High Elf Love Thread! đŸ„°

It’d be nice to have an idea of what the terms of the treaty actually are. Is it a full on peace treaty, is it an armistice? Is it a status quo ante bellum? The night elves retook Darkshore but what about Ashenvale? What about the Alliance forces in the Barrens? What about Lordaeron?

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That’s my point, one dev saying that one faction has won the Warfront means little to nothing as soon you delve in that given zone.

We’ll only have a clear answer when the next revamp happens until then both zones remain contested with a huge Alliance presence, and nothing more than that.

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God, we all remember how mad people got when the Alliance had to lose zones in Cata because they had way more than the Horde. Surely they’re not going to start doing that again.

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Moreover, prodding writers to go into that level of detail means they actually have to take it in consideration in the future or get more awkward questions they can’t answer. I’m all for it. It means better writing in the long run.

Also, what the frick is going on with Ratchet? According to the fact Gazlowe is the new Bilgewater chief and Alliance mission table text, it seems like they’ve just flat out joined the Horde but that has fairly serious goblin story implications.

Hence, why needling for more detail is a very good thing. It goes further than that, too. If more gobbos join the Horde, what happens to the cooperative content goblins and gnomes have?

While we will not have definitive answers until the next revamp, my post was based on speculation.
Further, I even stated that the primary idea wasn’t that it HAD to be Arathi, just the idea that there are plenty of zones in the Eastern Kingdom that have large swaths of empty space. This empty space could be filled in by a hub for a playable Alliance High Elf faction.
The main reason I mentioned Arathi first is that:

  • The Alliance won the war front. Reasonable speculation based on that victory, the removal of the Forsaken from Lordaeron, and the presence of Wildhammer dwarves just to the North is that the Horde would have to fully retreat from the zone. Perhaps only a guerilla warfare in Arathi Basin being their only remnant.
  • In the game lore, the League of Arathor was formed between the tribe of humans that would later form Stromgarde and the Quel’dorei. Danath fought alongside High Elves in the expedition to Outland. Reasonable speculation is that he would become the next King of Stromgarde and would be friendly to said Alliance High Elves.
  • Arathi is just south of a High Elf Lodge in the Hinterlands and only a zone or two north of one in Loch Modan (with the Wetlands in between). It is a relatively ‘central’ location. It has access to a port.
  • A huge part of Eastern Arathi is just empty. There’s just nothing there except textured grass. It’s perfect for if the developers want to make changes
including potentially adding a small forest (even a young one being nurtured along with some Cenarion Expedition help) or other things to make this area of the Arathi more aesthetically in line with a ‘high elf setting’.

However, you are correct, we won’t know the FULL ramifications of the various victories and losses of BFA until likely well after Shadowlands when the story writers and developers more explicitly state what happened.

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Wasn’t ratched sunk by Tsunami?

Nah, it was a front during the BFA war.

Are you thinking of Gadgetzan?

oooh right it was gadgetzan

Ratchet as a Warfront in BFA?

When was this? Was it through the mission table or was it some Horde-only quest?

Also, what does this have to do with the High Elves? I would go back through the posts, but there are so many it’s hard to keep up with some of the stray conversation threads. =P

The treaty talk will likely be tabled for a while by the devs. Or at least public answers to those questions. Either because they want to keep the future flexible enough rather than committing to any answers, or the terms of said treaty may become a plot point of some kind in the XPAC after Shadowlands.

What I am looking forward to learning about is:

  • The fate of Gilneas now that the main force of Forsaken are gone
  • The fate of Arathi given the Horde’s defeat at the Warfront
  • The fate of not just Darkshore, but Ashenvale and Azshara (the zone), with the Night Elf victory. They’ve been fighting the Orcs in those zones for a long time.
  • Just what has Dalaran been up to?
  • The fate of Alterac and the Frostwolves.
  • The fate of Andorhal and in general, the Plaguelands. I think we’ll actually find out a bit there during the pre-Patch Scourge 2.0 invasion (hopefully the Silver Hand does not also get ‘Obliterated 2.0’)

Past that, I am just looking forward to the Quel’dorei High Elves (lodges, Silver Covenant, etc.) fully joining the Alliance.


No, not a warfront, just a front.

The Alliance and Horde clashed there.

And I don’t remember, it started as a discussion about greater clarity for the terms of the peace treaty signed at the end of the war campaign.

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Would be nice to see this story expanded upon.

I’m okay with them keeping the name Silver Covenant, but changing it to something unique for Book Keeping purposes and helping distinguish it is fine too.

Besides stuff like ‘Silver Accord’, what other names do you think would be fitting?


I did not see this post earlier, but I guess that is a possibility.

It really depends on the story of Shadowlands and if they do continue down this Night Warrior arc and more mercurial or wild wood elf, like the elves of Mirkwood vs. those of Lothlorien or Rivendell.
Even if the Night Warrior story is not permanent, if they end it the right way, the Night Elves may remain closer to how they are now than how have they have been in the past.

If the Blood Elves continue down a path more towards full on magic, that would make them kinda like the High Elves of Myth Drannor.

So that would leave a bit of an opening for the Alliance Silver Covenant High Elves. The difference in their architecture and style could start to diverge, much as the two populations diverged politically a while ago.

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If the Alliance High Elves ever re-formed more largely as a group and chose to re-settle:

  • Where should they re-settle?
  • What should they name their new hub?

I think Arathi alongside the new re-taken Stromgarde would be nice. Could help push out any Horde remnants (aside from the Defilers who could still wage a guerrila war in Arathi Basin).
I’m not very good with names. Quel’something or other.

I first thought Dalaran but those dudes are neutral. There is a lodge somewhere I heard, not sure what it’s called but there happens to be high elves there.

Mate as much as I appreciate necromancy as a DK main there’s enough of these threads without necroing them.


That would be the lodge in the Hinterlands, near the Aerie Peak.
:beer: :beer: :beer:

No. I reserve my love for Fantasy People that deserve it.

So, love for the Alliance High Elf fans then? :smiley: