High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

night elves had blue in legion cutscenes. there isnt really anything in lore that says they cant. just that gold is rare

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I think it might have been something to do with the guy not knowing how to load them proporly.

But if we look at the situation.

At worst, this shows how differently High Elves and Blood Elves deal with magic. Because the eyes shown are nothing like High Elf Eyes which are more like Human Eyes with the occasional glow.

At best, they are DK or NPC only options. Which is currently looking to be the most likely.


We think they did? In that, we’ve got unlabeled eye-glow textures that sort of looked closer to where other NElf stuff was in the files

Since our long term requests just got shat on by Blizzard, maybe we can start asking for ways to improve the Void Elves? They clearly don’t give af about what we want, but maybe they’ll actually listen to us for once?

They didnt get shot down. Blizz just gave them to Horde. BE get Blue Eyes.

No, no, no do not fret or lose hope as I’ve tried explaining many times the HIGH elf customization has always been in the Blood Elf folders in wow model viewers since BC.


Literally nothing changed about the request…

These don’t look like High Elf eyes at all other then being Blue and are most likely NPC or DK only.

Purple Eyes are still a High Elf exclusive thing.

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A glaring issue Blizzard has to deal with yet… Vareesa, she is still a dyed In the wool, bleeding blue alliance sympathizer. For blizz to ignore that, for the sake of brevity, is just weird.


I’m sorry, bro, but it’s clearly not happening. There’s way too many variants of their shades of blue for them not to be a playable thing. Blizzard wouldn’t just randomly add white and that bluegreen colour for no reason. I obviously don’t 100% know if it’s confirmed or not, but I honestly doubt Blizzard isn’t doing it.

We still have Void Elves though. Why can’t we ask Blizzard to expand on them some more? We think they’re garbarge right now because they’ve got nothing going for them.

I saw the stream a bit; a huge problem is that they are unlabeled and they couldn’t be sure they were for blood elves, and there’s the other issue of not being rendered correctly-

Since it is a whole new tech and they only have the files and not the in game interface, there’s a lot of guesswork. I just don’t think they did it right, it’s not as easy as seeing a skin or hair color and realizing it’s obviously a BE one.


Plot Twist.

They’re for gnomes.

Them adding eyes that look nothing like High Elf eyes doesn’t change anything.

And not having some of the new options enabled is a big sign that they are either DK only or NPC only.

That still wouldn’t have anything to do with High Elves, since they’re, you know, Void Elves.

Also Blizzard said they aren’t working on Allied Races.


If that’s the case, I reeaally hope you’re right about them being for NPCs only.

I want playable High Elves as much as everyone else in this thread, but if we absolutely can’t get them, our Void Elves are the next best thing… even if they’re exiled, Horde Sin’dorei. Nobody really wants to accept them as a compromise(which is obviously fair. Void Elves are terrible), but it might be the only thing we get. And if that is the case, I’d at least want Blizzard to make them into something we can love.


Even if they aren’t the stark difference between them and High Elf eyes really shows the differences between them.

Blood Elves would have solid glowing flashlight eyes and High Elves would have more human like eyes with a color Blood Elves can’t get. With potential for more colors.

Hear me out… They just added Blond Hair for Night Elves…

Here’s hoping.



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I’m out for the night guys. Just finished my 16hours of work and have an hour to drive home. Y’all have a wonderful night, that goes for both for and against High Elves. See ya soon.


You have my empathies. bows I really wanted to see all of you be happy.

The blue eyes don’t look the same as the one on helves, at least. Edit: which someone else just pointed out.


its a first pass. hopefully next build will have purple eyes

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I don’t understand why people on both sides are getting upset. Blood Elves in the game files right now have Blue Eyes, but they arent available to players. This doesn’t mean anything. It is alpha datamining. It could also be indicative that High Elves are on the horizon. That said, just because it is datamined doesnt mean it will be available. Everyone needs to take a deep breath and chill. Also, Drede is right. It looks like this might just be DK options as some of the other options are not available with Blue Eyes.


This won’t change folk asking for High Elves on the Alliance. They want to play those elves.

Blood elves with blue eyes are just blood elves with blue eyes.