High Elf Hairstyles for Void Elves

That would be me, yes.

And yes, when they’ve spent literally years trying to ruin the barriers that existed between VEs and BEs because they can’t get over the fact that the High Elves joined the Horde, and now they turn and pretend they care about what good things the BEs could get, I will call them out :slight_smile:


Facial hair for trolls

Amani green skin for darkspear

Less hunched options

Thick boi Amani/drakkari body types

Elf talk needs to stop it’s the age of trolls now


Well Of Course they are New and Fresh was taken in a Alliance Barber Shop in Stormwind with Alliance characters, and People that been requesting this for a decade finally got their dream come true. Well almost they still need some better Hair styles but over all this was a good thing for the community.


15 years of denial can make you think you’re dreaming big eh?

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My recommendations to the Ds is this, Change the title/name of the Void Elves in game to Ren’dorei, Also add one or two Hair styles from the Silver Covenant, also create a new Name/Title through Lore for the remaining Alliance High Elves to a Represent All the Alliance High Elves that join the Ren’dorei, Lets scrap the name High Elf for the Future. Over time the toxicity will vent and everyone will be happy. The sooner this a happens the better. (imho)

Anything as long as you don’t have to accept what happened 15 years ago, got it.


May as well add me to the list. While I am (and always have been) genuinely interested in additional customisations for all (belfs included) I am also super petty about how the past three years turned out (especially after the Ion comment).

I suggest you focus less on desperately limiting the requests of others and focus more on adding more unique ideas to further separate what makes a sin’dorei great, versus believing in what used to make them great. They’ve moved on from their Quel’dorei heritage, so should you.

And before I get called a hypocrite with the whole “Well then you should move on from velfs being anything but”, I asked for a helf allied race, not for velfs to get the wildhammer treatment, but I’ll take what I can get, because it makes perfect sense lore wise.

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“15 years ago, there was a lady who went on craigslist that wanted to get an epic flying mount and she offered something no other would imagine doing…”

I think this whole mess was created by Blizzard’s strange refusal to deal with the fact that so many MMO players really, really, love to customize their character.

Blizz dribbles out customization changes soooooooooo slowly that people get furious, anxious and worried that their race of choice is being ignored.

We know that Activision is making plenty of $$$. Time to cut the guys at the top’s bonus by a few million, and pay that fabulous art team to hit the customization in WOW hard.

It is really pathetic that so many people are excited about a copy paste of 5 haircolors!!! That is how low the players expectations from this multi million dollar company have become.

And USE the PTR. If you put out a model- like the Nightborn, and the players hate it- don’t ship it- fix it before it goes love- not years later.


All of the reasons for Argument between Proes and Antis are pretty much nil now, it just trolling between the 2 groups, I use to be in that group but I stepped outside the ring and went to go see for myself, and believe me, there was more then 10 people enjoying the new changes,

The game belongs to Blizzard but it’s soul belongs to the community, the Ds can do whatever they want with it, but we have the choice to accept it. All the Toxicity is the world wont change their decisions, but the loss of sub fees will, but posts of people having a good time and enjoying the game is was more healthy then fights about who is right or wrong over a game race. Lets look forward to the future and put up more in game good story posts.

There will be those that attack and laugh at it this, but I challenge them to go out and do what I did spend a day with people in the community ask them questions see how they are enjoying the new changes, instead staying cooped up on the forums fighting and trolling, then come back and write their experience.

Peace all,

Nope, there’s no point anymore. I gave up on it.

Why? Because I know that no matter what I ask for, the helfers will ask for it louder and more annoyingly.

We’re literally in a thread where the OP is asking for a copy paste of hairstyles.

I’ve seen demands for the same jewelry BEs have as well.

When blood elves got the eye colors, they begged for those as well. The only one that they don’t have it’s green, and there’s already people asking for those as well.

It’s pointless.

The separation was already there, it didn’t need to be ruined in the first place, it could have been expanded from where it was, but now? It’s just pointless.


