High Elf Love Thread! đŸ„°

Either mage or Warrior.


Well, if the class options on offer were anything like in the High Elf Megathread. It would likely be this-

  1. Priest
  2. Rogue
  3. Hunter
  4. Mage
  5. Paladin
  6. Monk
  7. Warrior

Now if Blizzard went the extra step and allowed the Quel’dorei to become Druids & Shamans, or at least 1 of those to differ them from the Sin’dorei, then I would likely throw one or both of those classes in my top 3 choices.


Basically 1 of everything? =P

I have a priestess I would consider race-changing.

From there, I think I would level a Hunter for the Heritage armor (whatever it looks like – I imagine some kind of Alleria / Vareesa armor type, much as Blood Elves got the Spellbreaker-type armor).

From there, yeah, maybe a Rogue to level? Or a mage?

I should have worded that differently (price of burning the late night oil.) I meant that more as a list of classes I would consider with #1 being the top choice and #7 being the bottom choice. So my top picks would likely be a High Elf Priest, Rogue, or Hunter. However, if the High Elves were able to become Druids and/or Shamans as well. It would more than likely be a High Elf Priest, Shaman, or Druid I would look at first before the others.


I wouldn’t racechange but I can picture the awesome RP-pvp that would happen between blood elves and high elves.

I would probably make a mage though just cuz


Having just played through the WC3 campaign again (I know I know) it just can’t be possible that be any High Elves left in lore. They were massacred 90% during the culling of Quel’Thelas and then the remainder became Blood Elves. Those 10% remaining elves were then done dirty again by the devs and took extremely high casualties in the first Outland campaign (Frozen Throne Alliance) and then completely massacred in the failed Northrend campaign (Frozen Throne Scourge) AND then to add more insult to injury, they were betrayed by their leader Kael’Thas who defected to the Legion and then were completely massacred in all the zones of Outland by adventurers and their own kin in WoW (Burning Crusade).

For that matter
how are there even any Blood Elves left lol. Blizz really does hate elves, sheesh. A “heart” for your positive thread anyway. Not an elf fanboy by any means but I do like them.

But then again
Blizz and lore these days is just retcon and whatever happens happens, with very little care for story telling or any sense of semi-realism. WoW lore is just utter garbage now, especially after playing through WC3.

There were High Elves with Jaina, there were High Elves in Dalaran (who survived along with surviving Kirin Tor members), and there were High Elves in Stormwind. There were high elves in the lodges throughout the rest of the world.
There were high elves from the WC2 Expedition who came back to the Alliance.
There were High Elves AFTER WC3 who left the Blood Elves.

there are high elves. Not every last survivor became a Blood Elf. (Because not all of the survivors were in Quel’thalas).

It was not a ret-con to have them in the Alliance at the start of WoW. Just play WoW classic and go to Loch Modan on a Horde character. You’ll find a Lodge of High Elves there. They’re Alliance. They still are to this day.
Play through Wrath of the Lich King and you’ll be introduced to the Silver covenant. There’s more examples from there.


There are also high elves in WoW, in places like the Allerian Stronghold and the Isle of Thunder. How ever many they are, it couldn’t possibly be lower than void elves; who are playable and were only introduced in the current expansion. Whereas the surviving Quel’dorei elves have been in the game way longer.


Numbers can’t be used as an argument though. Yes, there is more High Elves than Void Elves, but that is because Void Elves are only a small group of Umbric Followers that were studying the void, then transformed by Void Etherals because of the studying to the Void. Even Ion said that Void Elves are an Elite-Cracked Squad, and squad is just another way of wording for “small group”.

Numbers is no reason to why a group should not be made playable for the Alliance.

Anyways, here is my daily support for playable Alliance Quel’dorei.



If numbers are not a big deal, there should be Alliance playable High Elves.

If numbers do matter, there are far more High Elves than Void Elves (unless Lorthemar banished >=11% of the Blood Elf population
and that that many became Void elves in the first place).


Yeah the numbers argument has no strength anymore since Void Elves (what little it had prior).

People also seem to forget that Arthas decimated 90% of the “Kingdom of Quel’thalas” not 90% of every High Elf in existence.

High Elves who weren’t around in Quel’thalas weren’t affected by that. But people like to paint it as if the entire race itself got cut down to 1/10 of what it used to be. :man_shrugging:


We also need to keep in mind that the alliance expedition force wasn’t smaller either.

While they certainly took loses over the 20 years in outland the high elves would still be a sizable military force.

The high elf story going forward should be the various groups finally uniting to form a rival government to quel’thelas. I would name it the silver accord.

The silver covenant albeit not the silver covenant anymore would be the primary military force. They just form the backbone of their fighting force. The void elves are also not excluded from this. This is a group that accepts any thalassian elves that reject the blood elves and their horde allies. This would include rare cases of blood elves although they are not playable. They would make excellent spies though.


My monthly support is here!


Let me fixed that for you :wink:


agreed, 1000ish helves is still quite a lot


I’d be down for that.

Now that Stromgarde is reclaimed
there is a sizable chunk of Eastern Arathi that is basically empty. And has been since Classic. Alternatively, can expand out on one of the lodges (Hinterlands or Loch Modan) to form what can essentially be a new city of sorts for the High Elves.

Alternatively, just expand the mage quarter in Stormwind. There’s a lot of empty space in the foothills around Stormwind as well where stuff could be developed.

While none of the above ideas have to be the one that is used
it’s just getting the ball rolling. There are a LOT of areas in the Eastern Kingdoms where these groups could form a more centralized location. It wouldn’t require making a brand new territory. If anything it’d be filling out what is currently just empty space.


Arathi is OUR land, home of our ancestors the Arathi.


Looking at the game zone doesn’t seem to be the case. It feels pretty contested to me, with a heavy Horde presence.

Better luck in the next revamp.

Devs say we won the battle out there. So it appears it’s Alliance land now. Wonder what we did to Hammerfall.

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We’ll never know until the next revamp until then the contested status quo remains. Winning one Warfront doesn’t mean the zone is no longer contested as the Warfront itself is restricted to a small portion (around 1/3) of the zone.

Alliance has won the Warfront, but it doesn’t mean the Horde lost all their presence in that given zone, as you pointed Hammerfall status is still open to question.