High Elf Customization Thread (Legacy of the Quel'Dorei)

See this is your problem. You are assuming that because people want something that YOU personally don’t want, that their request is “in bad faith”. What you fail to realize is the world does not revolve around you, although clearly you seem to think so based on how you keep wording all of these statements:

You seriously need to take a step back and realize that you aren’t a “we” you are an individual with your own wants who doesn’t represent or speak for “the larger demographic of Blood Elf fans” at all lmao.

The irony in YOU posting this is far too much LMAO

You are one of the main reasons this thread is constantly getting so many replies by trying to be catty or condescending or spark arguments :rofl:

Yet you were throwing a fit when Drede was doing the same about Blood Elf options he didn’t want to see:

Which is double ironic that you’re complaining about someone insulting your mog when you try to insult my character’s hairstyle every change you get LOL even when I’m not in the conversation or thread at all :sob:

But yes, you’re not one of the incendiary posters in these threads at all!

:joy: :joy: :joy:


Women’s arguments are scary :frowning_with_open_mouth:


Isvernia, it does not take a psychic to see that more than half the things you say, especially in regards to Blood elves is done in bad faith. You’re inflammatory, and quick to attack anyone who disagrees with you with personal insults.

I’ve even seen you do it on twitter, you act like a child almost everywhere you go. The only reason you’re even quoting me here is because you know you’re guilty of it.

Go to any of the Blood elf customization threads, not in a single one have Orc and Troll hairstyles listed as requested options, because they’re not common place or frequent. I’ve been around in these threads for a while, and I can say that those options have never been popular requests. I don’t need to speak for any demographic to make an obvious observation.

There’s a difference between having a conversation, and inciting an argument. Our conversations always devolve into arguments because half way through you abandon sense and begin making insults toward my character, I even see you do this in other threads. You’re terribly transparent, and seem to take the Horde/Alliance rivalry too serious.

Your inflammatory attitude is so obvious I read 1 tweet from you and knew who you were before even checking your handle “ry*n” lol

Again, there’s a difference between saying you don’t want something, and attacking someone. Drede wasn’t only saying he didn’t want those options, he’d then attack and insult the people who did. I wanted Blue eyes for my mage blood elf, and he entered a thread attacking my mog, claiming that the only reason I could want them was to anger Helf fans. People wanted gold eyes, and he would taunt and harass them.

I know the difference is lost on someone who is incapable of having their opinion challenged before breaking down into internet troll, but there is a difference. There are more rational people who are able to maintain their composure, and then there are those who lose it and feel like they’re being personally attacked.

Right, because you’re entirely innocent right? It’s not like you mind your business and just post the things you want to see, you outwardly harass and attempt to elicit negative reactions from others, whether it be in these threads or Twitter/X. I have no sympathy for trolls.

I don’t cruise threads insulting people, unless of course they deserve it. You can’t throw dirt, and then claim foul when it’s thrown back at you .:kissing_smiling_eyes:

Sorry, only Blood elf DKs do that.

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Darn, guess the only way to look good as a horde player is to play a female blood elf death knight :sob:

And I’ll just say this again on behalf of all the guys

You’re basically the other side of the same coin here and it would be the best for you two just to step back from posting on the forums and do actually RL-stuff.

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Yeah, not really.

I could care less if someone is alliance or wants different things from me if they’re respectful, something Isvernia is incapable of.

Don’t feed the trolls please…

If someone is going out of their way to make a scene you are helping them by responding.

FYI the forum ignore last for a year now.


What? Fen and I had a civil conversation that ended and Isvernia quoted me throwing a conniption fit. A fit you “liked” by the way. Don’t call yourself out lol

Wow she really got under your skin huh lol

And to be clear, Horde high elves and Alliance high elves just fill different fantasies for me, I like them both for different reasons.

I don’t think they’re a woman, at least from what I saw, not that it should MATTER mister lol :triumph:

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How can I resist not entertaining and mocking such a statement?

A seasoned warrior does not fear the field of war or the choruses of blades. A pampered coward does. Yet even the most brutal of warriors fear the wrath of their mothers or wives

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So uh… verbal wars aside, i have an idea for a transmog for my mage that id like your thoughts on but idk if we can share links :melting_face:


I think you can share armory links regardless of trust level… not sure though.


I picked it on wowhead since i dont have all the pieces yet :sweat_smile:


You should be able to post links from wowhead regardless of trust level. Like these outfits I’ve worn previously in Dragonflight:


Those are both very nice. They’re doing a bit better with robes, but I always enjoy good non-robe cloth mogs


high-elf paladins…but on the night elf
structure/movement template…
NOT the blood elf/void elf structure/movement

Yea I prefer non-robed looks for my male mage most of the time. There’s a few exceptions but I’d kill for Blizzard to add a “hide skirt” option in the transmog UI for robes so I don’t have to go through hell and high water trying to find a shirt/tabard combo that works.


Getting both sides of that in transmog would be fantastic. Being able to use the upper or lower portions of robes separate from each other would add a lot of new combination options, mainly for cloth but for all armor classes. I really like the new waist skirt things they’ve been using, but wish they were part of the belt layer instead of legs. That way we could add a 3d element to older robes. Ideally done in an array of colors and patterns, sort of like the shoulder capes and the scarf/ hood and cape combos. They’ve done like one robe i can think of (in cloth at least) that is both a robe and has the waist skirt piece (the Amirdrassil one). I hope they do more of those and make much more creative use of that skirt layer, like semi transparent or lacey/embroidered looks. Really bugged me they didn’t make the apron part of the spring robe from Noblegarden use that layer instead of being painted on the robe itself.

But I really really want pants that are like actual slacks, with the pant leg breaking on the top of the shoe. It’s maybe a bit modern for warcraft aesthetic, but I think it could work.

My greatest hope for that new waist skirt layer though was that we could finally get armors based on the sorceress and priest units from warcraft 3. It would be soooooooo great to get a kirin tor themed version in a few colorways available to everyone, and then sets themed to blood, void and high elves. Very elf-y silvermoon-y designs with the void elf version getting some extra void touches, like the crystals on their heritage armor. They could be heritage, but i would prefer not. Some of my toons would use those looks and virtually never remove them.


Oh word? Aight, I’ll try posting the link then and hope it works. Hope blizzard doesn’t crucify for this. Your outfits are pretty cool btw


Oh very Blood Mage.

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Yeah, since my headcanon for him is that he decided to work with the alliance after the events the 4th war, but still holds on to his blood elf identity, just not with the horde. So i wanted a very blood elf themed outfit for him