High Elf Hairstyles for Void Elves

I am very happy to hear that Alliance players will be able to get High Elven hair colors for their Void Elves.

Can we PLEASE also receive some High Elven hairstyles? Void elf hairstyles minus tentacles and unnatural colors still look… “wicked”.

I want my guy and girl to look like a High Elf… The best way is to give them the Blood Elf hair styles, and give Blood Elves non-tentacled Void Elf hairstyles…

That way, it’s fair.

I say this as someone who loves elves of all sorts.


I don’t want the void elf hairstyles. I don’t feel the need to twin. If they do anything extra for Belves, give us something of our own.


No. Stop trying to make Velfs into Helfs.


Leave him alone.


He’s wanting them for Blood Elves by the look of it Rhi.

They’re literally giving them pale skin, blond hair and blue eyes. It’s a high elf in everything but name.

I’m starting to agree with the folks who said “give them an inch, they’ll ask for a mile.”


Why do you say this?

I have Blood Elves. I have Void Elves (with purple skin and tentacles).

I’d like to have true High Elves on the Alliance side.

In what way does me enjoying my High Elf affect your gameplay in any way?


I’m kind of torn on this tbh.

Silvermoon is such a strict/prestigious setting, while Stormwind is a bit more rugged. Considering Alliance High Elves have been spending so much time in Stormwind I’d think they’d become more laid back and have scruffier hair styles.

On the flip side though, cosidering Void Elves & Blood Elves are literally both High Elves it would make sense to share a few hairstyles, not a lot though.

Gonna use Korea as an example. North & South Koreans are genetically the same people, but the longer they are isolated from eachother the more their styles begin to differ.


Blood Elves have way more than enough hairstyles. I have three blood elves. They’re look amazing, the chronomage is the best, but they have so many hairstyles.

Meanwhile Tauren and trolls have so little compared to them.

My troll Druid is a disaster. She has like two long hair options. And only one “pretty” face.

Elves have received way more than enough love. Some other races need way more attention. Sorry, but please, focus on something besides elves.


My desire would not be too much work for the Devs.

It’s just giving the Void Elves some of the Blood Elven hairstyles (which are already in-game), so that my Alliance High Elves can look like High Elves.

I really want my male High Elf hunter to have beautifully long hair… and at the moment I cannot. I want my High Elven death Knight to have silky straight hair… and she can’t.


I wish they’d go ALL THE WAY and allow us true High Elves by giving us at least some Blood Elf hairstyles. Some long, some short.


We’re living in the “if you give a mouse a cookie” universe.


Oh did you want them for Void Elves?
I actually didn’t understand.

I think they could have it and that’s cool. But as with any hot topic suggestion there will always be someone fervently against it.

I reckon wait it out - maybe they will do this anyhow. I would say people who are high elf fans have got a lot of push over the last years from skin colour to more eye options and now hair colour.

I’m generally indifferent to stuff like this because hey, more customisation the better for everyone. But with the amount of ‘wins’ one can observe High Elf fans have got I think it’s okay for them to leave them be atleast for a while and pen this idea down for an expansion feature.

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I am actually digging the void elf hair styles with the new colors added, been on the ptr most of they day trying transmogs out and such


Because there are races that should be coming first, but because Blizzard gave an inch in the form of skin color and now even hair color, the High Elf zealots keep asking for more and more. They have already been so heavily favored compared to any other allied race, and 9.1.5 was supposed to be for the ones that were already lacking, yet here are the Void Elves once more getting more options.

It might not affect gameplay directly, but it affects the resources used to give other races far more deserving of customization more options.

My favorite book comparison to this whole thing is still:

With Nightborne getting options, I’m pretty sure that puts HMT at the bottom for customization options. And while I know they said they were on the list, I don’t know if that’ll be for 9.1.5. It’s just so frustrating watching the High Elf crowd demand a monopolization of the developers’ time and resources, as well as cannibalizing the Void Elf race.

Just…tired of it.


Uhh… What’s a high elf hairstyle? We haven’t really established that… :point_up::face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Honestly the hairstyles with tentacles off is enough for me personally, but i won’t object to this if it does happen. :no_mouth:

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I don’t necessarily want Blood Elf hairstyles - I just want more hairstyles. Period. Both regular and voidy hairstyles. It’s about time we also receive voidy stuff, especially for those who are hardcore fans of the Void aspect of our race.

We could also copy the hairstyles from other Alliance races, such as Kul Tirans.


There’s so many hairstyles out there. Like come on, I’m sure we can get some original ones.

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Because I want void elves to be void elves and not deconstructed into high elves.


Good to see people having a good time with the ptr changes,

This one was my favorite shot,


I’d prefer any new hairstyles that Void Elves get in the future, either be brand new, or variants of existing styles from any Alliance race. While I won’t poo poo anyone’s specific requests, I’d just personally be happier if any new Void Elf hairstyles were not just copy/pastes from Blood Elves.