should be suitable enough, Blood Elves have always had bad hairstyles in general.


I’d be happy with some Human hairstyles, especially the new ones. And considering how often Blizzard likes to remind us that High Elf have been diluting their blood lines by “intermingling” with humans, and if these High Elf Wayfarers are indeed joining the Ren’dorei, it would make sense lorewise.

Void Elf hair using Kul Tiran hair textures:

Void Elf male using Human hairstyles:


Ehh I wouldn’t go as far as using those words. Elisande was a bigoted tyrant. Preferably I would mostly keep the Void Elves looking “Gothy” since they are not really legitimate High Elves in this regard. Not unless they start hammering out a separate race tag and heritage armour, racials, etc.

I’m just here to voice my unwavering support for High Elves, now and forever


wow, i really appreciate that



Hello members of the High Elf Positivity Thread, I just wanted to post in here that I recently made a thread with a proposed approach for how the different types of Elves could be playable and everyone wins. Its just a new take on how to handle the customization but I would love to hear input from those who care deeply about the High Elves if your interested in looking it over.

Sin'dorei and Quel'dorei and Ren'dorei, Oh My!

I will always stand in support for a fully fleshed out high elf race for the Alliance. Stop with the compromises blizzard. Give us what we have wanted for years.


Same, it will be exciting to see all the High Elves running alongside Humans/Dwarves in Stormwind come Shadowlands. Maybe even pre-patch? :star_struck:

The LOTR faction will be complete :relaxed:


I believe customization is in prepatch.

It is. You can play with it on the PTR right now.


That is not be a wise thing to say.

They dont give the right hair or eye color, and the hair styles are mucked up with purple void weirdness in the back.

Blizzard refuses to just give people want theyve been wanting since wow’s release



Neat thread.

100% Agreed.

I’m glad the customization options for Void Elves and Blood Elves were expanded (and that it scratches the itch for most players it seems), but it’s a half-measure rather than what was truly asked for.
To me, in an RPG, choices matter.
The Void Elves who have customization options for High Elves, at the end of the day, are still Void Elves. They still made the choice to embrace the Void. Just because they look less Voidy most of the time doesn’t change that.
The Silver Covenant, with Vareesa, are still true high elves. Did not rename blood elves, did not embrace demon magic, stayed with the Alliance, etc. And in regards to the Ren’dorei — did not embrace something even worse than the Fel and that would be the Shadow and the Void.


Void Elves haven’t gotten any new hair colors or hairstyles yet. That’s probably not happening until 9.1 or 9.2 (assuming it happens at all). Blizzard is on record as saying the customization development won’t stop with the launch of Shadowlands.

For launch, only the core races got major focus though, while allied races got a few things but mostly have to wait for a proper customization pass. We were fortunate to get the skins on Void Elves for launch.


Don’t forget the Gnomes as well as the set LOTR Faction.

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Just give whats asked for, Debate wont be over requesting wont be over and Alliance High Elf Fans will not be satisfied until they can play a Alliance High Elf just like the story , game, and lore states there are. Ren’dorei are ok for those who like them and want them but not what was asked for nor will accepted as a replacement of what was asked for and whats in the game, lore, Alliance story.

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While not everyone will accept Void Elves as the Alliance “High Elf” option, I believe that many will, once the aesthetic options (including hair) are fully available. I know that once I have some traditional hair color options (that don’t need to be copy/pastes from Blood Elves), a few more hairstyles (that again don’t need to be copy/pastes from Blood Elves), and perhaps a toggle for the hair tentacles, then my crusade for playable Alliance High Elves will be mostly over, at least insofar as requesting customization options go.

But for in-game lore, I’d dearly love more exploration into the Ren’dorei and why High Elf Wayfarers are joining them, beyond “A path long denied to us is open at last.” or “We need no longer fear exile for the pursuit of knowledge.”, which makes perfect sense coming from the Silvermoon Scholars but absolutely no sense coming from an Alliance High Elf that has no fear of “exile”, nor has any paths “denied” to them by the Human society they are currently a part of.

I’d also like more in-game details revealing the actual process that these High Elf Wayfarer and Silvermoon Scholar recruits are going through to join the Ren’dorei and gain their powers. A transformation like that which Umbric and his squad underwent just isn’t plausible. Not when you have the pinnacle of Void Elf-dom right there in Alleria, and her very own teach Locus Walker as well, to show new recruits how to master the void without trying to recreate a ritual that wasn’t even intended to make “Void Elves” and only resulted in such through interruption and dumb luck.

New recruits learning through methods similar to Alleria’s would be the most plausible explanation and would conveniently explain the new customization options as well.

Now before anyone chimes in with “Alleria is special because she ate a Dark Naaru so other Void Elves can’t learn the same way she did!”, let me remind everyone that Alleria had acquired void powers by training with Locus Walker before her story arc on Argus where she consumed the essence of the Dark Naaru L’ura.

Yes, Alleria is special, as most racial leaders are. And like most racial leaders, players of that race/class will never reach the same heights of power and “break the rules” abilities that their racial leaders have. Player Void Elves can most assuredly follow Alleria’s path to power, even if they will never reach the heights she did. I’d just like to see that reflected in game.

Will the request for Alliance High Elves as their own allied race ever really die? Probably not. But I have a feeling that the new skins, and potentially new hairstyles and colors, will cause that crusade to lose a great deal of steam due to many who supported it in the past being satisfied with making their Alliance High Elves through Void Elves as Blizzard seems to want us to do.


Ill disagree, but hey we still getting closer with every attempt eventually we will get was asked for. Or we will keep asking for it. Never settle for they offer because you’ll never get what you ask for then.