High Elf Hairstyles for Void Elves

No, you’re giving him far more credit than he is due on this.

Ion is, at heart, still a raid designer, but designing encounters doesn’t require in depth knowledge of the lore (I’m talking about mechanics here, not dialogue).

To be fair, I’m pretty sure even the lore people at Blizz don’t know their own lore either.

But point is, he is bound to make blunders when it comes to lore, the people getting riled up because of that are getting riled up on their own.


Considering that he has said lot of things, I am curious what he said about allied race after SL. Maybe he will maybe he won’t.

and agreed on Blizz not knowing lore at this point, or is just driving it into the sinkhole.

Why is this thread still going. How many times do we have to teach you a lesson old man?

Troll beards need recognition elf stuff does not


I’ve seen you around and I support your demand for troll beards.

But I also feel that the reason those are not happening yet is because blizz is scared of hiding the almighty chin.

Imo, him speaking on anything even loosely related to the lore it’s asking for a coronary.

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Because both groups haven’t learned a thing yet.

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Are you really that good at pointing guns at two sides? :thinking:

Thank you it’s nice to feel heard by a non troll player. Our chins might be mighty but a beard is still the perfect accessory!


Both groups cannot leave the other one alone. Both adore harassing each other any giving moment either passive aggressively or like-bombing like little children. Both sides grave for constant victories and domination over the other group. The Blood Elf-players are more toxic but the Void Elf-group isn’t far behind but the lesser evil.

Recently it became very transparent that Void Elf players simply had to antagonize the beaten up Blood elf players for no reason but gloating. In retrospect this isn’t a surprise given how badly they have been treated but they should have simply concentrated on their victory and ignored the final toxic blood elf swansong before these changes are inGame.

I do hope the Void Elf players continue acting like the belf topics, so it is a reversed situation where their requests also gets granted. I believe we can achieve this with all your support so we’re going full circle.

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Nope, he really isn’t.

Agreed, if done well, a beard can complement the almighty chin.

(Now each time I type those words I heard loud bombastic music and I picture the chin of a Zandalari glowing… I think I need some sleep…)

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All the blood elves players simply wanting to move in with their lives being a unique race just like everyone else, while helfers accused them of “gatekeepers” it’s “both groups not leaveing the other one alone”

Boy, oh boy.


For real, I still haven’t forgotten those recent posts in the Blood Elf thread where Blood Elf players said they want unique customization options that only they can have and Void Elves can’t and the pro side jumped on them and was saying they are gatekeeping for wanting to have unique customization options somehow.


Yep, and that sort of behavior it’s not new either.

He really can’t point the gun at both sides, he’s only pointing a water gun at one, and a cannon launcher at the other.

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I am so happy … it was really amazing time playing at the PTR​:blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart: so many happy people around :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:


Ah finally a positive post


High elf belong to alliance lol what are you talking about?



As Midare points out, there is no point in doing that.

Do you wanna know why?

Because Blood Elves served to fulfill the -HIGH ELF- fantasy. The Blood Elves were the High Elves in all but name, while the High Elves were only High Elves in name. Anything that could possibly be unique about the Blood Elves, have now been stripped from them due to the whims of a few whiners.

No, Blood Elves can not have felblood elves, that is not what they are. No, Blood Elves can not have dark rangers, that is also not what they are. No, Blood Elves can not have San’layn, that is not what they are. The Blood Elves were the High Elves, plain and simple.


They absolutely do NOT fulfill the high elf fantasy, my guy, and the entirety of the blood elven story focuses around this very exact fact. If they fulfill the high elf fantasy, they’d have just kept calling themselves high elves.

  • To be a blood elf is to be a survivor
  • To be a blood elf is to do whatever it takes to both avenge those who have fallen, and to survive to honor them.
  • To be a blood elf is to not shy away from syphoning fel magic to sate addiction
  • To be a blood elf is to not shy away from morally questionable acts, like drawing power from a Naaru to empower the newly formed Blood Knights

There is NOTHING Quel’dorei about that. Thus the re-name. High elves shun them for those things, they found cleaner, albeit more difficult alternatives to sate their addictions, and move on from dominant magic use, to be Quel’dorei is to pick policy over people, to be Sin’dorei is to pick people over policy.


Too vague, all High Elves are survivors.

They didn’t, still a misconception.

Not entirely uncommon for High Elves overall, they did, afterall, indulge in the morally questionable act of still practicing arcane magic and keeping a fount of power which could be used to summon in powerful, demonic entities.

The High Elves were a secluded people who lived in a magically enchanted land. They were a predominantly magic-based people, with rangers as their main-army. Their culture is magic, their living is magic.

The Blood Elves are a secluded people who lives in a magically enchanted land. They are a predominantly magic-based people, with rangers as their main-army. Their culture is magic, their living is magic.

They are High Elves in everything but name. Their methods have not really shifted, they do what they will, they do what they need to, whether it be creating arcane storms despite druid regulation saying you shall not, or create a demon-summoning fountain to empower themselves.


Survivors as in they take far more drastic steps than anyone still calling themselves a Quel’dorei…


I’m starting to think you’re trolling. The only ones judged for using arcane magic after summoning demons were the highborne aka off-shoots of the night borne and night elf mages.

I’m not saying blood elves aren’t biologically still high elves. I’m saying they’ve separated themselves from what it means to be Quel’dorei, and Quel’dorei is the high elf fantasy people crave when they ask for playable high elves. Honestly at this point if you STILL don’t get that basic concept that even BLIZZARD has conceded to after being called out on the ignorance behind Ion’s “Horde is waiting for you” comment, then you’re just being spiteful.

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Lol wrong.