High Elf Customization Thread (Legacy of the Quel'Dorei)

You’re the one trying to headcanon that he’s somewhere we can visibly see he is not.

So what you’re saying is that when the Sunfury drop a mana bomb on a settlement it’s worth a schism, but when the Blood Elves of Quel’Thalas drop a mana bomb on a settlement, it’s kosher? Or at least, you’re positing that’s how Shadecloak should feel about it? Just trying to clarify here where the line is drawn.

I’m not embarassed at all. I asked for a source, and received one. Thank you.

The burden of claiming that one scenario out of originally 10 (now more like 20+) remains yours.

Actually… does anyone know what happens when a Void Elf brings Quel’Delar to the Sunwell? Has that been tested? Now I’m curious…

So, we don’t know which is canon, but you’ll just state one is without a source?

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I mean you’re assuming that just because he’s not standing at the Well’s edge when its obviously cleared out for their visit that he couldn’t possible be anywhere in the giant palace housing the Sunwell.

The headcanon is all yours my friend.

I mean we already know it wasn’t the “Blood elves” who dropped anything, that it was one Elf that got pressured into opening a portal. No one supported the use of the bomb, and the method it was used would be revealed to everyone as well.

The returning High elves would likely be as offended by it happening as any Blood elf, but we didn’t see Blood elves leaving Quel’thalas over it.

And secondly this is before that bombing even happened, so why that would play into their decision to return home after TBC?

It doesn’t even matter if the event canonically happened, we know what Auric’s mindset and beliefs are, as that was the whole point of the writing and narrative of that story. The scene plays out canonically depending on who returns the sword, so yes his words and reaction are canon. Your desperation to try to prove this event wrong kinda points out how threatened you are by it.

Man, the point has swooped right over your head tragically.


blood elves are such an epic race. why couldnt blizz have made an epic race for the alliance? sure the draenei were great even if their legs were broke in two places, their toes melded into a hoof and tentacles (its our lot in life. alliance=tentacles.). i love the sincerity and hospitality of draenei, but dang, cant we have at least one new race who doesnt have tentacles, broken legs, hoofs, horns, mechanical parts, stone, scales or fur? no? oh. okay. then. :unamused:

I don’t think it had anything to do with their loyalty, they were honorbound to help. These Elves were not even present when the edicts came out so what choices they would make would come down to each individual. But considering that the mass majority of High elves did return home ( I think 99%?) then it’s safe to say there were obviously some who would have sided with their homeland. To be clear im not saying they wouldn’t have returned to the Alliance either, merely that either outcome is likely.

This is probably why there’s so many neutral High elf pilgrims wandering Shatt, and why the first Horde High elf is seen wearing the Scyer armor at the Sunwell Plateau area. Astromancer Darnarian I believe. I imagine many of their kind were eager to return home to their old lives when the portals reopened.

Yeah, there’s no real way to know I suppose since what name an elf goes by doesn’t seem to hold the same weight in-game than it does to the player.

But I’m pretty sure her exile is mentioned before the purge when a scout is sent to ask Halduron why Vareesa is on their lands, but at this point the Silver Covenant was already made so I could see Lor’themar being pissed about a member of his own people creating an organization to appose them.

I mean isn’t that the humans? At the point Blood elves were introduced the Horde had no real “pretty” race, and they were probably added to combat the faction-imbalance. The fact that Warcraft ended with them pretty much getting genocide probably just offered the perfect plot-point to give them over to the Horde.

you want me to believe humans are epic on the scale of blood elves? get on outta here with that nonsense. blood elves are so epic, they’ve been duplicated several times. surely they could make a new race that is even more epic than blood efls, so much in fact, blood elfs would play them. they could even be neutral so both factions could play them. its like the devs are being greedy with beauty

I mean it’s subjective right? I think human is still the most popular race in the game, and my point was that when the Blood elves were added humans and night elves were already pretty races on the Alliance. I think Blizzard wanted to add a race that could balance that so that you weren’t forced to play some beast race.

