High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

It´s him being ridiculously optimistic and naive regarding the writting team… who had no issues keeping parity in the removal of territories for one race on each faction but was totally A-OK with leaving only one leaderless and directionless. And villain batting to death by proxy of copy-pasting a previous expac almost step by step the faction of the aforementioned directionless and leaderless faction.

In the case of Silvermoon it can be even worse cause they CAN take Silvermoon from a lore PoV without having to move a finger in regards to gameplay (they will just continue to deny any update to Silvermoon cause it´s a massive invest of resources; devs basically have to built the whole zone from zero -or worse: they DO update it… and make it a raid. Raid content IS worthy of expending resources on it-).

So yes, when people keeps mentioning -even as a second though or in passing- stupid ideas like “muh Silvermoon Warfront” in front of the writers that had no compulsion in regards to destroying the Forsaken lorewise speaking (Before the Storm is a disaster that retconned any positives in regards to the Horde affiliated and Sylvanas loyal Forsaken; the message was that the only good Forsaken were the ones clearly enamoured with the idea of worshiping the Alliance flavored and Alliance leaning character A.K.A. Calia -even if her behavior lorewise SHOULD guarantee the oposite-) and dragging the rest of the Horde and it´s characters down the cartoonish villain rabbit hole (BfA), it DOES come as extremely insentive and malicious. Either that or those people are objectively unable to read with any amount of critical thinking.

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Of course it isn´t. Heck, poor Rommath barely escaped the villain bat in Cata thanks to the people complaining (and mind you, pro-Horde Metzen WAS part of the team back then). And look again at Lor´themar all OOC praising Baine -the same Baine that basically gave Carte Blanche to the Alliance in regards to killing HIS people in THEIR territory cause “muh peace!!” back in Cata-… when Lor´themar has ALWAYS been written as someone putting the wellbeing of the Belves before even is private life (the recent short story basically confirmed this once again), and in consequence, he should feel VERY wary in regards to a fellow leader that has no compulsion sacrificing his subjects over personal views (heck, let´s go back to the recent short story: Lor´themar is STILL HURT regarding Kael´thas, regarding the betrayal that was seeing her prince willing to sacrifice the Belves regardless of the reasons… so how in the name of God would Lor´themar look with pride at Baine who basically DID the same).

Quel´thalas Warfront IS a clusterf* idea by the mere concept it WILL bring even more toxicity to the forums (people qqing that ofc the “Horde biased devs” benefited the Belves and how it´s unfair the Alliance never wins in game, etc.)


Except we know that simply isn’t true. No one would be able to argue that.

Not to mention it’s a great chance at Spellbreaker weaponry finally after 15 long, long, long years.


Careful - if the Darkshore warfront is any indication, the Spellbreaker weapons will suddenly become glaives usable only by Demon Hunters.


You evidently have NOT meet some of the worst Helfers in this game… I on the contrary, have had to deal with them for almost a decade.

Heck, some people STILL qq over the Alliance not officially getting Lordaeron in game ffs.

Aaaand Spellbreaking weaponry can come from any source in this game, remember devs are bringging back tier and said they will put armor AND weapon art from dungeons and raids and world quests regardless of thematic. No need for a Warfront to get it, dear.

Heck, maybe we can get it from SL very first raid tier (I mean, Kael´thas appears there and all).

They can’t have what they never owned. The people of Lordaeron are still there.

Blizzard wouldn’t make that mistake with the Swords when it’s been canonically depicted along side a Shield. And on the off chance they did, you better believe there will be an uproar regarding a highly requested appearance.

I have. And I’ve also met some wonderful Helfers so this is a non issue.

Not when Warfronts have had amazing race themed attire/weapons attached to them.


I think most night elf fans are still pissed about the glaives being DH only.


Yeah but they haven’t been depicted in a Sword/Shield combination and have mostly been used like a frisbee with sharp edges, which Demon Hunters do with their Warglaives.


I know, but good luck with trying to make those people see it…

Indeed cause the actual issue are the devs -especially the lore team-, who so far have proven to be 100% right with keeping things biased in favor of villain batting the Horde in PvP expacs, and nonexistant in regular expacs.

Heck, most recent short story rises this issue again: guess which faction apparently is in the brink of collapse and has no means (no people, no money, no resources) to repell any attack from the other faction lorewise speaking as of right now?

What makes you people believe devs would not justify a loss following this premises?

“Amazing”… dudette, they were mediocre at best. And awfully ugly at worst.

Night Elf and Blood Elf melee should technically be able to wield glaives. They’ve been seen in literally the starting zones of both races.


I disagree. The Unit back in WCIII that used the glaive mostly was the Huntress and they had a shield and the glaive.

Further in the Warfront those same units also have the shield still.

I don’t know, I see a lot of people wearing the Warfronts transmogs… Think you might be in the minority on that opinion.


Did you just assume my gender?

Not sure we’re playing the same game.

Whoops, my mistake. I was thinking of Wardens for whatever reason (prolly cause the warfront was active today), forgive me Fezzy.


You good. The Wardens are definitely the most visible today anyways. Easy mistake to make.

Speaking of Glaives and such, Nightborne need their spellbreaker swords too.


And I don´t see anyone. Welcome to cut data and biased perceptions taken from mere personal and anecdotal experience.

You avatars´to be fair. As much as you probably have assumed mine, so?

Subjective opinions are not true facts. Ergo, why you believe those Warfront armor pieces are “awesome” and I see them for the trash they are.

My avatar is a male, you called me dudette which implies female.


So you’re actively invalidating yourself then?

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In case you wanted more proof of people wearing these awesome mogs.

I love my warfront mog. Some people just don’t want nice things.


I think you look pretty as pie.