High Elf Hairstyles for Void Elves

High elves are already on HORDE.


High Elves are effectively dead in name.

An endangered species.


Remember the alliance courting the belfs didn’t actually happen it was all a part of pushing a story line. No real alliance no real belfs . Just saying


The devs kinda forgot about their own story

And high elves were already on alliance. What’s your point?


This was good showing by the Ds, a little late but still good, today on the PTR was fun, all the people there were excited about the new customizations, we all just sat around talking about things and the game, kinda felt good not to have all toxicity/drama/ wow hating we have been seeing lately. BTW we were all strangers just testing out the new customizations and transmogs. Have a feeling the new Ren’dorei customizations will be very popular in the Alliance.

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Nope. Keep your gross tentacle hair.


I just want that Blood Elf’s 6 - Full hairstyle.

Because, that’s what we had for Human Female back in Vanilla to MOP before WOD destroyed it.

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That pic would have been nice and new
if it wasn’t already possible since BC.

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Eh. I’d prefer they just made them some High Elf hairstyles and dropped them in the Void Elf bucket.

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Exactly, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

I did think the demands would be spaced out a bit more.


And I fully support your Nightborne requests, friend. You’re right. They don’t have squat and need love BAD. That said, I don’t think the order in which Blizz dishes out customisations makes any difference as long as they get them done.

TBH I’d rather they took their time with Nightborne/LF, did it right and really put some thought and effort into it instead of some rushed out copy-paste thing or half-assed it and only gave them a handful of extra options.

With that out of the way, I’m afraid you’ll have to get used to many many more High Elf requests. As long as the WoW implementation is a peach-coloured blonde Void Elf, there are going to be people who keep asking for more/better HEs, and people who keep telling those who ARE happy with what they’ve got that they “aren’t High Elves” and how they shouldn’t be happy. The latter I have more issue with. If people are content don’t rain on their parade, it’s just uncalled for.

That said, I did enjoy you instantly categorising me as “you people”, apparently just I’m some random selfish Alliance HE zealot because I replied to your post.

Oh but you’d look absolutely beautiful with tentacle hair!

How bout no, it’s time for VE to get something unique, more voidy.

Also stop making spam threads of diluting void elves further. WE ARE NOT HIGH ELVES!!!


Anyone who have kids know that this phrase is very true.


Or dealt with 4 younger siblings prone to temper tantrums

Hah, just now.


To be fair, we all are dealing with first world issues in a very narrow safe space with no actual repercussions for the amplified behavior shown here.

But helfers telling blood elf players to get over it and hand their uniqueness, otherwise they’re “gatekeeping” were not raining in their parade.

It’s amazing how the “It’s ok when I or those I agree with do it, but not when you do it” attitude seems like a common trait among people like you (And yes, I say this based on the fact that you’re in favor of the OP’s proposal).


How about no ever since Blizzard gave you an inch now you take a mile in actively wanting to destroy the Void Elves or Blood Elves. And bland elf players often wonder why so many are against the bland elves.

First it was the constant spamming on the forums and now it is more spamming on the forums this time wanting to destroy the other elf races by wanting what they have.

bland elf players should be grateful Blizzard is giving you ways to make your special elf instead of trying to make it so only bland elves are only elf.

THIS right here is what most don’t seem to get. I went to the belf customisation request thread because I thought it would be neat to share some ideas, but the entire thing was just on fire with spite about helfers getting what they wanted. It was like a 9:1 ratio of spite posting versus actual ideas so I didn’t even bother.

They were even flaming helf supporters that DID show up claiming they were being disingenuous with their ideas because they got what they wanted already. Good god man.

Velf customisations are coming because of the sheer persistence of the community with actual ideas that were consistent and realistic enough to pierce through the slog of negativity, so they got attention and implemented.

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