I understand, I simply cannot bring myself to play any of the beast or tainted races, not even the warlock class. I have a couple of Void elves but the voice, and the Entropic embrace turn me off too much, I just end up feeling like the evil elf race when im standing next to a Blood elf Paladin or Priest.

Unfortunately I doubt we’ll ever get a vanity race like Blood elves ever again with how characters are made now a days to appease virtue-cryers.

If you don’t mind the very tiny loss in dps, you can macro
/cancelaura Entropic Embrace
into frequently used abilities and never see Entropic Embrace again.

There’s also a setting in the sound settings to remove voice reverb (this affects DK’s too though).


humans havent been the most popular race since vanilla. and giving an epic class, demon hunter, exclusively to the most popular race on the horde, blood elfs, cemented it. like 24 percent of belfs are demon hunters and that increased their popularity even more. at one point, belfs made up like fifty percent of the entire game, all by themselves.

I might look into it, but I think it’s already engrained in me at this point, and every time I pass a Paladin or holy priest i find I end up just logging and getting back on my Horde Priest.

I mean that’s not true, I know I’ve checked the populations and humans were still at the top. I know this graph is from 2019 at least and it shows US_EU populations.


But alas, I am off to my fencing class before rush hour traffic. If you respond I will try to get back to you when I return home <3

nope still blood elf. male belfs beat human males by .2 percent and female blood elfs beat human females by 2.2 percent

and void elves are so small comparatively, i’m surprised blood elfs are worried about them at all. like somewhere out there, 1.4 percent of the populace looks like me. egads. mon dieu. good heavens to mergatroid

Well I meant on the Alliance side, but yeah elves will probably always be on the top.

And can I say you’re probably my favorite helfer cause even though we may disagree on stuff you’re always funny and nice :heart:


Yeah, I don’t see her becoming a Void Elf, at least not willingly.

She could become a big player in Midnight as a good go-between.

Remember the fan theory that the Sunreavers would become the Void Elves? Crazy times. But he’s going to need something since Dalaran was his whole life/motivation.

For High Elves/Void Elves I see the fall of Dalaran being a rallying cry, causing many of the groups to join up into either one group or a coalition of some kind. This will allow them to be the full Alliance counterpart to Blood Elves in Midnight and make the area more relevant to Alliance players.

They already seem to be juicing up the Alliance High Elf content.

Silver Covenant NPCs are the Northrend Cup NPCs, we go back to Dalaran for the pre-patch, a Lothar has been found with a bunch of Half Elves leading to potential Half Elf customization, High Elf themed recolors have been Datamined, Alleria is going to be a main main character for High Elves/Void Elves to rally behind.

Lots of potential.

Elves literally hate each other over every little thing and it appears the same for the fans.

I wonder if the shark escapes Dalarans destruction and appears in Midnight as a World Boss.


I bet I ask myself in all of this craziness with the destruction of dalaran. Where is Vereesa Windrunner during the War Within?

Most likely scenarios I can think of for Vereesa is that she will either A. simply for some reason not be present for this event or evacuates in some form or B. since Alleria doesn’t speak of her after the fall, she dies beforehand in a way that is for the moment sufficiently concluded which is why she doesn’t feel the need reference her in the immediate aftermath but will speak of it more later

I’m guessing the Silver Covenant and Sunreavers are being used as ground troops during the attack.

Which is why we see so many of them in the aftermath.

With so much Half Elf stuff going down I’m guessing Vereesa’s Twins and Alleria’s Son are going to be playing roles midway through the Xpac.


Lmao we trolling in wow forums now? Won’t read ur next response, but I’m happy I know what I’m talking about at least :+1: and if ur serious idk where u get ur lore info from, because everything I said is from as much information as is written anywhere

It’s really strange to destroy Dalaran and do this just before.


Could be setting up something, for what IDK.

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If there is no high elf allied race in Midnight, I hope the Void Elves receive the Arathi high elf customizations (hairstyles and golden eyes…). :pray:
