High Elf Love Thread! šŸ„°

We need a Void Elf Love thread

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youā€™re preaching to the choir

Think the night warrior look should of been glowing black or glowing dark-purple, instead of just black.

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Iā€™d rather forget night warrior exists to be honest, it is basically just ā€œMuh tree, I angry now, I seek vengeanceā€ with some moon powers as a bonus.

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Wouldnā€™t of even been bad if they actually did something with it.

Like killed the insert OC, for starters.


It had potential.

Like the night elves perhaps taking more violent measures against the horde, or actually getting their revenge.

But Blizzard decided that black eyes and killing a spooky ghost lady was a fistpump moment for us in exchange for most of our people burning to death.


That and thereā€™s no way thatā€™s not going to come back to bite Tyrande in the rear sometime in the future.

i watched an interesting you tube video, by one of the more popular wow creators, discussing dungeons and dragons druids. he explained the types of druids you could create and the types of abilities they had.

one of them was using nature to see beyond their location, for example, having a bird view a location and because the druid can talk to and understand the bird, learn what the bird can see. in the darkshore video, we see tyrandeā€™s pet owl viewing the path thru darkshore location but you dont get that hands on sense, that sheā€™s communicating with it. i mean you know she is, but you dont see that happen. that would make stuff like this more impactful.

instead the owl is just used as a sort of spooky bird at night, that you know belongs to her. if she can just pick any random bird flying over and do that, it broadens her abilities. a critter running by, a river creature, etc. sort of like gandalf whispering to a moth, who then passes on the message to an eagle, etc.

good news, theyā€™ve added beds, chairs and an innkeeper to the rift. hehe

Sounds like a plan.

Sounds like the ability (I donā€™t think we have it anymore) for hunters. Eyes of the Beast or something? Canā€™t remember. Anyway, itā€™s like that shaman abilityā€¦ Which I donā€™t even know what that one is called.

Also, I donā€™t think Tyranduh is a druid.

Sheā€™s a priestess of Elune. Been that way since WarCraft 3. Malfurion, her lover, is the Druid.

Theyā€™ve stated that they wanted to do more with that storyline but it evolved in such a way that they would not be able to give it the full justice it deserves. So they are resolving more of it in Shadowlands.

They have one.


Oh I hope so! I am excited to see how the story in ardenweald goes.


Random thought, who here would race change one or more of their characters to Alliance High Elf if they are made playable?

Which / How many of those characters are Horde? Alliance?

3 for me. My fire mage, outlaw rogue, and marksman hunter - all former blood elves turned void elves. I actually commissioned some art of my rogue as a high elf, and made one myself, of my mage in DAZ Studio. In case anyone missed them, here they are:



Also, some decidedly-less quality renders I made of my hunter and rogue, mainly because Iā€™d been using the Victoria 4 model. The Genesis figures were still new to me then. I also still donā€™t have any Genesis male orc skins, and probably couldā€™ve done a better job on the background in the last one.





You wouldnā€™t want to keep any as Void Elves?

If you were to level a new high elf, which class would it be?

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Wellā€¦ maybe Zatana, if I could give her a natural skin color - so as to make her connection to the void seem like more of a surprise to her enemies. It really wouldnā€™t fit for Ellandra though, since it seems awkward for her to be a master of both fire and shadow. And Selissaā€¦ justā€¦ nah.

As for a new one, I suppose Iā€™d choose a priestess or shaman. I had an orc shaman once, and couldnā€™t really see her as any other Warcraft race, but if Quelā€™dorei got shamans, Iā€™d play one to see what it was like. And if I liked her, Iā€™d keep her.


Would race change my Mage.

And level a monk for the heritage armor.

Then probably race change my hunter and possibly paladin.

Maybe even my shaman :zipper_mouth_face:


lol yea man