High Elf Customization Thread (Legacy of the Quel'Dorei)

Please no.
The last thing void elves need is holy light customisation…

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These are just Arathi customizations like the high elf customizations (blue eyes, hair/skin colors) that void elves already have…

There are also round ears which are not available to players in the beta.

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The normal skin tones and hair colours work perfectly well on a void elf. Its just a different level of void corruption like with alleria.
Half elf ears would also work perfectly well with void elves as you can just be a half elf void elf.

But with golden eyes… thats the antithesis of what the race is about.
There needs to be a line. And going holy is crossing it imo.


These will only be RP customizations for players.


They have no business being anywhere near a void elf and i hope to god that it never happens.
The day void elves get light customisation is the day the race is dead to me.

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In the beta, we can see that Alleria is close to these people.

It would be interesting if the next 2 playable races added were Harronir and Arathi. The harronir being a mix of night elf and troll features for the horde, and the Arathi as amix of human and high elf for the alliance. Even more interesting if arathi customizations allowed choosing any of the human and elf body types :thinking:


It would be better if arathi were added as customizations to VE/BE, humans and KT.


Perhaps. I do feel like they seem to have enough substance to them to stand on their own as a playable race, but I would be fine with however they might end up implemented. And if they had all the customization options available to all those base models, plus half elf ears? They would have a TON of choices.

I could see that being part of why they’d just get rolled into other race options tho

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and its THEN the devs roll out tons of customizations for velfs that are so cool, people wont know which to pick lol


An overload of cool options would be a wonderful problem to have :slightly_smiling_face:


I’d kill for too much choice…


I iterated this in the Void elf thread, but the new Alleria short-story basically confirms that living and fighting among the Blood elves does not require one to become, or convert into a Blood elf. Not only did the story confirm that Arator lives in Silvermoon (A half High elf, half human) but he’s most likely part of the Blood knight order as well, and he still not a Sin’dorei, which tells us that High elves would be welcomed home, and among the Blood elven ranks without ever needing to take on the title as a Sin’dorei.



This is unexpected, The population of horde/alliance elves who live together. :raised_hands:

Blizzard is preparing Silvermoon neutrality lore for Midnight. :thinking:


Again, this has always been the case. Lor’themar has already said that all children of Quel’thalas are welcome home. He’s allowed them access to the Sunwell, and he allows them to repatriate and rejoin their people.

It also puts a nail in the coffin for all the people still trying to stoke the conflict between Blood elves and High elves. That ship has sailed :sailboat:

It’s doubtful they will turn the blood elf capital neutral, but at this point anything is possible.

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It is quite possible that the exile of the high elves and void elves will end at Midnight.
The Thalassian people will need to be united to defend Quel’Thalas together.

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If we do indeed see a full reunification of disparate Elf tribes - namely the High, Blood, and Void Elves - I would love to see both Void and Blood Elves receive all of one another’s customizations, as well as some unique things for both.

I don’t hate the idea of Silvermoon becoming neutral, either, but preferably we would just be gifted with a plethora of shared and new customization options for all ‘small elf’ enjoyers!

It would be especially nice if Blizzard would try to implement even a tenth of some of the amazing ideas and options players have provided over the years (all neatly compiled in Fenelon’s various threads).


Now that void elves with high elf/blood elf/dark ranger customizations are officially canon, they also need new high elf/blood elf hairstyles !


I don’t get the High elf obsession. I never will. HOWEVER, Blizzard, these High Elf lovers have been fighting for this for over a DECADE. Idk if I’ve ever seen a sub - community in this game fight so hard for something.

Just give it to them. Even if its just belfs without the eyes.


My dude, please…… that word choice. The image in my head.

By Elune.

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