Oh, I guess you can’t read. Because it isn’t exactly the same, although I guess the finer details are lost on someone with poor reading comprehension lol
You think it’s whack af to expect all members of a race to look and dress the same, but its perfectly fine to suggest all members of a faction should look and dress the same.
You are totally allowed to request whatever you want on here and I hope you don’t let bad faith trolls discourage you from sharing your opinions or desires or thoughts!
I will always help y’all in your fight for better hairline hairstyles
Ik. Back before allied races were a thing i saw an argument against high elves that so incredibly stupid that it’s stuck with me to this day, like 7 years later.
It was a female blood elf death knight and she said, i kid you not, “I don’t want high elves because i like playing horde and looking good while doing it.”
Once i saw that i realized that it does not matter what people who say things like that have to say. And no Runeleaf, I’m not saying that you said something similar, just generally speaking
Some folk, me included, like the idea of them taking on cultural aspects of other Horde races… Though nowhere there did I say they wouldn’t get more elvish styles.
Of course not. In the OP I’m representing a group of people and their requests.
Whereas right at this moment I’m talking about my interest in a hairstyle option for blood elves.
Drede basically cruised threads harassing players asking for golden eyes for Blood elves when Lady Liadryn was shown with them, then harassed me and even insulted my mog when I asked for Blue eyes because he wanted the Blood elves to be corrupted.
Both sides often argue from bad-faith, just have to remember that there are people who simply want customizations because they want to fulfill a certain visual fantasy and not just to spite the other camp.
I think the problem is that Blizzard is often times very stingy when it comes to adding new options, just look at the last Blood elf customization wave. We’d end up losing out on awesome elvish hairstyles for hairstyles that looked extremely out of place from their current visual fantasy. Something I imagine would bother most blood elf fans.
Just as I’d imagine giving Void elves non-elvish hairstyles like the gnome’s hairstyles would also be received poorly by Void elf players if they only got 2-3 hairstyles. And I wouldn’t blame them either.
Maybe blizzard will change and add a whole sleuth of new options, to which then I could care less if they added some cool horde ones as a bonus, but I certainly wouldn’t want to give up elvish themed hairstyles for orcish or troll ones if we get another wave like the last one.
I mean, that’s my point. The reason why there’s a reoccuring theme between these people and their requests is because they’re trying to promote a theme appropriate for the race, not because of any lack of imagination or creativity.
Its not a players fault that Blizzard has messed up the Customizations so far.
I don’t know. Some of those hairstyles would be great imo.
Either way. Still a Blizzard problem not a player problem. Push Blizzard with in game suggestions and on twitter and here to give MORE options per pull.
No one said you had to.
You kinda made that assumption on your own, and while I get it since Blizzard has messed up this whole customization affair across the board, it really feels you’re putting that blame on players when its not their faults.
Most of the time they’re just requesting what they want to see which is, in this case, High Elves on the Alliance. Its not wrong for them to promote what they want to see, especially when its been partially provided to them already.
But its also not wrong for people to be interested in things other than that either nor for people to be concerned for their poor implementation and want a stronger focus on things more endemic to the various races and groups involved. So long as we’re putting that effort towards a productive format, which in this case is pushing Blizzard to do better than they have been.
All of the customization woes of this game are because Blizzard won’t put the proper amount of time and emphasis on character customization without making people jump through hoops or wait years for 4 haircolors.
I’ve noticed that a lot of people who are against such ideas have a similar worry. They speak as if it’ll mean that blizzard will get rid of what already exists, as if two things can’t coexist
Who’s blaming the players? It’s just being realistic. We know Blizzard’s track record, so of course we’ll take that into consideration, because expecting the most has always resulted in let downs. Not sure why you’d be surprised.
Let’s not play dumb, you know damn well if customizations came out for Void elves and they were the wonky gnome hairs people would flip.
Again, it’s being realistic.
Which is why I literally brought up the scenario that if they weren’t stingy, then it wouldn’t matter and no one would bat an eye if a giant wave came out and some just so happen to be horde themed. But if it were like last time, and we got barely anything, and out of those 2-3 hairs some were orc hairs it would be extremely disappointing to get over actual elvish hairstsyles.
No one is saying it’s wrong, in fact I agree, and it’s the same reason why I also want Elvish hairstyles for an elvish race. The point is that no one is bringing up non-elvish hairstyles as requests because it’s not really in line with the fantasy the race brings, maybe after they’re already established and are given some nice elvish hairstyles first, which is what we want for the Blood elves who’ve been using the same bulk of hairstyles for ages.
If you can say why you would like Orc, or Troll hairstyles, I should be able to say why I don’t want them. It’s not about being wrong or right. Even if those reasons are based on Blizzard’s history. You cannot say “let me say my piece” but then tell me that I’m not allowed to say mine.
No one is right or wrong.
Exactly, and nothing has really given us the impression that’s gonna change, and most of us have starving for some actual customizations, especially after that horrible excuse of a customization wave in BFA. Which is why I’d much rather see what little we most likely will get, focused on something in line with the Blood elf visuals.
No one is saying they’re going to get rid of what already exists, it’s that, like Fenelon said, Blizzard doesn’t put proper time or emphasis on character customization, so I’d much rather see what little we’re likely to get focused on something that will please the players who actual fans of the blood elves, and want to see their themes expanded on before pulling in abstract themes from other races.
I’m just commenting on how some people act because what he said reminded me of that. It’s more about the thing i said earlier that that female blood elf death knight said
Oh, I see, I thought it was implying that I had said they were going to remove options, which is crazy. And that belf dk is crazy for even suggesting it.
Sure seems, sounds and looks like you’re blaming players and their requests.
