High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Had Blizzard not shifted gears away from allied races and towards character customizations folding similar races under a parent race as customizations (e.g. Wildhammer Dwarves, Sand Trolls, etc.), I’d probably agree with you and keep asking for an allied race.

But Blizzard has shifted direction from what I can tell. I can either keep asking for an allied race that’s even less likely to happen now than it was before… and likely end up with nothing. Or I can work with the direction Blizzard is going and have a fairly decent chance to get my Alliance High Elf experience through Void Elves.

I’m going to go with the route most likely to get me the closest to what I want.


I chock this up to the hilariously unpopular Mechagnomes, Blizzard knows they screwed up and gave us bare minimum, in a shift towards High Elves without having to first wait for ARs to get their customization turn.


I personally, If someone ask for something of me I try to give them exactly what they asked for if, i cant deliver then i say i cant do it, that is my character, I dont offer them alternatives and my version for what they wanted. If ask someone for something which is rarely then expect what I asked for, not a alternative I would expect the Devs to do the same thing. Doing baby step attempts on this matter just shows their character. I have no doubt in the future we will get what was asked for and not a alternative. Like I said before never settle for what they offer only accept what you asked for.

They got the Ar’s all wrong for alliance, The High elves should a been the AR not the Ren’dorei especially with the release of the Lightforged Draeni. Dev Hypocrisy at its best. (imho)


I think once they can have the hair colors the majority will be satisfied.

Keep asking for what you want to see sure, but I’d bet a separate high elf race/model/AR is extremely unlikely.

Once they have natural hair colors as an option I think the compromise that Ren’dorei bring will be sufficient for most.

I get the impression they hit a crunch time and just haven’t added such things due to that. We’ve seen little customizations for awhile.

Also nice mog.


They got the Ar’s all wrong for alliance, The High elves should a been the AR not the Ren’dorei

I agree with you here, but we got what we got and it’s not going to be removed at this point, nor is it likely for Blizzard to add yet another derivative Thalassian allied race. Not even because it’s another Thalassian, but more due to the fact that Blizzard seems to be backing off from derivative allied races in general, and instead folding the derivatives into their parent races as customizations.

We asked for High Elves. And I have a feeling that Blizzard originally, if reluctantly, intended to give them to us. But then they finished the Alleria/L’ura cinematic and became so enamored with the visuals, they got it into their heads that this “rule of cool” idea for Void Elves would be far better received than “boring, copy/paste, High Elves” (that didn’t have to be boring or copy/paste mind you). Ion and co. mistakenly believed that all it would take to appease those seeking playable Alliance High Elves was the model. They realized, after the fact, that this was wrong, but it was too late to do anything about it. Void Elves were already in the game.

Then the paradigm shift from derivative allied races, to derivative customizations under the parent race came to be. This is why we are getting our High Elves through the Void Elf race, as it’s our only playable “parent race” for the Thalassian elf. It’s not the ideal, but it’s the confines within which we must work.

Had the customization paradigm happened before allied races, I’d imagine we’d have seen the High Mountain and Lightforged Draenei as customizations. Nightborne might have ended up as Night Elf customization and Void Elves… well Void Elves would never have existed. Which would have left another Horde race needing customization. Blood Elves might have gotten their blue eyes along with the gold eyes then, and perhaps some of the Void Elf hairstyles as well (sans tentacles of course).

Had this been the case, and allied races came after the derivative race customization bonanza, we might have gotten High Elves as an allied race and perhaps Horde would have gotten San’layn as a counterpart. Void Elf customization could then have fallen under the “High Elf” parent race. But that’s obviously not the way things worked out.

With the direction things are going now, it is far less likely to see a High Elf allied race for the Alliance than it has ever been before. The same holds true for those seeking a San’layn allied race. Which is why you see many people focusing on asking for customization now instead. It’s the path most likely to get most, if not all, of what they want.

Compromise is a part of life, and while Void Elves were never billed as a compromise and failed miserably as one if that was the intent, the customization options, which are billed as “High Elf Customization Options”, are a good faith compromise in my book. I’d be a fool to slap them away when all evidence is pointing to derivative races being added to their parent races as customization options. The most logical course for me then is to ask for the options I feel necessary to complete the High Elf aesthetic, and ask for in-game lore to pull it all together in a cohesive and perhaps even appreciable manner.

If you refuse an offer that comes close to, but doesn’t fully, address your request, and will only accept the full request… you may just get told to go pound salt and get nothing.

And yes, it’s a bit annoying that Blizzard is going through this process piecemeal. But allied races weren’t intended to get much in the way of customization focus at all for Shadowlands launch. Would you have prefer Blizzard not mentioned the skins at all and kept them under wraps until they had the full customization package (with hairstyles and colors) ready to add in 9.1 or 9.2?

I certainly wouldn’t have wanted that. Much of my excitement for Shadowlands stems from the fact that my main will finally get to look very close to what I want and that the potential for him to look fully the way I want is on the horizon. If baby steps is what it takes to get where I want to go, then I’ll deal with it. It might not be the instant gratification I’d prefer but it’s better than never getting any of what I want at all.


The skin announcement certainly upped my excitement level for Shadowlands dramatically. I’m glad it was announced early, even if I have to wait till 9.1 or 9.2 for my hairstyle and color options.

I don’t need much to be happy. Heck, the very bare minimum (outside of the skins) that Blizzard needs to provide to shut me up are hair colors: jet black, stark white, rich brown, and ash blonde, and a tentacle toggle so I can have more styles without tentacles when desired. I mean of course I won’t mind more colors and styles, but just the above would address my immediate desires.


It’s just another case of not taking enough time to figure out a fix to the problem.

There was a way to add high elves as an AR without outright copy pasting blood elves, Blizz just didn’t take the time to figure it out and ended up actually copy pasting blood elves, literally and figuratively.

This is more praise than any other accomplishment.

World firsts be damned.


A lot of the customizations are looking to be top notch, humans are ridiculously customizable now, Night Elves are getting closer to their original aesthetic, nothing about shadowlands right now excites me but the story and the customizations, so them giving a sneak peak to a high elf aesthetic for void elves is giving me a reason to stick around to see them hopefully do it justice.


It’s going to be two weeks until the pre-patch. You Folks excited?

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Not really, just going to level my 15 alts and go back to running my 15 garrisons and Farms making gold!

Still wanting Paladin though. Would like a High Elf Holy Paladin honestly.


I’m not sure if i’d play one (assuming we get them at some point) but i want to see them for sure. I think they’d become the most popular Alliance Paladin option if they got them. Or pretty close to it anyway.

Another thing i’m hoping we get eventually is some kind of change to Entropic Embrace. Some type of option to change the visual effect or making it less ugly looking. Would also be nice if it was a spell/ability you could pop when you wanted rather than it being random which i don’t like.

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Would definitely create a Alliance High Elf Paladin if given the option/chance to!


Well with those models are nice but I still do not know… Maybe if I could make a high elf paladin and high elf warlock I may be swayed.

I definitely believe both our elf races should receive Paladin, it’s only fair with the horde having 3 Paladin and 5 shaman races to our 3 Paladin and 3 shaman races.

3 shaman races? On Alliance?

Dark Iron Dwarf
Kul Tiran

That’s 5 not 3, or did I miss some?

Alliance Paladins is also 5 isn’t it?

Dark Iron Dwarf
Lightforged Draenei

And from my count Horde have 3 Paladin races and 8 Shaman races.

As for Druids, Horde has 4 and Alliance has 3

I’d love it for Night Elves. They set that up in Legion at least and have another option with the Night Warrior… Bah.

Its frustrating we haven’t seen them added.

No one expects the Pandaren inquisition!


I usually count them as races that aren’t “repeated” because of allied races, also don’t count Pandaren because they’re neutral.

For Alliance it’s 3 paladin, Human, Dwarf(Dark Iron and regular) and Draenei(Lightforged and regular), and 3 Shaman, Dwarf(Dark Iron and regular), Draenei and Human(Kul Tiran).

For Horde it’s 3 paladin, Blood Elf, Tauren and Troll(Zandalari), and 5 shaman, Orc(Mag’har and regular), Troll(Zandalari and regular), Tauren(Highmountain and regular), Goblin, and Vulpera, who share the same rig, but are not the same “race”.

Most Allied Races aren’t technically separate races except for when they are in Vulpera, i don’t think they should count for overall class distribution, especially when it comes to “iconic” classes like Paladin for Alliance and Shaman for Horde.


I don’t think it’s fair to use that kind of standard. It’s a very specific discounting of numbers that works in favor of the narrative you’re putting forward.

Allied races should count on their own for the classes they have access to if you want to present a fair and impartial accounting of how many races have access to which classes imo.

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