High elves should have been added as another race option. It feels like a stubborn move on blizzards end to give Alliance “Void Elves” instead of High Elves. And on that note… if they felt the alliance could use something really different then why make them non monstrous? They are slightly different looking Blood Elves, why not extra eyes, sharp teeth, more void features. They just gave us blue blood elves with dark circles around their eyes. Almost like a tease.


Correction on that part, the blue eyes were going to void elves, and then Ion said that Blood Elves were mutated to something different and getting blue eyes wouldn’t make sense. Then retracted that statement and gave the blue eyes afterwards.

We however asked for hair colors a lot that’s related to blonde.

Show me the source of this.

If you want to be defeatist about it, be my guest. But that thread asking for green eyes is a troll post feeding off of people giving it unneeded attention. It’s not pointless imo because I’ve seen just as much push back if not more from helf supporters (myself included) about things related to stuff like red eyes, or taking silvermoon, etc. Because no grand amount of players actually want that. Just trolls and maybe the occasional greedy person or 3, but you won’t find a whole community going crazy for those things.

I want to push super hard for dark rangers for belfs, but I’m gonna wait till that thread chills out before I step foot in there. I already got what I’m expecting to realistically get from a lazy company like Blizz (hair color and skin copy paste, and not to say I’m ungrateful, but it’s about what I expected from a corporation with this track record). The tentacle toggle was shocking for me, but I’ll be dead surprised if I get anything more than that.

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wowhead: liveblog-of-the-shadowlands-interview-with-ion-hazzikostas-and-zoltan-312334

no_blue_eyed_blood_elves_confirmed_by_ion/ (reddit)

In his interview with Zoltan today, Ion confirmed that Blood elves will not have a blue eyed option, and warned about fansites combining textures that are not actually going to go together in game, but are compatible when data mining files. He also implied that High Elves (or any more allied races) are not currently planned for release in SL, but they remain open to it in the future.

Yeah sure, I already heard the “Oh, it’s just a troll thread” excuse before. I don’t care if it’s a troll thread, I know that eventually legit outrageous demands will emerge. I’ve been involved in this dumpster fire of a debate since 2012, I’m a veteran of it.

Just like in the thread for Void Elves where I saw a very vocal (read: loud) well known helfer trying to co op and dilute the idea that red eyes should go to BEs, because he has this headcanon that VEs druids can be a thing, and so red eyes should go to them?

And you think that this is the first time people has been asking for Silvermoon to “return to its rightful side”? You sweet summer child.

Yeah, I heard all this before, yet here we are in this mess.

Look, High Elves were never gonna happen the moment Blood Elves joined the Horde, this is something people simply couldn’t get over.

VEs became the perfect target for being turned into a coping mechanism for those people, and now, their concept it’s completely ruined because of it.

Blood elves are never going to be unique. They didn’t shut up for 10+ years because Blood elves were unique. So I know, for a fact, from experience, that no matter what you ask for, the helfer side will demand, kick and scream until they get that too.

So sure, enjoy your idealism while it lasts, because mine died long ago (even before Blizzard did all this in a clear panic).

Maybe he retreated the stament because he realized he was wrong.

Why do blood elves still have green eyes?
Corruption from fel energies takes a long time to wear off. It’s why most orcs are still green even though Mannoroth is dead.

From the Ask CDev round 3 in 2012.


So basically he went from no High Elves left, to Only High Elves only Horde, to remain open in the future as a allied race, before being accused ganging up on him, he has fueled this toxicity along with others from B, with their snoty comments overs the years, am I correct in my interpretation.

No, you’re reading what you want to read and not what it’s there again.

I dont know because he is Ion. He says anything to rile fans up, and when he stated this, it has made plenty of folks who are Blood Elves upset. So yeah, I just wanted to correct that the blue eyes were originally planned for Void Elves first then went to Blood Elves after backlash. nothing more.

Because Ion’s statements and behaviors are extremely unpredictable when it comes down to talking about story/lore/customizations when in interviews.