Can we finally get playable the high elves?

Funny, didn’t they remove all the High elf NPCs from the rift and replace them exclusively with Blood elves? Hm.

But I digress, I’d say you’re a High elf in the same way they said Alleria is a High elf, but unlike Blood elves the implication of the Void is built into your character. So say what you will, but it shows through your character from their hair, their blood, their voice to even your racial. No one is saying you aren’t a High elf, so you are using the customizations, but you’re also a Void elf.

Nothing about a Forest’s troll’s or a Bronzebeard Dwarf’s race that would have any implications on either of those subraces. They are not changed by any fundamental force, there’s no implications built into any of them.

You can’t even walk into a church without getting side-eyed, and that is an RP function designed specifically to remind you that you’re a void abberation.

An easter egg isn’t using their own characters, they used existing characters with canon in the game as new characters with the Void elves. Devs never said they aren’t canon, they were even specifically requested by players to join the Void elves in fact.

Void elves have their own base, and the conflict is clearly being stoked. I doubt see them adding dialogue like that, only to contradict and back down on it. Have fun with your void rock bud. lol

It’s not Lyria, or Ennas, it’s the narrative they, and the rest of the Void elves are being written in. Even Alleria’s questline in the patch centered around Locus-Walker telling her that she needed to embrace who she truly was and let go of her past, hence why she gets rid of her old “High elf” armor and is seen fully embracing the Void and her unique nature.

After what happened at the Sunwell, Quel’thalas’ population is clearly distrusting of Void elves considering they all ran for cover and locked their doors. The short story kept saying “this is not my home” again, and again. It’s funny that you’re essentially covering your eyes at everything pointing in the opposite direction but cling desperately to Umbric’s one line. lol

I mean, I don’t think I want your receding hairline hairdos, or your oily dirty-looking hair. You look like a drowned rat. I’ll happily use my High elf hairstyles though :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I am… a helf fan? lmao I’ve gotten all I’ve ever wanted, and now I get my race’s home city updated with High elves and Blood elves! What did you get besides a bunch of reject Blood elves on a floating rock. lol

I’ve never been against High elves, in fact I’ve only ever wanted my horde High elf. But I can say that it’s certainly amusing and satisfying seeing you guys have to settle with the voidy elves, while we get the High elves you’ve always pandered for. :stuck_out_tongue: