High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

You’ve promoted ideas that would be harmful to players too.

Yeah and you’ve disagreed with them every time openly, and my stance every time is I respect your opinion, this is mine. I’ve never told you or tried to spin some way for you to accept it, or told you to drop it if it bothers you. I’ve not liked every idea you’ve ever had either. So it is what it is, this idea bothers me and I’m allowed to comment on it if its brought up.

Yeh but my point was that people can ask say many things here, doesn’t meant they will ever come to pass.

But you have proven that even whispering something you disagree on makes you unravel, so cool to know that.

Yeah and people who don’t want them to come to pass are allowed their own reasons to speak out against what’s being asked, if it just looks like support Blizzard may pass it.

You shouldn’t respect opinions that are objectively harmful to people though.

It’s probably why antis hate me so much but still.

Also I doubt Blizzard would ever give up quel’thalas so I wouldn’t worry about it, even if there happened to be a warfront.

Only alliance are allowed to lose their nations :wink:

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You know what? Sure, it’s actually up to Blizzard to decide if those concerns are valid on any way or is just a bunch of people being Chicken Little about it.

As a troll player I thought High elf meant something entirely different

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We’re apparently not allowed to post that gif anymore sadly.


This is false, I don’t hate you O:

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Didn’t a user lose their TL3 for it? Even though the substance being smoked out of the you know what (The word of the thing the elf smokes out of in the gif is banned LMAO) is unknown? It could be water vapor for all you know.

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Anyone seen midare? I’m worried for the boomer after these recent developments :skull::skull:

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Probably shouldn’t talk about that, might be getting into discussing mod actions which is a no no.

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I think it’ll be fine, if not I’ll have to wait a day to be able to post on the forums again. Not a big deal. Plus, I have faith in most people to not mass flag for something so little.

I think we’re thinking of a different gif

Also you have way more faith in people than I do


Is it the gif referenced in this post? Or a completely different gif.

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yeah, oh and misread. read word of what’s being smoked as if it was word that was smoked, like something out of the Rankin/Bass version of the hobbit

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How does restating what they want because they were not given it the first time they asked “being greedy”. The rule of thumb when giving someone something they did not ask for is to make that something incredible to the point it’d be stupid to turn it down. That’s not what happened, so it’d make sense for people to just keep asking for the original thing they wanted.

I’m curious to see how that would play out, because the last time Blizzard tried to de-escalate the Alliance/Horde thing, we ended up with Taran Zhu yelling at Jaina and Loth’remar like an angry dad (not counting all the finger-wagging we saw in the MoP intro questline and the Jade Forest).

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Yeah I probably should have put a /s ha

Besides your stance is that you don’t want any more elves if I’m not mistaken, which is fine.

In the end I feel like Blizzard should have made the high elves leave the alliance years ago if people wanted “helfers” to shut up, because as long as they remain alliance like they have been for several expansions, people will continue wanting to play them.

That´s not how most Helfers see them, though. In their PoV, the Belves were the baddies cause they dared to follow on their king´s (A.K.A. Anasterian) premises and left the Humans overlords to rott; and afterwards dared to join the Orcs and DK Trolls that genuinely offered support instead of continue being the lapdogs of the Alliance.

And frankly, with our current pro-Alliance biased lore team (cause sorry, but the pet characters and self inserts are either independent faction -Sylvanas, Nathanos- or frimly on the Alliance -Malfurion, Jaina, Anduin-) I rather not entertain a Warfront that WILL be used to villain bat Belves in favor of Alliance characters.

Devs usually are very ambiguous when they give their answers regarding stuff being implemented in the game… with the clear exception ofc, of Quel´thalas. Not once, but twice they have come to tell “NO, NO UPDATE FOR SILVERMOON”, and with good reason: it´s quite the extremely taxing effort just to what, satisfy a minority of players? (sorry to burst the bubble of the RPers, but yes, they´re a minority… and Horde RPers are a minority of a minority so…). Fat chance in devs repeating a Cata issue.

I don´t. Contrary to the implementation of Helves -which devs have NEVER outright denied, simply said “maybe later”-, the Silvermoon update inquiries ALWAYS bring a hard NO from the devs. They´re simply not interested in building from zero content that it´s already very outdated and irrelevant by default… also, we Belf fans have to admit the race is no favorite of the writers, nor the characters a pet for any of the devs (ergo, in a company in which the stories and lore are written around the pet characters and the saelf inserts, Belves that don´t have characters fulfilling any of these categories WILL be relegated to secondary actors all and every time unless Blizz hires someone invested in writting an expac around Belves, period.)

Even better they should of just turned those same elves into Void Elves, if they really wanted to drop the issue, but they’re going out of their way, to keep High Elves in sight but just out of reach.

And now they’ve coupled them with an already unpopular AR, story and development wise and have effectively ended that branch of elf over what is overwhelmingly more popular in High Elves.

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