High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

It’s impressive that you’re still trolling over this topic after like 3 years. God speed.


Developers can make all the comments they want. We’re still going to request it and post about it.


All this, and yet they still can’t have their toes back.

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That is exactly what we need to prove the totally real Horde Bias, to have another former Horde leader as a raid boss, absolutely.


When did I say anything about Horde bias?

I’m sure you’ll be able to approximate vanilla high elves with them… which if I recall was what you really wanted anyway.

Nothing like alliance bias though. Teldrassil gets burned and the horde doesn’t have to face any consequences.


Well, I don’t know that being made the bad guy is bias… but that was really bad story telling and i hope they address it better at some point (very soon).

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Ah yes, I forget about all the victories we had that prove how much blizz loves us.

oh wait.

Typical of Blizzard on this though. People have been requesting for the group that have been with the Alliance. We’re not wanting a “tall magestic blonde fair skin elf”, we’re wanting the High Elves that have been within the Alliance.


Ah yes, hollow victories where we don’t get any actual satisfaction.

There’s also the possibility that Sylvanas will get a redemption arc. That will feel super good. Better than our leader being powered up by our goddess and not being ale to take out a glorified hunter trainer and that being considered revenge for the thousands of lives lost at Teldrassil.


Ironically, the Night Elves are becoming that. Sandy skin tone and blonde hair. :grin:

black blood elves tho… pretty neat. no lie. 10/10
was hoping for sanlaynn customization or maybe some sylvanis markings.


And yet, it isn’t going to stop the High Elf request.


Never said it would. Just think it’s ironic.

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Yeah, taken from the idea of Half Elves for the Alliance. Seems every idea about Half Elves or High Elves are just going straight to the Blood Elves.

As much as a like you guys (High Elf Fans), and I consider myself one of you, I must say something that some of you may think is harsh…

It’s pretty clear that Blizzard new customizations for Blood Elves are following exactly what Ion stated back in his last answer about High Elves, “contact lenses”, there is even cyan (green+blue) shades so it’s pretty clear it’s not intended for only NPC’s, it’s for players.

Not touching the fact if it makes sense or not for Blood Elves to receive blue eyes, it’s just another spit on Alliance players in general, another after many others like…

  • Bad/Unpolished Storylines and Zones;
  • Basically, Only Horses as Mounts in BFA;
  • Almost No Participation on CGI Cinematics;
  • Countless Bad/Ugly/Unrequested Allied Races;
  • Zones in the Old World still extremely Horde biased;
  • Countless towns/hubs/cities completely ruined just for Horde epeen sake;
  • No changes/Nothing to address the extremely low participation on Alliance side;

So, please guys, PLEASE! Take the hint this time! Do a favor for yourselves…


And No!, this is not a rage post. I made one thread some time ago about it (talking more exclusively about the imbalance, but the logic works just fine here):

I’m not planning in posting anymore since I started posting on these forums only to support this cause, so this is pretty much my last post guys. I hope you guys will find enjoyment somewhere else, since it’s pretty clear that Blizzard does not intend to please the Alliance community.

Sorry, if I offended any of you my fellow High Elf friends, I still love every one of you! :blue_heart:

Farewell… :mage:


Archmage, what happened to you? You’re starting to sound like Ion.

Here, have a snickers, because you are not you when you’re hungry.

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I only wish this were true.

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