High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Man, it’s easy to claim you have it rough when you have your leadership intact and your side it’s not falling into disarray in a regular basis.

But hey, a tree burned, it doesn’t matter, Blizz hates you or something.


Oh dear god, do not say you’re a Sylvanas Loyalist?

Well, you’ve successfully killed one of the few Alliance races people have actually asked for. Congrats Blizz and I hope it was worth it.

Blizzard has a massive Horde bias not in the lore, but in the playable game itself. The fact that factions have been imbalanced since MoP and they’ve done nothing to address it whatsoever is proof of that. Alliance raiding is and has been dead for years now, yet not a peep on how they plan to fix it and no action either. The evidence is incontrovertible.


Liking a character doesn’t make one a loyalist.

I don’t want her in power and I thought that having her as warchief was a mistake, it only further ruined her.

But I’m also tired of seeing Horde leaders being used as punching bags to try to make the Alliance feel good only for that to bring forth more complaining.

I mean, the horde did attempt and almost succeed in genociding their race.

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Then we did a very poor job at it.

Not really, they legit say their race will never recover.

Our people, our homes, our culture burned.

World trees are a big thing to us. Our temple to Elune there was meant to replace the largest one around. Darnassus was a symbol of our sentinels and Druids working towards a brighter future awake and together.

Our children were being raised there.

A people burned. Not some damned tree.

And i could do nothing for it. Blizzard made us live that.

The Horde has paid nothing for the war they started.

(I don’t see a horde bias though.)

A tree burned that held a city, towns, whole populations of various races. Thousands died, it wasn’t just a “tree burning”. And all of their souls were funneled into the maw.

But all those nice cinematics make up for it I guess. Oh wait, those were about Saurfang one of the guys leading the attack.

And now our great leader has declared the horde that followed sylvanas for the whole expansion blameless.

The alliance has a few empty victories, most of which weren’t even satisfying, and they have alliance bias?


Isn’t it nice to know that 20 years of lore can be summed up by eye color? I’ll never understand some of the minds behind Blizzard these days.

Because High Elves are just NPC options for Blood Elves.

Regardless, all of these eyeglows are unlabeled so we can’t confirm they are for Blood Elves.

Saying that, is kinda silly they are wasting effort on eye glows for a NPC race, so these ARE MOST LIKELY for a playable race, but we don’t know how many are for blood elves or if they are going to end up looking like that.

Also, Blood Elves getting blue eyes means nothing for High Elves in the Alliance. It doesn’t make them less likely because they are already unlikely, but what I mean is that lorewise -which are the reasons why we want HE’s- it really doesn’t affect HE’s at all.

Unless they explain the blue eyes on BE’s as the HE’s returning to Quel’thalas lol.


How have they?

A Blood Elf with blue eyes is just that. They are Sin’Dorei just as much as the ones with green eyes.

My concern, and it’s legitimate, is that someone with no consideration - ahem Ion - will say “Look, you may as well give up on this whole High Elf thing because you know, High Elves are Blood Elves and Void Elves are Blood Elves are High are Blood are Void ta-da-la-di-da. Blue Eyes for all! Play Horde!”.

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I mean besides a little genocide and zero accountability to those who perpetrated, the Alliance totes came up on top!


Except now when anyone asks for high elves Blizz will just point to blue eyes and say have a nice day.

This is not the first time a world tree burns.

It happened as well during the third war.

Night elves have been fine after that.

I guess a mock-world tree, which was an afront to nture from the get go burning, won’t mean a culture would die. It didn’t happen before, it won’t happen.

But I feel sorry for you guys always getting overshadowed by humans, though.

Yeah, we’ll see how long that’ll last. After all, this is the people that had Tyrande also say that Elune abandoned them after she got blessed with the Night warrior powers by her.

Oh yeah, we didn’t get affected by it.

Nope, not at all…


And the answer will remain that we are asking for the HE’s that are on the alliance and never left, and never were Horde. That remains so regardless of eye color.


And I support that, and will maintain it, but Blizz has more or less barricaded the door and windows and turned off the lights at this point.

Eye glows do not require much effort, Talendrion. Its a filter they put over top and change the tint, which takes all of like 15 seconds.