Direct your issue at Blizzard. Tell them that you don’t want them to continue the “realistic” amount of customizations.
All you did at me was jump down my throat because I suggested I’d like Horde cultural hairstyles for blood elves while also assuming I didn’t want them to get elven styles.
Sure, I’d be willing to bet many would.
Though only really for males.
Basically you’ll be upset regardless of what blizzard gives you unless they do it right is what I’m getting.
So going with the “realistic” expectation seems odd to me?
Ask blizzard to do more than one thing each time. Quite literally that’s what everyone who wants more customizations should be pushing right now, rather than bicker about whats “worthy”.
I brought them up… So clearly some of us are interested.
It’s also been requested by a fair group of people in the Blood Elf customization thread several times…
Which honestly I don’t get why you’re not in there pushing blood elf options. Regardless of being here or anything I often find it odd how few blood elves who care about the high elf blood debate ever suggest things in the belf threads or help to keep them going.
(though I’m pretty sure you’ve posted there before)
Oh no not at all. I’m more annoyed at you for assuming I’m somehow taking something from blood elves by having a passive interest in them getting Horde cultural hairstyles and that I don’t want elvish ones.
Bfas is the least issue. What we got for anyone in DF is a damn pile of poop and Blizzard should be getting strung up over it.
Bothering other players over what you expect from Blizzard though looks an awful lot like putting the blame for that expectation on players rather than Blizzard.
The art team has been doing a phenomenal job, and only getting better with each passing xpac. Quite a lot of improvement from the days of painted on armors. But customization is absolutely one area where they are dropping the ball. From easy things like modifying hairstyles for use on other races to adding new hair colors, to more intensive features like being able to be a lefty or maybe a height “slider” with just small medium and tall options to jewelry for every race to being able to change makeup separate from faces, there’s a LOT they both could and should do for customization. They do seem more responsive to player request of late, so maybe they will start to prioritize this stuff more down the line…I hope
I disagreed with the addition of Troll and Orc options on Blood elves because I don’t think it fits. That’s the whole point of customization threads, for people to give their opinions, not to be an echo chamber only hearing the people who agree with you.
Telling someone you should be able to say your opinion, but others cannot say theirs is certainly not the right way to go about it.
This isn’t a “direct your issues at blizzard” sort of conversation, you can be realistic about how Blizzard handles customizations and not want what little options we might get to be squandered on abstract options that likely would not appeal to the majority audience of people playing elves because they… well like elves.
I take into consideration the method of which Blizzard handles customizations when making requests, as we all should.
Pretty sure people would be angry at many of the female ones as well. We want elvish hairstyles that promote the fantasy, not abstract hairstyles that require us to suspend the elvish fantasy.
I don’t think it’s odd at all to not expect Blizzard to do the most even if we ask for it, so yes I think the most realistic option is to ask for customizations that appeal to the larger audience, and not abstract ones that don’t really do the elvish fantasy justice. It’s not saying you cant ask for those, but I’m going to voice my opinion on why I wouldn’t like those options, especially not now.
I’d say some of the people here promoting them aren’t doing so in good-faith, and I’m sure you’re aware of who by their track record in the forums.
But I’m also not trying to say that no one would want those options, just simply that they certainly wouldn’t represent the larger demographic of Blood elf fans. People have lots of abstract ideas that may be fun options for the Blood elves, but in my personal opinion I wouldn’t want those added until we had more proper options that expanded on their fantasy.
Because I am a fan of high elves, and I don’t think if they get added that they’re going to be an Alliance-only race, especially with how Blizzard is handling neutral races moving forward. Even if they were I would still love to see them added in any capacity, but realistically I don’t think that’ll happen. I believe in the future if they are added, they’ll either be neutral, or added to both Blood elves and Void elves in the future.
I think often times Void elf and High elf threads are often perpetuated because they’re, intentionally or not, filled with inflammatory posters looking to get a reaction out of the other side, and nothing keeps a thread going like debates or arguing. Even in this thread, more times than not when I see conversation going it’s either two people arguing or debating.
I’m not assuming you’re taking anything, I’m simply pointing out the reason why I don’t like that request, that if we are realistic about how Blizzard does customization waves, it would be extremely disappointing for one of the few crucial slots to be taken up by something a vocal minority expressed.
Just like Void elf players would likely be very upset if a vocal minority asked for gnome hairstyles, and in a customization wave of 1-3 hairs, 2 of them were gnome hairs the majority didn’t ask for. It’s important to not create an echo chamber where everyone is just agreeing with each other, especially when some people’s motives aren’t in good faith at all.
Bothering? We certainly shouldn’t define me not agreeing with options for any reason as a form of bothering, especially when all I did was list the reasons why I wouldn’t want them. We can not agree on something and still have a civil conversation without turning it into whos wrong conversation.
I’ve honestly never seen anyone suggest orc or troll options for Blood elves, so I was genuinely surprised to see that even suggested.
Some women have children, people start new jobs, find new friends, have fun in their lives but here still rages a discussion about some hairstyles and how everything should be gatekeeped.
Technically if I have Runeleafs responses correct, they’re not gatekeeping but rather intending to show their dislike of the concept of “non-Elven” hairstyles being added to Blood Elves on the basis that Blizzard has done a piss poor job at actually adding meaningful customizations in larger batches.
Correct. I’m not against Alliance High elves, I just don’t think its a reasonable expectation; but If they did come out I would be overjoyed and play them myself. I’m not against Void elves getting Blood elf customizations, I think that if they did there would be virtually no difference between the two races and they should just be combined for both players instead of forcing the void theme on people who might want to play a regular High elf.
I think often times when someone expresses an idea that goes against their specific wishes, they immediately resort to these undermine tactics because it’s easier to argue someone’s motives than the logic of their stance.