High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Waiting for the other foot to drop which is typical with the Devs.

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We’ll see. Will likely have to do with hair colors.

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They got me watching hairstyles and Tentacles, both got me nervous on the this whole thing.

A toggle like the Night Elf vines for hair, but for Void Elf tentacles that removes the tentacles from hairstyles with them, or adds tentacles to hairstyles without them, would make me very happy.

It would basically add 6 “new” non-tentacle hairstyles to both male and female, and 6 “new” tentacle hairstyles to males, and 4 “new” tentacle styles to females.


…or we could just have the actual race of High Elves.


Sure sure, but this is a better compromise then there was before.


Dont mind the Queldorei going the route of the Rendorei but we should have access to all Quel’dorei Cosmetics from start to Ren’dorei no more compromises. The last one was a disaster. (imho)

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I’m posting this here, hoping that some dev at Blizzard may see this, and others too. I am in no way a game developer, so I couldn’t imagine the amount of work that would have to go into something like this, but here are some thoughts I had about giving the Alliance “authentic” High Elves. I have other ideas to go with this too, and would be happy to answer any questions.

This is how they can fix the Void/High Elf thing. #1 remove Void Elves. #2 remove Blood Elves. #3 create a Neutral race: High Elves. #4 create a starting zone for them, like 1-10 or something, set during the events of the fall of Quel’thalas (ala WC3) (if you’ve done the BElf Heritage armor quest, some of those events are simulated already). At the conclusion of the starting zone, have an in-game RP occur between the player, a group of HElf NPCs, and Grand Magister Rommath, who is there to teach them about siphoning magic. #5 make the decision similar to Pandaren, when they had to pick between Alliance of Horde. If you choose Horde, you’re rebranded as a “Blood Elf.” If you choose Alliance, you remain a High Elf and take a portal to SW to continue your leveling journey. #6 those Alliance High Elves who wish to study the Void can talk to Alleria and do whatever (quest, idk) and then they get branded as a “Void Elf” and then have access to those customization’s (treat the VElf part like the Warlock Green Fire ability, just cosmetic, and can be turned on or off).


I love this idea.


Can we not?

None of that is needed.

I get wanting regular hair colors but this is extra.





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nice necro

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You don’t want High Elves.

You think you do, but you don’t

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The fact to the matter is, High Elves should have happened.

The troubling thing about high elves is that they could’ve been much better and different from blood elves. With all the suggestions that was given to Blizzard by the fans, it showed that it could’ve definitely happened. Now, we are stuck with reskins. Not just the void elf colors, we also have blood elf skin tones. We share skin tones, eye colors, and soon we may even share hairstyles.

The Thalassion Elves might as well be made neutral at this point. The High Elf Community had came up with some great suggestions and concept art and if we had gotten them, the Alliance and Horde Thalassian Elves would’ve looked different and unique from each other with some minor similarities. Like the Night Elves and Nightborne. They look different, yet have some similarities.

It could work but it won’t happen. Mainly due to people not being happy with the lack of a Starting Zone atleast on the Horde Side Plus it would cause alot of confession.

Best thing to do is atleast hope for more High Elf Features on the Void Elves. Like Hair Colors, Tattoos, and etc.


Any major physical changes would have been nonsensical since they’re literally the same race with different political views. Even their lifestyles were brought back in line when the sunwell was fixed.

Its probably safe the say the Pro Alliance High Elf Supporters will wait and see if the Devs take them serious and offer a realistic Version of the Alliance High Elf, If not and it not accepted then we will be back and continue asking for them and not some compromised version of what we asked for.